Sunday, April 7, 2019

Another fresh start after about a million others.

Hello! I'm an 18 year old male who has been struggling with weight issues and obesity for basically all my life. I was pretty hefty when i was born and kept piling on the pounds as i grew older.

But when I was 15, something in me snapped. I had enough. I did'nt want to be known as the fat kid anymore. The class clown whose weight served as the brunt of many, many jokes. I started starving myself. I would literally only eat a single bowl of oats and a banana each day.

It worked, and i lost nearly 70 pounds in three months. It felt FUCKING AMAZING. From being morbidly obese to nearly underweight. The comments and compliments i got, being able to fit into pretty much anything i wanted to and the new wave of self confidence, I loved it.

Eventually i gained a few pounds due to a major exam that was coming up, but nbd, i managed to work it off a few months afterwards. The shit really hit the fan when i went to a new school however. It was extremely stressful, and to put it simply, I felt like shit most of the time.

All hell broke lose. I turned to food for comfort again and relapsed almost completely. I had sworn off sweetened drinks for two years at that point, but you guessed it, i started guzzling them again like theres no tommorow. I gained 20 pounds back.

Long story short, here i am now, feeling really drained. For the past year or so , I've made tons of promises to my friends and family. "I'll start the diet tommorow!", but as they say, Tommorow never comes. I honestly feel really ashamed, they must think i'm full of shit by now.

Well, today is hopefully the mystical 'Tommorow' i've been always waiting for. I hope this post gives me a boost and spurs me on to work atleast slightly harder to achieve my goals. Thanks a ton for reading guys, and to all the warriors on the weight loss journey, best wishes and much love :)

submitted by /u/Amracool
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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