Saturday, February 29, 2020

When I tell people how much weight I want to lose they ask me where I’m going to lose it.

So people say I wear my weight well. It might just be how I dress. I’m naturally very muscular, and I don’t look obese but I am. I may look slightly overweight but people don’t know I’m 50lbs over my healthy BMI. My goal is to lose 70lbs. When I tell them that’s my goal they are shocked. I honestly don’t look good skinny. I was skinny most of my life. I hate the way I looked back then. I don’t wear “thin” well at all.

I look at photos back when I was at my “ideal” weight and that’s when I looked the best. I looked healthy. I looked in shape. I didn’t look all that unhealthy although when I was thin I was a anorexic so I was sick. Now that I’m recovered I want to be between 130lbs-140lbs. Not 110lbs. Which is the lowest I can be for my height.

I want this weight loss to be slower. I don’t want it to be shocking. People know I’m a recovering anorexic and I don’t want to the weight loss to be drastic and not manageable. I want to do it right. I don’t want anyone to think that I want to lose 70lbs and I somehow lost it in 6 months.

I’m not saying those who can lose that amount of weight in that time are unhealthy. I just know it takes some extreme dieting and extreme diets can trigger my eating disorder and I don’t want that.

So wish me luck. I want to lose 70lbs in about a year. I believe that if I stick to my current diet. Workout 5 days a week and just enjoy life and enjoy the journey I can lose the weight, not alarm anyone or make them worried I relapsed but also not actually trigger a relapse and maintain the weight loss I achieve.

I believe if I go a little slower and take my time I’m adopting new habits versus just dieting to lose weight. I want this to be a lifestyle change. This isn’t just about losing weight. This is about my mental health, my physical health for the future. Being healthy for my son. Being able to have more energy to achieve all the goals I have. This is about no longer being the old me I’ve worked so hard to change and the next step in evolving is changing the outside to match the way I feel inside.

Thanks y’all.

submitted by /u/StayBehindThePines
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My weight loss

So I’m 19 and I hate how much I weigh (315) I started working out and cutting back on food and sugars in January, right now I’ve gone 2 months without soda and it feels amazing. The working out part was a struggle for me, I started out strong going 4 times a week for like 2 to 3 hrs. After the second week I needed a break and that day off turned into 3 days and then a week, and then finally 2 weeks. I found this subreddit and it started giving me the motivation to go but I’m starting out slow only going for a hr or so and I’m really enjoying it. I feel more active now and wanting to do more stuff and I don’t feel so lazy anymore. I started this weight loss at 315 and I’m currently at 294, I feel so proud of myself and I just want to thank you guys for it. I just had to post this because it was in my mind thanks for listening

submitted by /u/MonkiRaider
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 60 pounds in six months: 238 to 178

I decided it was time for some serious weight loss six months ago. I had heard about this intermittent fasting thing, and wanted to give it ago. At my peak I weighed 250lbs in 2019, but in August I decided it was time for a change. I challenged myself to run 30 miles in the month of August, and while I accomplished my goal, I didn't end up losing the weight I thought I would. When I decided to get serious with some diet change, I got on the scale and started the timer. My initial goal was 30 lbs, and I thought 208 would be a nice target since the last time I weight 200lbs was when I was a Freshman in High School. Well, the more I put effort into my nutrition, the better I felt. The more I lost weight, the better I felt. Running led me to the climbing gym, which led me to yoga. My life has changed, I have lost 60 pounds in 6 months, and I can't wait for the next chapter. Do you need a little motivation? Let me show you that anything is possible.

submitted by /u/PlinyTheTexan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

rant: Will I ever lose it?

Hello all

First time posting here. Not meant to be a pity post, but looking for guidance/perspective.

I’m a 28 yo M CW: 221 pounds. Starting weight (Dec 29, 2019): 231 pounds. 5’9”

I have been obese my entire life. There have been times where I have been overweight (180lbs) but they are so short-lived.

In my current endeavor into weight loss, I am having tremendous difficulty. I feel that my progress has been so slow and I have had so many setbacks. I had a goal to be weigh 210s or lower by mid march for a special event, but it seems like that is not going to happen.

In general though, I just fucking hate my body and the grief it gives me. I don’t know if I shot my metabolism from some diet in the past or what it is, but it is just so resistant to change. On top of that, between my career and just random shit, I’m never able to exercise or when I do, my entire body aches for ages.

With all this bitching out of the way, is there a feasible/sustainable way for me to lose weight and get in shape? I’m tired of being ashamed of my body and my perception of my image taking such a toll on me.

I’m not looking for a miracle cure, and I know that I can be doing more. I guess I am just looking to hear any stories of people who have struggled and succeeded

Thanks all

submitted by /u/Cocaine-Coffee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My body is suffering after my most recent cheat day... I don't know how I did it so regularly before!

I have been on my weight loss journey for 16 months. I have dropped 90lbs and I have 20 to go. I was morbidly obese when I started so as you can imagine my diet was horrendous.

When the new year started I made a deal with myself that I would not have a cheat day until Feb 27th. This is the norm for me, I tend to have one day every 6-10 weeks which consists of me overeating. I still count the calories on these days but my rule is this, I have to be able to work it back to maintenance within 2 days after. So, for example if I eat a 2000 calorie surplus, then I need to have a deficit of 2000 within the next 2 days.

Anyway, I worked hard as hell from Jan 1st to Feb 27th (15lb loss). I lowered my calories to 1200 a couple of weeks ago. I think this is a bit too low for me as I began to feel pretty tired/drained. By the time it got to the 27th, I was SO ready.

I ended up eating 3700 calories. This is something I previously would have done on a DAILY basis. I loved every moment of it lol. I had a tub of ben and jerries, a HUGE homemade curry, prawn crackers, massive bag of crisps that had 800 calories alone. It was amazing... until that night.

I couldn't sleep! Normally I am out cold by 11pm, I was still awake at 3am. Once I finally got to sleep, I woke up just 5 hours later. Totally out of the norm for me, I sleep 9-11 hours on weekends. As soon as I woke up my head was busting, my stomach hurt and I was gassy as hell. Also, I was STARVING... weird

I had a 2000 calorie surplus so I wanted to workout ASAP. Had breakfast, drank loads of water and began to do some cardio. After 60 minutes, I was shaking. I literally just ate 2 hours prior, I can normally go wayyyyyyy longer. I had to eat something small again. Finally was able to get 2 hours on the rowing machine done but it was a struggle!

I felt so drowsy for the rest of the day. I ate my usual 1200 calories but was ravenous!! I stayed strong though and went to bed. Woke up the next day and it was a similar situation... less drowsy but I am so hungry!!! How the hell did I do this before? my body hates me right now!!!

I will probably do it again in 8 weeks or so after I forget about this horrible aftermath but wow, sometimes it ain't worth it! I wish I wasn't such an all or nothing person. It doesn't impact my weight loss at all as I always get back on track the day next but the physical affects are baddddd.

submitted by /u/_Jesus_is_a_biscuit_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finding trouble managing intake and exercise since my schedule is packed in grad school, has anyone had success with IF? Looking for more fluid ways to manage my caloric intake.

I had tried doing IF over the summer time to see what it was like, but I did the 2:5 version. I can usually manage my caloric intake pretty well, and my brother even commented I looked like I had lost some weight since i last saw him (8 lbs give or take) just over the past 6 months eating much healthier. I'm very short and don't have that much weight to lose, so I feel like 8 lbs is relatively noticeable. I've still had quite a few very very bad days, but generally I gravitate towards salads now, have been making almost all of my food, and opting for fruits and veggies for snacking.

Anyways, I liked the 2:5 diet because it felt like what i'm doing right now, in terms of just eating healthier in general without having to feel entirely on a diet. The 2:5 didn't work though. I DID lose weight, so managing my intake was fine on the other days, and effortless. The problem on the "2" days where I limited my intake to 1 meal and 500 ish calories was that I felt really bad all day, tired, so hangry, and couldn't focus on anything else. I did it for a few months, with only a 5 lb weight loss.... so just eating healthier and not exercising has proven better results than what felt like starving myself for two days a week.

A big problem with that diet was the way I was rewarded as well. I started to associate hunger with success, and became very obsessive about my food intake. I ate the same dinner for 2 months straight.... which I don't care what you're eating, that's not a great move.

I've been taking SSRI's for a few months however, and the main side-effect has been an increase in my appetite. I think i've done a bit of damage and already gained back 4 or 5 lbs. That's a lot to gain over 3 months, especially when it's just extra snacking or bad foods in addition to my healthy diet that had initially resulted in weight loss.

I feel like I need to do something to kind of help "reset" my appetite. This has really screwed me up quite a bit.

I was just thinking a "daily" IF approach might be better, and fit what i'm eating right now a bit better. I can get very full with the healthy food and maybe it will help me manage my appetite after the first few days.

Please let me know your thoughts on eating regimen or similar "diets".

Thank you!

submitted by /u/jumpingnoodlepoodle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat