Sunday, March 24, 2019

Friend is judging weight loss

I’m wondering if anyone has experienced friends subtly or not-so-subtly conveying their disapproval of your weight loss/fitness journey.

My friend has expressed concern about my weight loss even though I have assured her it’s all healthy, monitored by a doctor and I have plenty of checks and balances to ensure I’m getting proper nutrition and not overdoing it.

Now she has been posting articles about weight loss not sticking and how common it is for people to gain back the weight and kind of equating it with fat phobia.

Though it wasn’t directed at me explicitly I feel kinda psyched out by the whole thing and now I keep seeing everything I do through that judgemental lens. I feel super demoralized and like my efforts are being belittled.

I went from being obese, extremely sedentary with a doozie of a drinking problem to being the healthiest I’ve ever been, not just physically but also in relationships and in terms of mental health so it’s hard for me to see how anyone could turn this into a bad thing.

ANYWAY has anyone else experienced this? How do you cope? Do you have ways of getting other people’s voices out of your head and sticking to what you know is good for you?

submitted by /u/foxgloves3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Urges to constantly eat have come back

I’m currently 15 pounds down of my 20 pound weight loss goal, and for some reason the urge to eat constantly has re-emerged. I’ve been doing CICO with exercise daily, and when I first started losing the ability to not cheat was surprisingly easy. I would eat portion sizes of everything. I would weigh out desserts, have only a single cookie, weigh out snacks, everything. If I had cravings I would eat vegetables for the volume and be satisfied. The last week or 2 my urges to constantly be eating and feel over full are back full force and the scale shows it.

Today for example, I made a nice 400 calorie well balanced breakfast, then an hour or 2 later I felt hungry so for lunch I made a salad with chicken (roughly 250 calories). Then an hour later all I could think about was ice cream, so I finished a half full pint of cookies and cream... it’s now been another 2 hours and I can’t stop thinking “just eat a banana, have more yogurt, maybe some string cheese” and IM NOT EVEN HUNGRY!!

I don’t know what’s wrong with my brain lately. I hate constantly craving the act of eating. I drink a lot of water, I eat plenty of protein and fats.

Anyone else struggling with this? I’m not sure if it’s because I’m so close to my goal that I want to indulge more? I’m still not happy when I look in the mirror so you’d think that would be enough motivation...

Thanks for listening

submitted by /u/facingthewinter
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Using My Break Up For Motivation

Hello all! Started this amazing journey in August and it's now the end of March!!! This is the longest I've ever dieted before and so successfully. I started at 297 and as of this morning I'm 213 (84lbs down!) At the beginning of February I started seeing a guy so my weight loss kind of stalled. I stopped working out as diligently and honestly, although I tried to stick around 1200cals it just wasn't enough. I was distracted by the Boy (ugh! how dare infatuation slither into my life)

Last night he broke up with me. Said it just "wasn't right" and yes, I'm sad. I spent two hours this morning manically sobbing to my poor, understanding roommate but I want to take this in stride. it's a sunny day out and I'm going to get through this! It's a sign that I need to keep pushing towards my goal loss of 100lbs (17 to go!)

Depression can't stop this girl and neither will a break up. I hope whoever is out there reading this knows that it's going to be all good in the end.


submitted by /u/coyotea72
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Need Advice] I am lost with the possibilities. Need help on finding the right plan for me . CW:210 Body fat :44% Gender:Female.

Dear Reddit

Please help me.

I have been overweight most of my life. I am currently 210 pounds with 44% body fat and 17% visceral fat. I am turning 30 soon and I would like to be in better shape. I have been reading and curious that weight training helps you lose weight.

  • I also read that Cross fit is really good for weight loss .
  • I also read that CICO and whatever kind of physical exercise is good for weight loss.
  • KETO, IF , CICO . I have tried it all. nothing sticks mostly because of my attitude.
  • I have been battling depression, heartbreak, loneliness and being outcasted.

I would like to get better for real though. I am currently doing IF and I’m doing okay with it. I workout 3 days a week and so far I just spend time on the treadmill and Stair master.

I would like to try strength training but I don’t know where to start. I googled it and its pretty overwhelming. I would like to find an exercise program that I can do on my own and see results.

I also want to try crossfit but I am terrified of it. I tried it before and It didnt work.

I need help finding a good strength training program that I can do through the week and that will yield me good results.

How do I stick to something and believe in it when everywhere I look theres more that I can do . I am confused and this has always been my problem.

Any help would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/lifeisreallybadatm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

7 Things to Do on Sunday to Set Yourself Up for a Week of Weight Loss

Do you suffer from Sunday night insomnia? That’s the tossing and turning roughly 60 percent of people who responded to a sleep survey do on their typical “day of rest.” This is mainly caused by Sunday anxiety for the week ahead.

Sunday anxiety and lack of sleep can set you up for a really bad diet day.

Studies have found that lack of sleep can make you hungry—and not for a big salad. People were found to crave unhealthy fatty and sugary snacks when tired. Worse, their ability to resist them was also impaired.

The solution to Sunday anxiety? Be prepared. If you use your Sunday to plan for the week ahead, you can reduce some of that anxiety. A survey by a noted stress management psychologist found that planning ahead was the most effective strategy for minimizing stress.

7 Weekday Habits That Are Completely Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

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Here are a few things you can do to beat Sunday anxiety and lose weight all week:

1. Prep that menu.

Having ready-to-eat meals in the freezer or fridge can ease some of the high anxiety that you feel when you have to stay late at the office, chauffeur three kids to six different events or take care of an elderly loved one. You know that not having something on hand when you’re starving will make the drive-through window start calling to you.

Better Than Drive-Thru: 11 Easy Grab & Go Nutrisystem Lunches >

Use your Sundays to plan meals, shop and cook. Decide what Nutrisystem foods you’ll be eating on each day of the week and when you’ll be having a flex meal you cook yourself. Have your calendar handy so you can see when your most time-crunched days will be and adjust accordingly.

Smart Snacking: 5 “Masonable” Recipes You Need to Try Today

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2. Make a list and stick to it.

Don’t bring anything home from the grocery store that you don’t want tempting you during the week. Go through your favorite recipes from The Leaf and stick to the ingredients you’ll need for meals and snacks. You’ll save money and calories at the same time.

3. Cook big.

Multi-task by making large-batch meals in a slow cooker and on your stove or in your oven. Make it easy on yourself. While you’re making stew or soup in the slow cooker, broil or poach four chicken breasts and have different recipes and sauces ready (chicken fajitas, chicken salad, chicken stirfry) so they’re good for a flex dinner, a flex lunch and a side to your Nutrisystem foods. Cut up veggies for snacks, stir fries and salads.

6 Slow Cooker Recipes You Need to Try This Season

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4. Package and freeze.

Be aware that leftovers and pre-cooked foods don’t last indefinitely in the fridge. Most precooked foods can last for three or four days in the fridge, salads for one or two days, veggies for two or three days and mayonnaise-based salads, three to five days. When you can, freeze in small single-serving containers so you don’t have to defrost and refreeze food repeatedly.

5. Schedule your workouts.

Since you already have that calendar out, write in times and types of workouts you’re going to do this week. Check the 10-day weather forecast to help you know when you’re going to need to go to the gym or mall walk and when you can take it outside.

6. Stick to a sleep schedule.

Weekends, not just Sundays, can be hazardous to your health. The National Sleep Foundation says that staying up later and sleeping in over the weekend amounts to “social jetlag.” It has the same physical effects as flying from New York to Los Angeles and back again.

Without spoiling all your fun, try to keep the same bedtime and wake-up time on the weekends as during the week. At least, most of the time. Look at late nights and sleeping in as luxuries that you experience once in a while, not every week.

Your Body on Sleep Deprivation

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7. Create a sleep routine.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends that you relax your way into a good night’s rest on Sunday night. Cut out sleep-disrupting caffeine four to six hours before you hit the pillows. Skip the wine. Alcohol may help you fall asleep but it can wake you up once it wears off. Do something else that helps you relax, like meditation, listening to music, taking a warm bath or reading a good book.

6 Foods You Should Never Eat Before Bed

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The post 7 Things to Do on Sunday to Set Yourself Up for a Week of Weight Loss appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

I am getting close to achieving my goal, but I'm losing motivation

For the past 5 years, I have had the goal of losing 100 pounds. I am 6'1. I was 286 pounds at my heaviest and now I am 201 (so so so close to one-derland). Now I have only 15 pounds to lose, but every pound is a struggle. It's getting harder and harder to lose.

I am so much happier and fitter than I used to be. My life has dramatically improved with the weight loss. I realized that exercise lessens or even completely eases my (mild) depression. I used to eat fast food 5+ times a week, and now the thought of my old favorite meal makes me sick to my stomach. (Literally, the last time I ate Taco Bell, I was so sick from the garbage food that I have no desire for it). So I feel great, fit, happy. I have more confidence and like skipping for clothes more and being in pictures.

All of that is great, but these last 15 pounds are nagging me. It is getting harder and harder the closer I get to my goal. I don't know where to find more motivation. I feel like I am running out of steam and tired of struggling, even though I'm thrilled with my results so far. Where do you find the motivation to finish strong and to maintain?

submitted by /u/Beermestrength1206
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Any uni students have advice on staying on track during exam period?

I'm in my final year of uni. My weight loss has been going great -- super slow, but definitely there: a friend who hasn't seen me since May noticed my weight loss, and a jumpsuit I could barely get past my knees in September I can just squeeze into now!

But exam time has really been messing with me. Normally I work about 6 hours per day, plus a part time job. That leaves room to get enough sleep and go to the gym. It works. But this time of year I am just swamped with assessments and need to work about 10 hours per day to just barely be on track with my essays and revision. I also havemy job and cant take fewer shifts. Timewise, I have to choose between working out and getitng enough sleep, and I choose sleep. Also, I find it harder to eat well because study spaces are so depressing and honestly a chocolate bar (or two...) makes it a whole lot easier. Then I get home I definitely eat more than I should be/need to just to feel better. I'm usually at maintenance or way over.

Do any other uni students manage to stay on track with their weight loss during these hectic times??

(Also, I know there are worse problems and I totally respect that but I just wanted to seek some advice for this issue especially since other uni students might be feeling the same way!)


submitted by /u/_cherries
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