Monday, April 29, 2019

How to be a good weightloss supporter to my GF?

Not really a weight loss question for me but i wanted some perspective from you guys who seem to be experts on the subject.

So, my girlfriend has decided that shes ready to make a change and get healthy. A change i am so proud of her for making.

She's a bigger girl (19 y/o, 5'4 and about 330), so she knows she has a long road ahead and I know i need to be a strong and empowering supporter for her to truly shine and i really wanna be that for her.

My only hesitation is that im fortunate enough to say that i've never had issues with overeating or with my weight so i dont REALLY know what kind of mental or physical struggles she's going through.

With that said, im admittedly coming from a place of ignorance and just want some advice on how i should be with her while she goes through this journey.

Just from reading a few forums about this; it seems like a lot of overweight and obese people dont like being constantly cheered on because it feels kind of demeaning (which i totally get) but i also dont wanna not acknowledge my girlfriends accomplishments and positive strides either, ya know?

I also have to plead guilty on somewhat aiding in her unhealthy habits. We've been together for about a year and I admit, iv been known to overindulge her with food (i know thats not right of me but i just enjoy making her happy). That obviously has to stop but should it be altogether. Like, lets say, she loses 10 pounds, im assuming i shouldnt reward with food right?

Bottomline, i just wanna do my part in helping my GF make this journey as good of an experience as i can. any advice?

submitted by /u/AnthonyPhila98
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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