Monday, March 25, 2019

When did you hit your first plateau?

18f, 5’2”, SW: 170.8 lbs, CW: 165 lbs, GW: 125 lbs

Today is my 25th day on my weight loss journey, and I think I’ve already reached a plateau. I know there are already so many posts on here about plateaus, but I haven’t seen one with the same issue as mine.

Some background info: I consume around 1000-1200 calories everyday with a TDEE of 1778, which puts me at a 500-700 calorie deficit. I started exercising about 30 minutes everyday for a week before starting CICO. After starting CICO, I increased my workouts to 1-1.5 hours 6 days/week: 30-45 min cardio, 30-45 min on the gym machines.

Around 9 or 10 days ago, I clocked in at 165.6 lbs. The day after that, I dropped to my lowest at 164.4 lbs, but went back up to 165 lbs the next morning. For the past 10 days, I’ve gone up to 166.2 lbs, but averaging at 165 lbs.

My caloric intake hasn’t changed and I weigh and count everything I put into my mouth. The only thing that’s really changed has been the intensity of my workouts, so I’m pretty sure I’m just at a plateau. But what I want to know is how normal is it to hit a plateau so early on in the journey? As I said above, I’m only 25 days in, and it seems like everyone else who’s ever posted about plateaus didn’t hit one until like 3 months in.

Thanks for any info/help!

submitted by /u/buwui
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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