Monday, April 29, 2019

Friend gave me the finger when she found out I lost more weight

Hello long time lurker, sorry for the format I'm on mobile, and also sorry for my grammar.

So this happened a few weeks ago but I just cant seem to get over it. I have a friend (24f) who i (24f) started a weight loss journey with. We started hitting the gym last years, but a few months ago she stopped going. I haven't, but everytime I mentioned I was going to the gym she would expect me to not go because she didnt go. She never said it out loud but she would give me crazy attitude anytime I went by myself. Last month she sent a meme to our mutual group chat, the meme was about sabotaging your friends diet. Ever since then I have been noticing how she would always offer me the foods that I cant eat and when i say no shes keep asking if I'm sure. Before i saw the meme i fell for it everytime thinking she was just being nice, but once i saw it and started saying no she would again catch an attitude with me. Everytime someone points out how great I look, instead of being happy for me she starts talking bad about herself and derails the conversation which makes me really uncomfortable. I've evan had mutual friends point it out. But a few weeks ago she went to far, I was with her and her boyfriend when she grabs the waist of my tights. She mentions that there looking loose so I say "yah I've lost more weight" as soon as I said that she gives me a big frown and the finger and says fuck you in what I felt was a serious tone. When she saw the look on my face she tried to play it off as a joke but I could literally feel the resentment roll off her. I played it off cause I didnt know what to say or how to act in the moment but it's been bugging me for weeks. I love her shes my bestfriend but I cant deal with the jelousy. I cut off a mutual friend of our a few months back because she kept making jabs at my weight loss and was over all toxic. She knows how our old friends words affected and hurt me so why is she pulling the same shit now. I dont want to cut her off or distance myself cause shes my bestfriend but what she said hurt me. How do I talk to her about this.

submitted by /u/wannabegoldenboy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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