Sunday, March 24, 2019

Urges to constantly eat have come back

I’m currently 15 pounds down of my 20 pound weight loss goal, and for some reason the urge to eat constantly has re-emerged. I’ve been doing CICO with exercise daily, and when I first started losing the ability to not cheat was surprisingly easy. I would eat portion sizes of everything. I would weigh out desserts, have only a single cookie, weigh out snacks, everything. If I had cravings I would eat vegetables for the volume and be satisfied. The last week or 2 my urges to constantly be eating and feel over full are back full force and the scale shows it.

Today for example, I made a nice 400 calorie well balanced breakfast, then an hour or 2 later I felt hungry so for lunch I made a salad with chicken (roughly 250 calories). Then an hour later all I could think about was ice cream, so I finished a half full pint of cookies and cream... it’s now been another 2 hours and I can’t stop thinking “just eat a banana, have more yogurt, maybe some string cheese” and IM NOT EVEN HUNGRY!!

I don’t know what’s wrong with my brain lately. I hate constantly craving the act of eating. I drink a lot of water, I eat plenty of protein and fats.

Anyone else struggling with this? I’m not sure if it’s because I’m so close to my goal that I want to indulge more? I’m still not happy when I look in the mirror so you’d think that would be enough motivation...

Thanks for listening

submitted by /u/facingthewinter
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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