Tuesday, May 2, 2023

how do I start my weight loss?

I think its high time now, I've always told myself i would start one day but today was the end of it all
I've hit the limit, 100kgs. I'm almost 18 and I think my college life would be difficult as how I am now.
As a 5'5 female, I would like to know ways or any sort of tip that can help me start my journey
I've had a trainer before, I did follow everything they said, but I couldn't follow it completely
I want to create a plan that looks at my positives and negatives, and what to focus on importantly
what type of exercises should I do? Should I start with lifting weight? a 10km walk per day? Eat less, work more? I'm so confused
I've seen many people online do weight loss at ease

but the more I try to start, I'm left with many questions to answer myself
It's like yes I want to, but how exactly
where and what should I focus on? I've always been like this idk how, a little bit of any guidance or help for starters could get me going..
I really want to be fit, but I don't know how much is too much and how much is too less.
any reply is appreciated.

submitted by /u/Gorilla_Bucket
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/q6OZsX4

yay! none of my bras fit! also boo, none of my bras fit

I remeasured myself and I’m two band sizes down. Same cup weirdly but I just don’t know how to go about this… I know I’ll be losing like 15-30 more pounds. It’s a wide range between I’m just not sure. However, I have been trying to not buy clothes during my weight loss. Well fitting bras in specialty sizes can be expensive so I don’t know what to do…

I’m happy because it’s just proof that my hard work is actually showing. Even my bralettes and sports bras are so loose. It’s crazy 😭

submitted by /u/mashedbangers
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/bVdGjrF

Monday, May 1, 2023

I met my first weight loss goal!

Hi all, wanted to share a goal I achieved recently. My starting weight was 16st 5 pounds/103kg, and I am 5 ft3. My old BMI was 40.5, so not great. I started weight loss earlier this year because I turn 30 this year (in May infact this month), and I wanted to start getting healthier as I get older. But I’m also a trans man: I wanted to lose weight to qualify for gender conforming surgery (top surgery), and the surgeon I wanted to go with doesn’t do surgery on people with a 40+ BMI.

It’s now the start of May, and I’ve lost 13 pounds, and I now weigh 15st 6 pounds/98kg, and my BMI is now 38. I know that’s not a huge amount in the grand scheme of things/in 4 months, and I’m still obese, but I’ve struggled with eating/losing weight all my life, so I consider this an achievement. But what’s great is that I had my surgery consultation recently and I’ve been given the go-ahead for surgery as I’m no longer a 40+ BMI and, bizarrely enough, the surgery is the day after my 30th birthday. I couldn’t be happier! I know I’ve still got a long way to go (goal weight is 11st), but going to the gym should be a much easier goal once I’ve recovered and I’m more comfortable being there lol. Feeling very optimistic for the future and getting to my goal weight and healthier.

submitted by /u/firetruck12345
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/zbQ7CiG

Weight loss takes for ever

Anyone else just want to speed the process up, trying to cut before medic school in June I’m a 6 foot male 199 pounds was 195 before my Disney trip and Vegas so I gained about 4 pounds which I’m not mad at but started back a week ago and I eat 2000 calories a day with a 35 minute high intensity treadmill walk (140-150 bpm) then 25 minutes directly after at low intensity (100 bpm) and then I weight lift mon - Thursday Friday rest day then Saturday and then Sunday another rest day. I also get in another 1:00 walk in the afternoon around the block usually about 3 miles but on the treadmill 2 incline 2.9 mph just as if I was outside I eat around 200 -220 g of protein a day. I want to drop the calories to 1500 So I can just hurrry up and lose it but it’s a mental game understanding weight loss doesn’t happen in a sleep. I also work a very moving job (EMT at the fire department) so I work 6 days at a time 24 hour shifts we practically live at the fire house for the time being so I’m not super stationary! I always have to remind myself it takes time Everytime I step on the scale lol

submitted by /u/simplrrr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/tHO4ATm

Caffeine vs Weight Loss

Hello all,

I'm writing as someone trying to lose weight. I'm at 250 / 6'0" and I'm very active with Cardio, not very active with lifting. Minimal workout lifting, but I'll do a 30-40 miles bike run or 1 hour + Cardio session on eliptical. Endurance is not an issue.

I drink a LOT of caffeine. I recently started reading that Caffeine raises Cortisol, which affects fat storage (I never read that side of it before). I also read (and assumed) that caffeine does boost metabolism quite a bit, but I never heard that it can raise cortisol which affects fat storage / carb usage.

What is the split on this? To maximize weight loss, should I CUT OUT caffeine? Does cutting OUT caffeine slow down metabolism enough that it's a net LOSS of metabolic rate? Is there a SWEET SPOT that you should not exceed on caffeine consumption?

Help and insight is appreciated everyone! Thanks!

submitted by /u/jkeegan123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/igS2POJ

Does metabolism slow as you age or is this an urban legend?

I'm a 42 year old man and have not been on a diet in many years but now I am trying to lose 30 pounds. I'm finding it a lot harder than I did 10 years ago. The weight is not coming off so fast. I am wondering if metabolism slowing as you age is the culprit.

I had always thought metabolism slowing as we age was closer to an urban legend as it’s calories in calories out that is essentially what makes us lose or gain weight and my difficulty losing weight in the timeframe I want this time around is due to other factors more in my control such as reducing my calorie intake further.

So I am wondering if it is true that metabolism slows as you age and any anecdotes about this. Cheers and best wishes with your weight loss journey!

submitted by /u/cheesomacitis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/dDAszmB

[Challenge] European Accountability Challenge: May 1st, 2023

Hi team Euro accountability, I hope you’re all well!

For anyone new who wants to join today, this is a daily post where you can track your goals, keep yourself accountable, get support, and have a chat with friendly people at times that are convenient for European time zones. Check-in daily, weekly, or whatever works best for you. It’s never the wrong time to join! Anyone and everyone is welcome! Tell us about yourself and let's continue supporting each other.

For all new people that have joined this month, at the end of the month we do a roundup of what happened. we'll also talk about our goals for February.

How was your last month?

You're free to structure this however you want, but think about the following topics:

  • How has your weight loss progressed? Better, or worse than expected?
  • What are some Non Scale Victories that you've experienced this month?
  • Did you set goals, did you keep to them?
  • What went well during this month, what could need improvement?
  • What important lessons did you learn?

Today is also the goal-setting day for the coming month!!

If you're new, every first day of the month we think about small goals we want to achieve this month. They can be weight goals, exercise goals, or anything really... An important aspect is that they are SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time based...

  • Do you have a goal weight for this month, if yes, what is it? For example: maintain a 0.5kg loss a week.
  • Do you have exercise goals? For instance, get in 10.000k steps a day
  • What plans do you have for your diet? Do you have goals there?
  • What are some non-weight/exercise-related goals you have? Here, get creative. Past participants have used this section to stay accountable for their homework, learning languages, pledging not to order junk food, ...

if you’re new, please introduce yourself! Let’s kick some ass!

submitted by /u/visilliis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/Tk1Zsw5