Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Its my one year CICO-versary :D

(insert obligatory mobile formatting apology here)

On May 1st, 2018, I decided to officially take control of my life after being overweight-obese, most of my life, and after reading this and other weightloss/ health subs, I made my first food diary entry (MFP, but have since moved to other apps that suit me better)

I was a hefty 67kg/147lbs, 4”11’, very sick and tired and sedentary 18-year-old, with a few sensory/digestive and mental health issues, with obesity related problems not far from my future. My relationship with food seemed to be all or nothing- if left to my own devices I would cycle through times of binge & restrict.

I decided to track my food intake, started to eat cleaner, eliminating foods that caused me issues and finding a plethora of ones that didn’t. I stopped forcing myself to eat in the morning, stopped snacking later in the day, so I was fasting 16, then 18, then 20+ hours. I started walking in the morning first for about 30min a day, but slowly increased that to almost 2 hours.

It honestly didnt completely start out soley as a weight loss thing for me, but rather a complete health upheaval, which I think was paramount in my success.

Today, May 1st 2019, I have since lost 24kg/52lbs, and have been maintaining for a couple of months!!! I walk over 10k steps every day, have probably seen more sun in the past 6 months than I have for the past 6 years, and I sleep so much better now. I have also gone vegetarian and 75% plant based, cooking and prepping proper meals every day- eating the food I have come to truly love and also doesn’t make me feel sick! I still treat myself often of course (kind of have to now in order to hit my maintainance calories), but now I know how to not go overboard, how to keep my body and mind happy, how to not think of food as punishment or reward, but rather as fuel.

I’ve learned so much about myself. I’ve discovered that while I despise maths, I love data and calculations (as long as I don’t have to do it myself- I adore spreadsheets), which I think will be very helpful in the coming years of maintenance. I used to think I was nocturnal, but now I love the early morning!! I guess waking up and getting out of bed and being productive isnt a chore when you dont feel so heavy and bloated and sluggish constantly?

Tracking food isn’t a hinderance like I thought it would be, it's almost a hobby now, one that improved my mental health and wellbeing!!

I still have a lot of things to work on, mentally I know I still struggle with anxiety and depression- no amount of weight loss or vegetables will fix that completely- but I am ready to try and get better. I do mourn the youth I feel I missed out on sometimes, being so shut in and insecure and unhealthy, but I’m trying to focus on the future now instead.

I’m rambling- anyway, Thank you r/loseit, I’ve learned so much from all of you!! I honestly couldn’t have done it without all your guidance :D

submitted by /u/femmesme
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2IX1iLl

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