So two years ago, on my 29th birthday, I looked at my life and decided that for my own sake I needed to make a lot of changes - weight loss was a big one of those, but I was also a negative pessimistic dick and had spent most of my adult life dependent on another person for my happiness.
I set some goals I wanted to hit by the time I turned 30, and for the most part I achieved them! But the journey didn't end there! I was now seriously into self-improvement!
But this is a weight loss sub, so let's focus on that and what my experiences have been with my weight loss journey over the last two years. Here are some things I've learned:
Your weight is not something that exists in a vacuum in your life - there are other factors that cause it, and there are other areas that it will impact. Losing weight will improve other things for you as well.
Ups and downs will happen, and slipping up for a day, a week, a month, even two or three months and more, is not the end of the world. You don't have to pack in all that hard work because you did a woopsie. The journey continues, and you just keep moving forward at whatever pace you can manage.
There's a lot of debate out there for which "diet" is best, and I know this sub is moist as hell for CICO, but the fact is this - the best approach is the one you can stick to. Whatever it is that you decide to do, make sure it's something you are happy to stick to, and I stress this, FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. This is not a goal and stop thing, this is a total lifestyle change, and you are going to be doing for the rest of your life or you'll put the weight back on. It's no good saying "no more carbs" if that isn't something you can stick to. For me, CICO didn't work because tracking calories drove me insane. I didn't follow a "diet" I just tried to develop a sense of intuitive eating and focussed on eating real food. The idea is the same - eat fewer calories than you burn and you'll lose weight, it's just down to what method you use to meet that calorie deficit.
Get an active hobby. It'll be so much easier if you find an activity, a sport, a something that'll keep you active and that will set a fire under you. If you have that active thing that you love, you'll find yourself changing your eating habits to support your performance in that hobby and it becomes less of a battle. That's what I found anyway.
So where am I now?
I'm 31 years old today and I feel fitter, healthier, happier, and more free than I did throughout the entirety of my twenties. I don't attribute this entirely to weight loss but weight loss has essentially opened more doors for me.
I've gone from working a sedentary office job that I hated to working a more active job helping adults with mental health and learning difficulties out in the community and I absolutely love it! And seeing what I achieved with my weight loss gave me the courage to make such a drastic change to my life.
I've completely changed my relationship with food now, and no longer use it as an emotional crutch. I don't entirely see it as fuel because I still enjoy the occasional indulgence but it's a far more healthy approach to eating, mentally and physically.
Health and fitness have now become core elements of my life and I love it.
If you want to know anything, or want to discuss anything, feel free to contact me! I'll answer any and all questions if I can!
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