Thursday, April 25, 2019

My weight loss pictures (before and after)

Hey guys, I decided to post my before and after because I am really happy with myself. I have been fat from the age of 9. Obese at the age of 14. I have tried to lose weight so many times and failed all the time.

I failed before because I would listen to the advice of people who (1; have never been obese and never lost weight. 2; lost 3kg and thought they were experts. 3; 95% of the BS websites that try to make you follow a certain diet, or the wrong way to lose weight).

330lbs->220lbs (6'1ft) 6months.

My own advice (follow it or don't):-

  1. STOP listening to people who tell you "You should try to just eat vegetables and fruits with a bit of chicken". Literally eat WHATEVER you want as long as its not complete junkfood and that you are STILL below your calorie expenditure. Try to maximize protein though, as you will gain a little lean muscle.
  2. Understand that your Body Weight DOES NOT MATTER and will probably disappoint you. Try to find a scale that gives you other important information such as fat %, learn muscle %, water %. The first month of my weight loss I only lost 2lbs. I was really disappointed when I looked at that number as I ate healthy and worked out good. But I also noticed that I gained water weight, I also gained lean muscle, and lost 12lbs of pure fat. and 4 inches of my waist. My friend at that time lost 15lbs, but he lost 1lb fat, lost a BUNCH of water and didn't really gain any muscle. Guess who gained all their weight back and more?
  3. Forget cheat days... why do you even need cheat days? You are pretty much going to eat what you like, just that you are going on a good calorie deficit. From my experience, one cheat day continues to the next...and the next..and the next.. You are not starving yourself. Your calorie deficit should be somewhere between 500-1000 if you are obese. You have plenty of calories to eat.
  4. I had a hard time sleeping when I am hungry. I really couldn't sleep, so I decided that I would eat a lot for dinner (1.5hours before bedtime). I don't really like breakfast. My morning fuel comes from previous days food-intake. My calorie intake throughout the day looked like this (Breakfast-150 calories. Lunch- 800 calories. Dinner - 1100 calories. Inbetween snacks- 350 calories). I was burning 1000-1200 calories a day that way. You don't need to do this... This worked for me, your body might be different, you could do the opposite if it works for you. As long as you are in deficit.
  5. Exercise matters...kind of. Look this topic is a bit controversial, but you DON'T need to exercise to lost weight. Food control is way more important than exercising to lose weight................BUT, you should exercise. Most importantly for your health. The other reason is that you gain a little bit of muscle that way, and you burn off more calories overtime and burn more fat. The people who end up losing weight without exercising can look really sick and end up with a skinny-fat body. It doesn't look good at all. Please exercise. Do some cardio at the start, and start doing other activities that require your whole body to work.
  6. Take your time. Even if you won't have your beach body ready in 3 months you will always have the summer after. Don't expect results in the first 2 months. It wasn't until after 2 months that my body started looking a little bit better and people started noticing.. yep..

Oh and by the way. I have really bad thyroid issues. So if you do, don't let that stop you. Just find a good doctor to monitor you.

submitted by /u/Rammsz91
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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