F/19 Height: 5'5" SW:204lbs CW:163lbs GW:115-122lbs
Before & after: https://imgur.com/gallery/B1NM9Jm
I’m posting this on mobile, if formatting is weird I apologize :(
It feels surreal typing this out...I truly thought I would never be here. I spent my entire adolescent years being obese and insecure, and I made a promise to myself that before I hit twenty I would lose the weight. I'm already halfway and it's been 6 months since I started taking this journey seriously! I’ve been on a calorie deficit and that’s really it. After years of trying multiple diets, listening to viral trends/random influencer advice and exercise routines it’s all useless if you don’t restrict your calorie intake. If you burn more calories than you take in, YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT. I didn’t exercise or switch up my diet. I ate anything I wanted to but it just had to be within my calorie limit. I couldn’t believe how easily I dropped 20 pounds after starting a calorie deficit diet. My daily intake at the height of the worst place in my life mentally and physically was upwards of 2,000-3,000 daily. It was a vicious cycle of hating myself and using food to cope with my low self-esteem and hatred. I wasn’t happy with anything in my life but food temporarily made life enjoyable. I lived to eat, not the other way around. I remember skimming an article one day about food advertisements in the U.S. and ever since I’ve made a constant effort to ignore or turn away from food ads. I never realized how they could instantly start my hunger cues and get my thought process just stuck on loop on what food to eat. The influence is strong- it’s a multi-billion dollar industry. It has to, ya know?
Now I eat 1,100-1,300 calories a day. It took a while to get used to but when you start decreasing your portion size your stomach shrinks. You get full easier which is, amazing. I’ve also recently been drinking 1-2 cups of black coffee a day, it’s been the best thing in curbing my appetite/cravings. I also recommend lots of apples and potatoes. I know eating too much of carbs is bad but, it made the diet manageable for me to do. It was delicious and it got me full. I did not restrict my potato or carb intake and I think it was a good decision for my mental strength to continue lol.
I also fully recommend utilizing an instagram account specifically for your weight loss journey. I’ve had mine since 2018 and it’s so fun to look back at your progress and thoughts back then, it’s a reflective tool and I couldn’t recommend it enough. Mine is on private, it’s just for me to see and write my thoughts if I over-ate one day or reached a milestone like being able to fit into pants I couldn’t before. Seeing my old collection of posts and reading my previous captions have been a big source of motivation and it’s just super fun. I plan to make it public one day, I feel like that would help a lot of people.
So far I reversed my diabetes, got to see and feel my collarbone and the bones on my fingers. I also got back into a normal resting heart rate, which was a concerning 130-160 when I was 204. Now I am at a 70. This might be TMI but my irregular periods and concerning amount of blood I was losing is now back to normal. I have healthy, regular periods. Again, I never thought I would be able to see myself with a neck or be able to like the person who I saw in the mirror. Although there's still a long way to go, I'm so proud of the progress I have made and for starting when I did.
The two quotes that officially started it all:
A year from now you'll wish you started today.
The cost of procrastination is the life you could have lived.
Good luck everyone! Be kind to yourself! Happy to answer any questions :)
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3pA0VYC