Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Where to start

I need advice on where to start. I (27F) am small, 5 feet to be exact. I am currently around 165 pounds. I need to lose weight. I carry fat around my stomach the most. A little around the hips and thighs and face.

Reasons why I want to lose weight. 1- Health reasons. Due to genetics I run the risk of blood clots and I would like to help prevent that. Also, because of that pregnancy can be risky and doctors have said weight loss would be very helpful in that aspect. 2- Self-esteem issues. I have always been self conscious about my appearance. 3- Body hair. I have noticed my weight has led to excess hair. While I believe my ovarian cyst and birth control do play a role in that as well. The doctor told me my weight is a big factor

As for goals. The doctor wants me around 105 pounds. Which to me seems insane. At my peak fitness at 17 I was 98 pounds and still had a bit of belly fat. I feel like it's insane to get that low in my late 20s. But I want to try. So here are my questions: 1) Where do I start? Exercise or diet or both? 2) How to handle my husband when I suddenly don't want fast food at 10pm at night? He finds going out and getting treats as fun, when I can't he gets upset a little. ( He is tall and relatively fit. He can eat pretty much whatever he wants.) 3) How to deal with friends and social eating. My friends aren't exactly the healthiest, how to convince them to eat where I can get something else or be around a place I can get my own food at? Is this rude to do? I don't want to be that person but in order for me to lose weight I need to be strict. 4) How do I deal with hormonal fluctuations. I crave foods like no other based on where I am at in my cycle.

Thank you for all you help. :)

submitted by /u/jesslynne94
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3n8p8VS

Does anybody else have people acting overly concerned about your weight loss?

Hello! A bit of a rant here so be prepared! So far I've lost 25lbs in 15 weeks, and have about 13 more to go. I've been sticking to a 1500 calorie diet and doing some light exercise, and I'm finding it pretty comfortable to do, and in happier in myself than I have been in a few years.

What I want to rant about though is how concerned people are at what they consider to be my unhealthy dieting.

My mother keeps telling me that eating 1500 calories is dangerous and that men need 2500 or they'll waste away (despite the fact I'm short and sit on my ass all day)

My boyfriend keeps telling me that I'm looking way too thin and he can see my ribs (I'm still overweight)

My manager keeps asking me if I'm ill because he can see I've lost weight...

Does anybody else have people in their life like this? I know that they mean well and are just concerned, but I wish I had more people in my life who were encouraging about it. Out of everyone I know, only one person has had anything positive to say about it.

Please share your stories!

submitted by /u/suncreamed
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Z9pFic

NSV: Feeling better during exercise

SW: 117kg (258lbs) CW: 109kg (240lbs) GW: 60kg (132 lbs)

I've made many previous attempts at weight loss, but always failed before reaching goal, then bounced back and added extra on top. This starting weight was my heaviest ever.

Started this attempt at the start of September and as far as the scale goes it seemed to be going pretty well, however I wasn't feeling like I was loosing anything. Clothes seem to fit the same, everything looks the same to me, so didn't feel like progress.

I'm not great with exercise, going to the gym always made me feel sad, but at few years ago I picked up aerial gymnastic, working on variety of apparatus such as hoops and sling. Because of my weight I was always struggling with moves and getting out of breath. But not today! Today I was feeling much better, wasn't gasping for breath and could do moves I found too hard before.

Hoping that progress in the classes will also motivate me to stick with the weight loss. Cause there is still a lot ahead of me.

I'm just doing CICO, but one thing I changed from previous attempts is cutting out more calorie dense foods and putting in more filling things (protein, veg). It was hard to cut calories by just eating less of my usual, cause that would leave me filling hungry.

submitted by /u/finallyMorgan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3AWjFqe

What's a realistic timeline for my weight loss?

I am 18 years old, 180CM, and 220lbs. I gained tons of weight over the past couple months because I got my own personal car and McDonald's has never been so convenient lmao. probably around 40lbs gained. I was literally having fast food at least 5x a week for three to four months and my body hurts and of course my wallet. I cut my calories to about 1500-1800 per day. I walk around my campus a lot and usually my apple watch says 800 calories burnt per day unless I am at home. (not sure how accurate that is) I was prevoiusly at 2000-2500 calories a day with tons of sugar.

- 1500 - 1800 Calories a day

- under 40G of sugar per day ( Usually 2 cups of coffee)

- I don't usually snack maybe one banana? but most of my calories are from meals.

- I usually go cycle but since its most likely going to snow soon in my area. Looking at my local gym soon for mostly cardio.

- 2L of water per day

My goal is about 6 months to lose 40-50 pounds. Is this too unrealistic?

submitted by /u/Juxae
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3C9TRYM

Week 3(ish)

I look different. It's weird to think about. I've lost 3 inches on my stomach about an inch a week and I'm starting to notice it in my face. I've lost 15 pounds too, 4 then 7 then 4 again this week. It's the least I've weighed in 10 years.

According to my numbers, I should be losing 1.5 lbs a week. That doesn't include the 10km (6ish miles) I walk per day (split into 2, 50m minute walks) and usually I'm too full by the end of the day to eat my remaining 100-200 calories.

There were days I didn't think I could bare the pain of walking, my lower legs felt like they were being stabbed for the first 2 weeks or so. I'm not sure when that stopped, somewhere between last week and this but my legs just tire instead of actually hurting. I'm actually enjoying my daily walks and my kids love getting pushed in the stroller for the ride.

I know my weight issue came from snacking every two minutes throughout the day and also, being the dad in the family, finishing everyone's scraps after meals even after being over-full.

Lots of people suggested drinking water, something I always hated doing, opting for diet pop instead and hardly any drinking at all really. Since starting drinking water throughout the day, my desire to snack has dropped entirely. For meals, I sit down with a glass and make sure to drink thought-out rather than filling up on food, then drinking a bit after I'm stuffed. This has helped in 2 ways I think. First, I don't over-eat but secondly it slows my habit of stuffing my face as fast as possible giving my body time to tell me I'm full.

I really feel I'm starting to form good eating and excercising habits. Habits I look forward too instead of looking at as a challenge. I'll feeling a lot better and that's helping me stay motivated as well. I'm halfway to my goal and even though I know I won't have as much weight loss each week as I get closer to it, I have high hopes that my habits will keep the weight off once I reach my goal.

anyways, happy losing everyone 👍

submitted by /u/NHWYD
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3ATM1RL

What do you do when you can’t be consistent?

Title says it all.

I’m self-employed and also go to uni full-time and have for a few years. This has wrecked havoc on my body.

My PT goes on about consistency but the problem is I can’t be consistent. I don’t work a 9-5 so the time I have off work is sporadic. Some times I’ll be off work but have uni, other times a big project and I’m just sitting in front of a screen from 7am to midnight. Uni is generally scheduled but some weeks some classes aren’t in person (cutting commuting and class time) and some weeks there are extra classes. I also have additional classes and family commitments on top.

I’m a short woman which means my scope for calorie consumption is very narrow. My greatest weight loss success was last summer when I didn’t have uni so could exercise a lot as I had the time both to exercise and rest afterwards. For the sake of argument, even if you COULD be consistent food-wise, as soon as you have one social event a week it wipes out the deficit if you’re a short woman…which leads to maintenance. Great when you’re there, but not ideal when you want to lose!

I’m kind of at my wits end. I am EXACTLY the same weight I was at the start of the year. I don’t know whether I should give up trying to lose weight for now until uni is over in April and just aim for maintenance and be happy instead of sad I’m not losing weight. The pressure of everything combined is getting too much. I have about 3 stone (42lbs/20kg) to lose.

Does anyone have tips for trying to lose when you can’t be consistent? I normally just do big workouts when I’ve got the time to make up for busy weeks but that just leads to maintenance. I also don’t drive so gym time adds 30 min walking and hair time afterwards. My other hobbies take even more time to get to.

Any tips very welcome!

submitted by /u/Linguistin229
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Z1ZZUC

I feel like my mind is lying to me :(

when people say weight loss is like 90% mental, it truly is. I've been on this journey really for 10 months, minus the summer break i took and restarted in August. But, i recently started a job on campus and we have to wear these shirts. i fit into a large pretty comfortably but i have really interesting love handles and sort of a back butt so it fits tight around that area. My arms are also a bit bigger so I look broader up top. I'm a female jsyk. Anyways, I've been feeling pretty confident for a few weeks now, my body is getting leaner but the scale hasn't moved (which kinda makes me sad). Yesterday as I was putting on an xl work shirt cause i'm so used to wearing everything oversized and then while i was serving food, I could see myself in the reflection of like the windows and idk my heart just shattered and sank. I felt like I was lying to myself or that my mind was playing tricks with me. Some days I feel like my old 140 lbs self. other days I feel extremely large and to make things worse, I go to a pretty athletic school so all the girls are always in like gym clothes and super lean. I feel like the outlier. It's so hard going out in the world while trying to loose weight. Some days I get really excited that that one pair of jeans fits looser, or that I've improved doing that one weight lifting exercise, or my face looks leaner. Other days I wonder why people even talk to me, I constantly think if people are mean, is it because of my weight, I feel embarrassed by my own appearance some days, I avoid mirrors, and I wish I could just be invisible.

How does anyone deal with this? Eventually the fat will come off if I stay consistent but today I woke up today and haven't been able to shake this horrible feeling all day so I've just been laying in bed almost in tears. I have to go outside today and go to a load of classes to go to this afternoon until the evening and I just don't have the mental strength to be present and in public.

submitted by /u/No-Communication4384
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3jgp7y5