Tuesday, March 26, 2019

1st week without consuming any fastfood/junk food.

Ever since I started working 2 jobs, I felt so depressed and would feel too overwhelmed to cook my own food after a 14 hour shift and I would stop by and grab fastfood on my way home every day after work. When I did go shopping, I picked up ice cream and candy for the weekend for my comfort food. This is one week without any of that in my system. It's really tough. My jobs bring in food all the time and it's always sweets and junk food. It's so tempting. I've had so much water and prepped my food for the week and I feel so much better. I feel energized. I feel healthier. I'm already noticing weight loss. No more excuses. I can do this!

submitted by /u/Hardly_at_Work
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2UVBQrD

Weigh yourself every day at the same time even if you are making no progress or negative progress

I have been weighing myself every single morning using the same bathroom scale (unless I am on vacation or sleeping elsewhere besides my own home). My routine is to get out of bed, use the bathroom, and then weigh myself wearing only my underwear.

From September 2016 to March 2017 I went from 245 lbs to 210 lbs. Since then I have mostly maintained between 210 and 220 lbs (which is not a healthy weight at all considering I am a 24 year old male who is 5'10", or 178 cm). However in the last couple of months my weight has skyrocketed back to around 235 lbs. How did this happen? Mostly a combination of constantly lying to myself and telling myself I will "start to lose weight again tomorrow". Of course, I also ate extremely poorly. However, I still weighed myself every morning.

Here is what my weight loss graph looks like over the last 3 years: https://imgur.com/a/Z2KCCir

My point is that you should try and always hold yourself accountable. I have made a huge mistake gaining all of this weight back. Now I need to start to lose it once more. It's crazy how much of a difference an extra 10-15 lbs makes.

Weigh yourself at a consistent interval even if you are gaining weight. That way you will be able to see your long term progress. It's a huge motivator looking back and seeing what I was able to do in terms of weight loss back in late 2016.

We can do this!

submitted by /u/wiob
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2UdYpuH

Weight loss halt

I’m 169 cm and I’m 176.6 pounds male and I lift 4 times a week (1.5-2.5hour of strength lifting) and in the first 5 weeks I was losing a weekly average of 2.5-2.7 pounds each week while eating 1650 cal but on week 6 and week 7 which is this week I didn’t lose any weight at all and I’m only eating 1800 cal despite it is 150 more cal my weight loss should not stop and I’m not running on magic fuel lol. The only thing I can think of is I ate food with more sodium even then the weight should keep going down and not stay on its spot and only changes upward. It will be silly if my body is sucking up all the sodium it can and make me feel like my metabolism went from 2600-2700 to a mere 1400 calorie lol. Should I eat or close to my tdee for 14 days to reset myself?

submitted by /u/cramer2010
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2JG3ZSp

PP weight loss help!

Alright here is my story. I found this sub today and want suggestions. I've never been into working out (with the exception of 1 year but that was like 6 years ago). If I start something, I usually just quit and I really hate myself for it. I'm 15 months PP and finally just so sick of seeing myself. My husband is a photographer and takes the cutest candid pictures of me and my daughter and I feel like I look like a whale. I haven't weighed myself in so long because I was getting so depressed. Last I checked, about 6 months ago, I was around 150. I really would love to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 115. I started working out last week and I am having such a hard time getting started because I'm so sore lol I start shaking almost immediately and sometimes feel like I will pass out. How do you all find the strength or motivation to go on and push through the pain? Mostly, I'm trying to lose that stupid little pooch I have so if you all have any suggestions I'll take anything. And if you need to be brutal to make me change, go for it. I won't take it personal. Thanks!

submitted by /u/hello_jen16
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Wp0y46

NSV? [Vent] I keep being told to stop losing

F/29/5'5" SW: 252 lbs CW: 161 lbs GW: 140 lbs 1.5 years CICO

I've heard some variation of "geez, how much more are you gonna lose" from multiple people recently. My goal weight is still 21 pounds away, and I chose that number because then I would finally be in the "normal" BMI category for my height. (I plan to reach 145-150, then start maintenance and begin looking into surgeons for skin removal, which will take care of the final 5-10.) I feel like that's a perfectly reasonable goal weight, but it seems that those around me think that I'm going too far.

I want to think that it comes from a good place, and maybe it does for some, but I can't help but feel like some of the people who've said this just don't want me to appear "thin." I've been overweight since I was 7, and obese since I was 16. No one has ever seen me as thin and it almost feels like as I'm shedding that part of my identity, people don't know how to respond to me, so they tell me to stop, as if my weight loss is too much of a change for them to handle.

Last week I went to see a friend and we got to talking about my weight loss and I revealed to her that I'm actually quite unhappy with my (nude) body because of how much loose skin I have, and she said in a very condescending tone "wait, if you hate your body now, why are you still losing weight?" I couldn't make her understand how loose skin works, and that I'm happy with what I look like underneath it, but I won't be able to truly see it until the skin is gone.

I just never thought I'd reach a point where I had to justify my weight loss. The first year had been only positive reactions, and people telling me to "keep up the good work." I did, and I still am. And I don't understand why that's an issue now. Maybe I'm reading too much into all of this, as I have a tendency to do, but maybe not. This journey has been such a mindfuck.

submitted by /u/akceber_nnyl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2FvCLIS

I am the worst example of a first responder.

I am an 18 year old volunteer firefighter, and I'm also the fat guy. I am 6,1 and 260 pounds. The weight has caused some depression, and I also work in a restaurant so it is easy to cave in with a free burger every day. My weight prevents me from being the best firefighter I can be, and is a burden on everyone else even though no one talks about it. 75% of firemen die of a cardiac related issue and I have tried so many times to diet and lose weight. With my most successful attempt losing 20 pounds during a month in the summer. When summer ended I gained it all back. I need to find a routine that works for my lifestyle and all of my attempts have failed. How do I eat at the firehouse when everyone else goes to get fast food? How do I not eat a family sized bag of chips when I get home from school? How do I make it through a work day without eating a 1500 calorie meal? My job in the restaurant is physically demanding and on a busy day I may take 45k steps. How do I use this to my advantage to boost weight loss? My biggest issue is getting back on track after a "cheat day." Food is literally an addiction and I can't eat healthy for more than two weeks. I want to go paid Fire or Law Enforcement but I feel as if this will prevent me from doing so. This is my last chance to change. Thank you for reading.

submitted by /u/ItsMoistOutside
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2uCAGpL

How to get Over a Horrible Plateau? Help!

Let me preface by saying that, to anyone who takes the time to share any advice, I appreciate it so much.

I’m a 24 year old female, 5’2, currently at 127 and have about 20 pounds left to lose. From age 15-20, I was always around 110, had a fast metabolism, and never had an issue with weight. I got pregnant with my first baby when I was 20, and gained 70 pounds, (yes, it’s horrible I know. Still confused as to why I gained so much when I didn’t eat that poorly). Since then, it’s been a struggle. I lost all of the weight around 11 months post partum, but gained another 30 pounds back due to stress eating and not attempting to eat healthy, and was at 140. Then, I got pregnant with my second child, gained another 40 pounds, and a couple weeks after delivery, I was left at 165. I was determined at that point more than ever to finally lose the weight and keep it off.

TL;DR - I never had a problem with weight and always stayed around 110, and then pregnancies ruined everything.

I started dieting in mid-August, and the results were pretty rapid. I quickly went from 165 to 150 or so, had a bit of a stall, but continued to slowly go down over the months until I reached 135. Since then, it’s been almost impossible to keep losing, the plateau started then, and has continued ever since. With more strict dieting, I lost another two pounds, and then my husband and I started Whole 30, and I’ve only lost about 6 pounds or so, despite almost being done with it. I’m now at 127, and no matter how little I try to eat, how healthy I eat, it doesn’t make any difference. Literally all we eat is chicken, pork, salad, and vegetables, (and sometimes ground beef), but yet it seems like I’m not losing anymore weight, or am losing incredibly slowly. I don’t understand why after losing 30-35 pounds, it’s so damn hard to keep going down. I exercise about two times a week, (should be more, I know), but I still have about 20 pounds to go, and at this rate, it will take forever to get there.

Is there anything I can do to encourage weight loss that I’m not already doing? Why is this plateau so extreme? I feel like this journey has been endless and I’ll never get to my goal. I will literally try anything at this point.

Thank you so much for any help given.

submitted by /u/purplelilly95
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2V0VAKM