Monday, April 1, 2019

This group is an inspiration!

I started my weight loss journey in the 2nd week of January this year, and with some IF and regular workouts (mix of weights and cardio) I was able to lose 20 lbs in 6-8 weeks. I got a little slack after that and my weight has plateaued for a while, but after reading these posts and seeing the amazing things people have done I'm so inspired to get back to a strict IF and CICO with regular workouts! I can't wait to make my next post that says I've reached my Goal Weight! Only 2/3rd of the Journey remains! You guys are seriously amazing!! Sending this group a tonne of love for all the inspiration and for making me wanna get back on track and nail this transformation! <3

submitted by /u/ashinduj
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, March 31, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Monday, 01 April 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is there any collection of authentic progress pictures available?

One of my favourite things on this subreddit is seeing posts from people who are "completing" their weight loss journey. It's incredibly inspiring and motivating to see people success in their goals, a goal that we all have in common. In particular, I find that there's something very therapeutic about seeing progress pictures, whether it's a 10 lbs difference or a 100 lbs difference, it's still inspiring.

I was wondering if anyone knew of a collection of these types of progress pictures or even these types of posts? I know you can go on google and search for it but I always feel like there's fake pictures or manipulated pictures thrown in the mix for other purposes like advertising services.

submitted by /u/chrisd848
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost. F28 5'2 about 240pounds

Ive always been chunky, preteen is the only time i dont remember being fat. And im scared of being thin cause ive never been it when it mattered.

I have lots of depression and anxiety and gone through therapy (for other things) but weight loss has always come up for helping with both depression anxiety and im all for it when im in the office and days later im telling myself to go outside and exercise (walking/running my dog maninly) i do just one lap around my Apartment complex and call it good. It take 12 -15 minutes to walk the whole complex (she likes to sniff and do her business on every bush/rock)

When my dog was younger i would walk for hours and loved it, just walking around my neighborhood. But life change for the better but my state of mind change too and i was able to go to therapy and was told that im schizoaffective bipolar type and got on meds to help with that. Life was numbed and i lost all joy in my hobbies that was for two years and towards the end of the two years i got a new gp doctor and shes great! And i asked for help with weight loss and she got me on somekind of meds that would help with appetite suppressing and it was great i didnt want to eat and lost 13 pounds in a month from not eating as much. but it was only a short term med as the effect would lessen plus it was like one chemical combination away from meth. So i stopped that apperite suppressant and gained all my weight back.

Im at a point in life that im sad about my weight and i cant get out of my depression enough to go and walk, like its looping and im stuck. Im getting my indoor hobbies back and thats really good but if i get back on psych meds and anti depressants i might lose the hobbies again and just eat more cause its the only thing that i feel like doing.

I dont know what to do. I cant commit to diet and exercise cause of the depression.

Im sorry for rambling. Im sorry if this isnt the place for this post.

submitted by /u/CallMeProperty
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just a reminder: there will always be an excuse

I mentioned in conversation to someone today that I've lost almost 20 lbs (hit down 18 lbs a couple days ago) and am still losing (I have 130 lbs to go lol). She was impressed and asked if I could share how I'm doing it. I explained CICO, that I was weighing and measuring the majority of my food, and that meal prep was helping me immensely. I explained that I was focusing on reaching my weight goal before I added in exercise so it didn't feel overwhelming. I told her about the app I use to track calories and several subreddits, including this one, that have helped encourage me to stay on track.

She said that all sounded great, but it was harder for her because she didn't have a husband, so she didn't have as much time. And she started talking about how she'll go from one job to the next and have to stop to pick up food in between jobs, or she'll prep food but forget it, etc.

I lost weight while in grad school. I was on campus from the morning until late evening. My then fiancé was hundreds of miles away and I was constantly working, in class, or studying my brains out. I had time for NOTHING. But every day (or night before if I was really on it), I packed enough food for sometimes all three meals and more snacks than I would need. And days that didn't happen (because yeah, it happens, we've all been there), I made choices that fit my goals. It wasn't easy. But I did it. That's essentially what I told her. I've been there. I've been single and crazy busy. But I did it.

Here's what I didn't tell her that I wish I had: being married changes nothing. It often makes staying on track harder. Between my two jobs and volunteer positions, I work more than full time. And many of my hours are worked before the sun comes up. And, my husband and I share a car, so drive him to and from work and often spend over an hour in a Wendy's parking lot waiting for him to tell me he's off work (don't even go here please lol). I'm constantly driving, constantly surrounded by temptation and opportunities to go off track.

I'm constantly exhausted. When your main job starts at 3 am, you're never not tired. But I still make time to prep and freeze enough food to last me for a couple weeks of dinners (and the instant pot makes it super easy). My husband is hardly home and when he is, he just wants snacks. I still make it work. Just because he's eating something or a certain amount of something, doesn't mean I have to match it.

That job, that situation, that relationship status, or whatever that thing is you wish you had doesn't always make things easier or better. Marriage is work. A job is still work, even if it's your dream job. A goal takes work. All of us on this sub could write a post like this, talking about every barrier in their life that makes working towards your goals harder. There will always be an excuse. Weight loss takes effort. It takes discipline. It takes saying no to certain things because they don't fit your calories for the day. It takes turning down a night out or sleeping in so you can hit the gym. It takes making sure you're prepared for a busy day away from home. It. Takes. Work.

You are always going to find an excuse. At some point, all of us have to or have had to realize that we have to be stronger than our excuses. You don't have to eat the elephant all in one day. Take it one bite, one babystep, one day at a time. You'll be glad you did.

submitted by /u/littleroseygirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just wondering if anyone else has had this self esteem issue after a plateau...

Hey there! So I (28F) am someone with a fairly significant amount of weight to lose. About 3 years ago, I lost 50 lbs. Though I still have a long way to go before I achieve what I would consider a goal weight, at the time that I hit the 50 lb mark, I felt absolutely amazing. My self confidence was at an all time high. I just generally felt so much better and I was fitting into clothes I’d never been able to wear before. I really felt fantastic about myself. Since then I’ve maintained that weight with a small amount of fluctuation, but I feel totally different. I’ve realized that I think it’s because I’ve become accustomed to this weight as my new norm, and because it’s still not technically a healthy weight, I now feel terrible about myself. I’m so unhappy with my appearance and the way my clothes fit despite being the exact same weight I was at the tail end of my 50 lb loss several years ago.

I’ve recently gotten back into the weight loss groove but I’m so impatient to see progress and start to feel good again. Has anyone else experienced this? A self esteem dive after a very long plateau? I know as long as I stick with it, I will start to see changes and feel better again. It’s just hard at the moment. Any sort of encouragement would be welcome!

submitted by /u/Pharmkitty18
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Week 2 of 26] Nailing it so far - 50 pound plan

Last post:

More or less was fat, got skinny, got injured, got fat, going to get skinny again. Now I'm starting a 26 week plan to lose weight. Will post a weekly update mostly to keep myself accountable.

Week 2: Biked to and from work Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Wednesday I took the bus so I could donate plasma. I walked home. Friday I slept in, took the bus but eventually walked home after some drinks. Saturday I did a 25 km bike ride and followed it up with an hour round trip walk (to McDonalds...). Sunday I biked 10 km to meet some friends for a 5 km run and then biked back. Exercise I think was about as good as I could have done. Food wise, I believed I ate pretty much my calories burned exercising (again not logging calories yet) however the nutritional value was pretty low. With a (non exercise) TDEE of 2000 I was expecting to lose 4 pounds this week, ended up just over that losing 4.6.

Next week: Work on incorporating more vegetables and fruits into my diet, otherwise I'll be more than happy to have another week like this one. I will also not be getting a bus pass for April so any day missed biking in will end up costing me (although I save significantly on the pass).

Future: No changes to the plan, will start logging food and exercise eventually. With the quicker than expected weight loss, I might have to readjust my target goals in the future.

Week Date Target Actual
1 03/24/2019 180 179.0
2 03/31/2019 178 174.4
3 04/07/2019 176
4 04/14/2019 174
5 04/21/2019 172
6 04/28/2019 170
7 05/05/2019 168
8 05/12/2019 166
9 05/19/2019 164
10 05/26/2019 162
11 06/02/2019 160
12 06/09/2019 158
13 06/16/2019 156
14 06/23/2019 154
15 06/30/2019 152
16 07/07/2019 150
17 07/14/2019 148
18 07/21/2019 146
19 07/28/2019 144
20 08/04/2019 142
21 08/11/2019 140
22 08/18/2019 138
23 08/25/2019 136
24 09/01/2019 134
25 09/08/2019 132
26 09/15/2019 130

submitted by /u/CautionaryLoseItTale
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from loseit - Lose the Fat