Tuesday, December 31, 2019

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/35fsyeC

Gained back 12lbs over the span of a month and a half- damn you, holidays!

I had lost 28lbs in total and now have nearly gained half of it back. What makes it worse is the beginning of the decade vs end of the decade challenge where I look at pictures of me when I was 10 and how even at 10 I thought I was fat... it's weird how you genuinely think the worse of yourself when you're doing fine. Anyways, I can't wait to lose the water weight so it makes me feel like I've done something and then go back to actual weight loss. I have no new years resolutions because I have no timed quota but I guess my new years resolution would be to not gain more than my peak of 223lbs. Here's to a good year where I might be beach body ready in the summer!

submitted by /u/hatt730
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2tjDtGK

After all that work, I finally have acquired a neck

[330->183 = 147 lbs] 7 months

After many failed attempts and failed diets, I finally think I've done it. Now there's still a TON of work to do, but for once I was proud of myself and felt like sharing instead of lurking. No one talks about it, but there are a lot of psychological changes that happen after weight loss that I'm currently dealing with. I don't feel like myself anymore, I'm having trouble eating normal foods again, and sadly I've been having a hard time trusting new people that don't know what I looked like before hand. But those are problems for 2020! Happy New Years Everyone!


submitted by /u/DEWmise
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/36h9PAK

Weight loss goal/New Years Resolution

As cliche as it is I really want to lose weight this year. My current (and highest) weight it 192lbs and I really don't want to hit 200lbs. I'm a 14 year old female and my height is 5'6. I can't afford a gym membership so my main method for losing weight is eating healthier. I also struggle with binging and grazing. In my situation (too long to explain) my family can only really eat microwave meals but I'm sure I could convince my family to change if there is a cheap and easy way to be healthier if anyone could provide such information. I hope I'm not asking for too much.

Is there any advice or tips anyone could give me? Or even just motivation is fine. I don't really have an end goal/weight in mind because I feel like that will make it harder for me if/when I mess up. I want this to be more of a lifestyle change to be healthier in general rather than to lose weight and look slimmer however I do want to lose weight for obvious reasons. Thanks for your help.

submitted by /u/I_Shave_Hitlers_Legs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2SHdUKl

Body disproportioned during weight loss.

Hello. (M/28) My weight loss so far has been going fantastic! I’m around 80+ lbs lost since last July and physically feeling better than I have since my teens. I’ve been doing Omad on weekdays with regular meals on weekends plus cutting out all sugars.

Even though I feel great and have gained a TON of confidence I’m still left frustrated at times when looking in the mirror. I accepted that I would have loose skin and look “sloppy” when I reached my goal so I’m prepared for that. However, I didn’t expect my weight lost to be so differing in certain areas. For instance, my face gains and stomach fat loss have been extremely noticeable while my chest has barely decreased at all. I’ve always been self conscience about that area because growing up I had a bigger chest. Which is a nightmare for a teen boy to have “moobs”. When I gained weight I stopped worrying about it so much because all of the fat just kind of blended in together. Now I’m self conscience about it again as it stands out more. It’s not even to the point where weightlifting will help lift or tone yet so I feel stuck for now.

I know there’s no way to target areas and that the weight will come off eventually. It’s just disappointing that even though I’m ecstatic with my results I can’t fully be satisfied with how I look yet. I suppose it’s just part of the journey and I have to keep pushing. I suppose I just wanted to vent and see if anyone else struggled with this. Thanks to anyone who read!

submitted by /u/iiiGa
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/36qnXY8

Helping a friend lose weight and get fit, need help with calorie estimation

I’m helping him and making him a workout program and meal plan. Only concern is how many calories he should be eating a day to lose weight. He weighs 340, about 6’1. Estimations will say around 4000 calories to lose weight. That’s doing his BW multiplied by 12. I’ve seen the range be like 10-13 for weight loss. I’m assuming if I use a online calculator it’ll be similar. He’ll be working out 4/5 days with the plan I make up for him.

For those that have been here before, is that an accurate number to start losing weight? Or should the calories be lower? I’m not wanting to start him super low considering it’ll just be a crash. Thank you to anyone that Can help me out here. I was thinking more 3000 cals to start him off

submitted by /u/travisstannnn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2ZD72PK

I'm trying to do it the healthy way this time.

Hi, guys. First post. I'm just putting this into words to hold myself accountable to the more emotional aspect of things. Sorry it's so long. I just joined after lurking off and on forever.

This is round two for me. I went from 184lb to 135lb 5 years ago over the course of 6 months, and now I've started again at 199lb. It's the highest I've ever been. It scared the shit out of me because I used to tell myself, "Well, I'll never let myself get to 200." I'm on the cusp of obesity at 5'10".

Last time I lost weight, it was one of the most unhealthy things I've ever done. I immediately restricted myself to 1200 calories max, and often times would end my day around 800-900cal. If I wasn't under 1200, I saw it as an absolute failure. On top of that, I was doing power walk/jog intervals for 5 miles a day every single day. When I would get tired and sore mid-run, I would say all kinds of horrible things to myself in my head to keep going. I was trying to eat as little as I could while burning as much as I could, no matter the cost to my overall or long term health. I wanted to punish myself, and that's how I did it.

I have Marfan's Syndrome and Ehler's-danlos Syndrome, which are connective tissue diseases that include extreme hypermobility and overextension in joints, and a couple of heart issues. I knew I was doing more harm to my body than good. I knew that what I was doing was about losing the weight as fast as possible, as opposed to doing it in the most practical, safe, sustainable way possible. I actively avoided diving into why I had such an awful relationship with eating and exercise habits and how I felt about my body and why. My brain has always operated in extremes, and not addressing that is probably the biggest reason of how I got where I am today.

For the last few months, I've been really trying to delve through all the emotional parts of my weight loss and body image journey. I've been working so hard to face those demons and figure out what a healthy mindset would look like when all I have ever done is bounce between giving up on my body through being overweight and giving up on my body through starvation.

Three days ago, after taking very consciously small baby steps like healthier choices, mindful portions, and short walks for three months, I finally felt comfortable enough to start tracking calories again. I don't trust myself enough yet to start tracking distances on my walks yet, but I know I'm making huge strides emotionally in learning to make progress without turning it into a means of self-harm. I've set my calories to lose 1lb per week, which was the second slowest option in my app, and I'm really proud of that. The projected time frame for my goal weight is something like 10 months, and I'm okay with that, too.

I just want to do this in a healthy way. I want to be a healthy person, and it just finally clicked to me after all these years that I was never going to be physically healthy until I took a hard look at my emotional and mental and physical health individually, and the relationships between each. And this is genuinely the first time in my life that I can remember where I feel genuinely proud of myself without feeling that underlying anxiety of what if I'm not doing enough, what if I fuck it up, what could I be doing more, how could I make this hurt the most. I'm just proud of myself with no strings attached, and it's so amazing that realization make me bawl my eyes out. And that pride doesn't come from staying on track for my calories or making sure I'm being more active, it's just from the fact that I feel already how much healthier my mind is in this process than last time, that it's out of love than harm.

So, here's to 2020 and a year of self love.

submitted by /u/Noheritage
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2F7hoxO