Monday, April 29, 2019

Hoping other peoples' past is your future

I started a new job in October of last year, and I was the first of three new employees hired at my workplace. We're all women, and when we were hired, we were all obese.

I was the smallest of the three (both in terms of height and weight), but nonetheless: we were all obese. I'm really really proud to say that now I'm 37lbs down, merely overweight instead of obese, and halfway through my weight loss. It's really starting to show, and I've had coworkers bring it up to me, including a more senior coworker who lost a significant amount of weight last summer.

I'm now Facebook friends with my coworkers, and, as people are wont to do, I sometimes snoop around social media profiles out of curiosity. To my surprise, I found out that one of my fellow new-hires hasn't always been obese. In fact, as recently as six or seven years ago, she was what I would call thin.

It's strange how much of a mindfuck it is to see someone who you've only known as obese be thin.

I've never been thin in my memory, only ever been overweight, and later obese. I don't know my coworker's experience, nor do I know if she's happy at her weight or thinking about losing it, but it's been a revelation for me to realize that I'm creating that mindfuck moment for myself in real time, except instead of that thinner self existing in the past as a photo, I'm working towards seeing my thinner self everyday, in the flesh.

Do you all take inspiration from coworkers or other people in your life? Do you see dramatic changes, either in growing or shrinking, in the people around you and apply it to yourselves?

submitted by /u/thrownawayforsureee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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