Monday, March 25, 2019

Parent keeps buying large amounts of high-calorie foods despite my protests

Apologies for the wall of text.

I am desperately trying to get back on track with reducing my weight after Christmas but I have a hard time resisting temptation. I think a lot of the food binging is related to my mental state but what isn't helping is the amount of calorie-laden foods my mother keeps buying specifically for me (and not other family members, based on taste).

I have asked her on multiple occasions to stop buying them but she retorts by saying "just don't eat them" or sulks. Even when I do resist she will physically hand me or encourage me to eat those same food items knowing I will easily have 500+ calories without really thinking about it.

I lost about 100lbs at university over 2ish years after I moved into student housing and could finally control my food intake - however even then she would try to send me the same high-calorie foods that she knows I use as a comfort. To me it feels like an addiction, in that I hate myself afterwards. I have been tackling issues relating to depression and anxiety for quite a while now, but the slowing or reversal of weight loss is not helping. I gained about 21lbs since November and only managed to slow it down in late February.

Anyway to help tackle those mental health issues and improve my general fitness I joined a gym at the start of the month. But I know from experience - and have explained to her - that the vast majority of weight loss comes from diet management and not exercise. I need to tackle the binge eating from my end but without the cooperation from my mum I worry that it will be pretty impossible and that I will too easily relapse. I should say that as far as I am concerned I think moving out again is unlikely given my financial situation, however I am looking to change that.

TL;DR - How do I go about convincing my mum to stop buying large amounts of high-calorie foods? And has anyone got tips for food addiction / binge eating that I can try myself? Thanks.

submitted by /u/arctic9-5
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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