Tuesday, April 30, 2019

My fiancé and I are getting married in August 2019, and this has been the tipping point of motivation to lose weight and pursue a healthier lifestyle.

I am currently a 28 y/o female, 5’8”, 225lbs. I was a typical college athlete that fell off the wagon when training and competing ended, and have especially struggled recently while balancing work, graduate school and raising a child. I’ve also struggled with anxiety and depression for the majority of my life. I want to flip my lifestyle on its head and make real changes. I am about to graduate, begin a new 9-5 position in a field I love, and will be getting married next August.

My main questions are:

  1. At my current size, what is a reasonable weight loss goal within 1 year? I don’t want to set myself up for failure.

  2. Where do I start in terms of eating? I’ve read about basic CICO, Keto, etc. I don’t want to start any kind of fad-like thing, just something that works and is reasonable.

  3. How much cardio is necessary? I HATE running. My hips suck. But am open to anything else. How much should I be doing if I am lifting?

  4. Any solid lifting routines to get back into the grind? I LOVE to lift, and have always been pretty strong. I just haven’t done it in years and don’t want to start with what I used to do for my sport - I might break myself.

  5. What technology is helpful? I’ve got an iPhone and unopened Fitbit that’s been sitting in a drawer for 2 years.

Any advice is appreciated. I’m really serious about this and want to plan my journey and document along the way.

Thank you all!

submitted by /u/CitsuocAirwaveS
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/bj5182/my_fiancé_and_i_are_getting_married_in_august/

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