Sunday, April 28, 2019

Self Improvement Experiment

Hi /r/loseit . I am posting here to ask your help.

Firstly I apologise if this breaks any sub rules - I tried not to

I am a scientist planning on undertaking an experiment as a bit of a pet project (read: for my own amusement). I am starting a bit of a self improvement project. I will take a hundred days to improve myself as much as I can in the following areas - weight loss, improved fitness, discipine, stress management and overall happiness. The catch is that I am only going to be using techniques and methods that the majority of the population and the average person can do as well (so no purchasing fancy fitness equipment or undertaking expensive therapy etc).

On to why I need your help. As most of youwill know an experiment based on one participant is basically meaningless so I am trying to get a few people to help out by taking 100 days to improve themselves in one or more of those same areas. I would like anyone willing to give it a go to try and improve on their selected areas by whatever means they wish be it meditation for stress management or intermittent fasting for weight loss etc as I would like to compare different methods for addressing the different areas.

All data collected over the 100 days will be compiled and made public here (or perhaps update the data in a freely accessible place weekly)

So if you want to give it a go just leave a comment here and I will answer any questions that you might have!

submitted by /u/100DayProject
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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