Monday, April 29, 2019

Dealing with a weight plateau, give feedback on diet/exercise/metabolism.


This might be big enough for its own thread but I'll try here first.

Around Christmas I started losing weight. I was 230lbs and my goal was, and still is, 170lbs.

I did this solely for health reasons. I want to be healthy, and everything positive that brings with it. Lighter, more energetic, less likely to get serious diseases etc. A taking care of my body kinda deal. I decided to do this by changing my eating habits completely. Not a temporary diet, but something I'm comfortable with long term. This is in practice a low carb diet because I stay away from refined/added sugar completely, and I get my fats and proteins from eggs, chicken, tofu, fish, cottage cheese, brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat and black-eyed peas. I also eat fruits, nuts and a lot of vegetables.

I've stuck to roughly 1700-2000kcal a day, and my weight has steadily declined by 6lbs a month. I am now 202-203lbs.

The "problem" here is that I was 198lbs two weeks ago. And while that's happened before, that the weight loss has stopped completely for 2 weeks then continued again, I'm a little stressed now since it's still increasing for no reason. I ear very varied throughout the day but I mostly stick to the same daily diet.

The solution I've decided to go for is to start working out, jogging/walking 5km twice a day to burn calories and increase my metabolism. I stay within 72.5%-82.5% of my max heart rate when I jog, and around 50% when I walk. This should burn roughly 900 kcal (I'm low-balling it since most estimations are too high - they usually say 1300). I'm also eating 500kcal more every day for a week - again to boost my metabolism.

I started this on Saturday, and I will do it including the coming Friday. From then on I will cut the extra meal for 500kcal and continue the workouts. Until this, god forbid, happens again. Then I'll again eat 500kcal extra a day for a week, and do longer low intensity runs/walks.

I've gained some feedback saying the extra meal is unnecessary as eating more won't help increase metabolism. But a PT (not mine, I'm not - yet - exercising on that level) said that "cheat meals" once a week is good because when you give your body less calories than it needs, IE what you have to do to lose fat, it gets acclimated to the lower intake so it reduces the calories spent to fuel your body with energy throughout every day. So when you give it more calories one day a week, it tricks the body to think that it's getting the calories it needs so it won't slow down your metabolism. And since it's been 4 months of lower calories for me, he suggested doing a whole week.

Any feedback regarding my diet, exercise, extra meal, dealing with a weight plateau etc. will be extremely appreciated.

submitted by /u/UMFthrowaway123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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