Monday, March 25, 2019

Done lurking... 335lbs, 5'0", 37y F

Hello everyone! I've been lurking on here for quite a while. I finally registered a while back and kept lurking, and have commented once or twice here and there on different subs. I decided I'd take the plunge and introduce myself and maybe have some accountability that way.

I've had a long weight loss journey - I've pretty much always been obese. My highest known weight was 464lbs (probably much closer to 500lbs, but my scale didn't go up high enough). I had gastric bypass after 6 months' supervised weight loss at 424lbs in December 2013. Unfortunately I had a lot of complications. I lost 100lbs the first month after surgery, ended up having two strictures released, and finally was able to eat and drink about 6 months after surgery. With the complications and prolonged period of being unable to eat or drink, I ended up with a lot of different issues like severe malnutrition requiring daily vitamin injections, neuropathy in my legs (still have numbness and weakness in both of my thighs), dental issues, hair loss, vision changes, and reactive hypoglycemia with syncope/fainting spells.

I went through a lot of trauma as a result, and then because I'm apparently a glutton for punishment, I ended up in a very abusive marriage. While we were together, he was very controlling, very demanding regarding how physically active I was, and I ultimately ended up losing down to about 188lbs because I wasn't allowed to eat without permission. Fortunately for me, he made some very bad decisions and ended up in prison and will be there until 2034. After I was able to file for divorce, I admittedly went a bit wild. I ate what I wanted, I stopped being as active, and I really focused on who and what I wanted to be. I did a lot of healing physically and emotionally.

And in the process of going wild, I also gained back to about 335lbs. It wasn't all for naught though - I still have a lot of restriction so portion sizes aren't an issue, and I make a lot better choices than I would have before. For a while I snacked or grazed quite a bit, but I have managed to cut that out again. My biggest downfall was introducing soda again, so that is what I am currently focusing on cutting out. And after I manage to cut soda out, my next step will be going lower carb again. I can't really do keto because I can't do high fat foods, but low carb is still best for me, so I will be focusing on high protein, lots of veggies, and fruits to round it out. I've learned that moderation is key, but I don't have that whole moderation skill thing going on right now, so I'm not giving myself the opportunity to mess around too much :)

I also met with a personal trainer and have a strength training plan put together. I'm good with cardio - I can still easily get in 1.5 miles in 15 minutes, but I used to have to walk 8 miles so ideally I'd like to get back up to ~2-3 miles and increase the intensity.

Anyway, any hints, tips, tricks, or words of encouragement are greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/harbick
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Eating at night when trying to lose weight

My weight has completely stalled in the past 2.5 weeks and the only noticeable change I can think of is that I have been having most of my meals at night (past 10 pm) after work. Before these last 2.5 weeks, I was making good progress on my weight loss but I can't exactly remember whether or not I was eating late as often as I am now and it just came to mind because I was told that it's the reason my weight has stalled. I read a bit and it seems to be 50/50 but I literally have not touched any fast food or soda in a month. I have counted all of my calories and macros and I've consistently kept it under my daily limit so I'd just really like to know what other people think and if that could be reason because I'm out of ideas and don't know what else to try. It took me so long to cut out fast food and now I've got this problem and I'm completely clueless as to why my progress has stopped.

submitted by /u/uselessaia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

When did you hit your first plateau?

18f, 5’2”, SW: 170.8 lbs, CW: 165 lbs, GW: 125 lbs

Today is my 25th day on my weight loss journey, and I think I’ve already reached a plateau. I know there are already so many posts on here about plateaus, but I haven’t seen one with the same issue as mine.

Some background info: I consume around 1000-1200 calories everyday with a TDEE of 1778, which puts me at a 500-700 calorie deficit. I started exercising about 30 minutes everyday for a week before starting CICO. After starting CICO, I increased my workouts to 1-1.5 hours 6 days/week: 30-45 min cardio, 30-45 min on the gym machines.

Around 9 or 10 days ago, I clocked in at 165.6 lbs. The day after that, I dropped to my lowest at 164.4 lbs, but went back up to 165 lbs the next morning. For the past 10 days, I’ve gone up to 166.2 lbs, but averaging at 165 lbs.

My caloric intake hasn’t changed and I weigh and count everything I put into my mouth. The only thing that’s really changed has been the intensity of my workouts, so I’m pretty sure I’m just at a plateau. But what I want to know is how normal is it to hit a plateau so early on in the journey? As I said above, I’m only 25 days in, and it seems like everyone else who’s ever posted about plateaus didn’t hit one until like 3 months in.

Thanks for any info/help!

submitted by /u/buwui
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What to do when you have no will power to lose weight?

I have a serious will power problem when it comes to weight loss. For the past 12 years I have been attempting to change my eating habits and always fail. I will stick with something for 1-2 weeks and then just give up completely. Any progress I made of course gets reversed.

I'm literally at my wits end and don't know what to do. I've tried talking to a therapist about my lack of will power but still no progress.

I have started suffering from a few health problems related to my weight( high BP and joint pain and I'm only 30 years old ) but I'm still not sticking to healthy foods.

I am at the point where I feel like I should give up. Because whenever I think of weight or tell myself I'm going to make a change I start getting anxious. Even coming to this subreddit gives me anxiety, because seeing all the success stories remind me of what a failure I've been.

Anyone has any advice or suggestions?

submitted by /u/throwawaygal921
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Parent keeps buying large amounts of high-calorie foods despite my protests

Apologies for the wall of text.

I am desperately trying to get back on track with reducing my weight after Christmas but I have a hard time resisting temptation. I think a lot of the food binging is related to my mental state but what isn't helping is the amount of calorie-laden foods my mother keeps buying specifically for me (and not other family members, based on taste).

I have asked her on multiple occasions to stop buying them but she retorts by saying "just don't eat them" or sulks. Even when I do resist she will physically hand me or encourage me to eat those same food items knowing I will easily have 500+ calories without really thinking about it.

I lost about 100lbs at university over 2ish years after I moved into student housing and could finally control my food intake - however even then she would try to send me the same high-calorie foods that she knows I use as a comfort. To me it feels like an addiction, in that I hate myself afterwards. I have been tackling issues relating to depression and anxiety for quite a while now, but the slowing or reversal of weight loss is not helping. I gained about 21lbs since November and only managed to slow it down in late February.

Anyway to help tackle those mental health issues and improve my general fitness I joined a gym at the start of the month. But I know from experience - and have explained to her - that the vast majority of weight loss comes from diet management and not exercise. I need to tackle the binge eating from my end but without the cooperation from my mum I worry that it will be pretty impossible and that I will too easily relapse. I should say that as far as I am concerned I think moving out again is unlikely given my financial situation, however I am looking to change that.

TL;DR - How do I go about convincing my mum to stop buying large amounts of high-calorie foods? And has anyone got tips for food addiction / binge eating that I can try myself? Thanks.

submitted by /u/arctic9-5
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss tips

Hi guys, i'm looking for some friendly advice or general tips to help in losing some weight. I've always been a little bit of a heavier guy right now sitting just under 6' tall and about 230 pounds. I had some success in losing weight a year ago but that was when i wasn't really doing much with my life, now I am a full time student and i struggle trying to find time to get to the gym whether it be from having so much studying/ work on my plate or just being generally tired from all the work i'm doing. I know i should probably be on a diet but i've always gotten very lost when trying to figure out what would work for me. Any help would be much appreciated .

submitted by /u/Deztiny99
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Enough is enough

About a year ago I found this sub and realized that it’s actually possible to lose weight, and I embarked on my weight loss journey. At first, things went great. I kept losing at a steady rate and due to a plateau over the summer and some slip ups throughout the year I had lost 9 kg (19 lb) by the time it was December. I was at my lowest weight in years on December 19. But then, the holidays happened, and then New Year’s Eve.

Before I knew it, I had fallen of the wagon so hard that the wagon don’t even exist anymore. And that’s where I am now. Every day I have tried to get back on track, some days are good and somedays I eat a bit over my calorie goal and end up binging as a result. The scale has gone up again, I’m almost back to where I started a year ago.

I’m sick of this, enough is enough. The line is drawn and tomorrow I’m going to seriously start losing again. It’s a bit discouraging to see the same numbers on the scale as last year. But I need to face reality, and get serious again. I know I can do this!

submitted by /u/PuzzleheadedSpring
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from loseit - Lose the Fat