Tuesday, June 30, 2020

First post here! So back about 4 years ago I started my weight loss journey, 308=> 150 (lost 158) 5’7” male goal weight in about 2 years; creeped back up to 180 and am back to 175; working to get back to about 160~ (where I felt healthiest) here are my takeaways

So back when I started I was diagnosed with an obesity induced hernia. I was told by my doctor that at my BMI/weight I was probably unlikely to live another 25 years (age at time). I was so heavy I had to lose about 18 pounds to have the surgery because of anesthesia risks. Real wake up call! I did a crash diet to lose the weight for surgery and put back on 10lbs in recovery (6 weeks). I turned it around and spent about 2 years losing weight. Not super slow but steady helped! I came to get and give some advice

1st how I did it Diet: - No secrets here! Basically ate 1400-1600 calories (with doctor approval) a day and diaried what I ate, even weighing food
- tried to only eat things I made and less ingredients the better (spices are a must, sauced were limited to mustard, some soy, and lots of hot sauce) - learned to go out with friends but eat before we went to the restaurants so that I could control calories - avoided soda but would have a Diet Coke, Coke Zero, or unsweetened iced tea when I was out - cut out beer but would occasionally have a glass of wine or a few shots/vodka sodas - favorite dessert was frozen berries, splenda and coco powder; also frozen grapes and lime juice - avoided high sugar and high carb foods, mostly

Biggest lessons - changing habits is a process, choose one every 3 weeks and focus on making a new habit (I.e. no more soda, exercise 3 times a week etc); trying to change too much can be overwhelming and it’s better to completely fix one then temporarily change 10! - if you are doing calorie counting you can use however you want, so if you want cake, eat it, but then eat other meals based around that splurge, rather than having cheat days - try and plan those splurges on exercise days!! - there is always a “reason” to splurge, a birthday, a party, a dinner, you honestly don’t miss much of you plan ahead, eat before and go for the company instead of eating a bunch when you are there, you may even get more out of it because you get to focus on the activities!

Exercise: - for me this was the biggest variable: When I started I did couch to 5k and 2 days of light weights/calisthenics/bodyweight stuff. When I got down to about 250 I started adding in more. I Started weight lifting 3 times per week and cardio (basketball for me!) 2-3 times per week about 1 hour per session; just get out there and don’t be embarrassed no matter how bad you are (for me I am specifically talking about my atrocious basketball skills) people appreciate effort and you will improve. Working out is progressive, don’t get discouraged if this week you could only do 30 minutes of walking, next week shoot for 31

Weird things I didn’t expect: After -60 pounds I was cold like all the time because of insulation loss Having childhood friends and family not recognizing you is strange, still to this day I’ll talk to people and it will take them a few to realize who I am When all the weight was gone I felt like a puppy who wasn’t used to my body all the time, I’d overrun things, my center of balance was off etc... it was kinda hilarious!

Ask me anything and I’ll help; one thing I still work on is hunger! When I was losing weight it went away after a few weeks mostly but when I went back to a normal diet it piqued back up again; My biggest weakness is: ice cream and maybe alcohol, both are great but moderation and as a treat help. Anything I forgot please ask about!!

submitted by /u/championTDs
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Weight loss journey - Week 4. Finding motivation

Description Weight Date
Starting weight 127.5kg 2020-06-03
Week 1 121.8kg 2020-06-10
Week 2 119.6kg 2020-06-17
Week 3 118.9kg 2020-06-24
Week 4 118.4kg 2020-07-01
Soft target 90kg
Happy target 80-85kg
Goal weight 75kg

Yesterday I had a moment of weakness. I ate a block of chocolate because I felt that my efforts were in vain. My weight had not made any movement from last week, or at least that is how I felt since I did not remember what my weight was last week.

When I started recording my weight loss journey here 5 weeks ago it was intended to keep me honest. To hold me to account. This morning when I awoke I realised a second, and more important purpose of recording my weight each week. Motivation.

I realised that by the time the weekly recording of my weight happens, I cannot remember what I weighed the previous week. All I know is that sometime during the week my weight has been lower (lowest was 117.2kg this week) and that is what I measure myself on. So when I see it increase all I see is my progress slipping away. Yet the truth is that I am still losing weight and this diary proves it.

Whilst I only lost 500g this week it is still progress.

submitted by /u/Joker-Smurf
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Anyone else have a dent above their belly button after heavy weight loss?

I have maybe a half of an inch deep and half of an inch wide dent or concave dip in my stomach right above my belly button. It’s particularly evident when I bend in certain ways, and I want to know what it is. I’ve never been pregnant, and and not pregnant now, so I do not believe it has any association with diastasis recti. I’ve lost almost 80 lbs in the past couple of years if that contributes anything and I frequently work out my abdomen muscles. I wish I could show a picture for effect, but am not allowed to upload one on here.

Has anyone experienced this? It almost makes the very top of my “innie” belly button seem saggy LOL

submitted by /u/AustralasianRoll
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2NLFwKN

Communicating with my body

I’ve been following this subreddit for a while and thought I’d share some insights I’ve gained over the past 7 months regarding communication with my body. For reference, I’m a female, 5”5, and I currently weigh 189lbs.

I’ve been overweight my whole life. I’ve been obese for the last 15 years (I’m 33, F). I lost a solid 65lbs my sophomore year of college (230–>165) and slowly regained that weight by the time I graduated. I’ve been holding steady at 235 since then, with short periods of weight loss (10-15lbs) but I always end up back at 235lbs because nothing has ever stuck.

In November of last year, I was diagnosed with prediabetes and decided I wanted to add some type of fitness to my routine. I hate the gym and I hate indoor exercise so I started running with the C25K program. I have never been a runner. The farthest I’ve ever run was a mile in high school PE, and I don’t recall that being a pleasant experience. The C25K program changed my life. I’ve been running steadily since November and average about 2-3 miles, 3 days a week. It’s not far and I’m not fast by any means, but it’s done wonders for my physical and mental health. I also really enjoy the fact that it’s not a huge time commitment. I devote about 30-45min 3x a week and I don’t have to drive anywhere. I just step outside my front door and I’m back in half an hour.

The other thing running has done is changed my relationship with my body. I used to hate my body. I hated looking at myself in the mirror, I hated how weak I felt, how out of breath I felt walking up a flight of stairs. In looking back, I think I hated that my body couldn’t do the things that my body was meant to do. Running has provided me with a new found respect for my body and the amazing things it’s capable of. Once I started running, I noticed my body encouraging me to be more active in other ways. I walk everywhere, I go on hikes, I do yoga. I’m still overweight (technically still obese) but I’m no longer allowing my body to control me.

The other thing I changed was my eating. I’ve always been relatively healthy in my food choices (I don’t drink soda, don’t eat fast food) but I eat a lot and rarely feel full. I initially started by loosely counting calories. I didn’t log them in an app but I kept track of them in my head (I have a decent knowledge of calories from years of trying to lose weight). My goal is to eat somewhere around 1500 calories a day, but some days I eat less and some days I eat more. I don’t beat myself up when I have a bad day and I try to listen to what my body needs. I suppose it’s similar to intuitive eating, although I don’t know enough about it to say. Some days I wake up and I feel hungry for breakfast, and some days I wake up and don’t feel hungry until 2pm. Overall, I listen to what my body tells me. I saw a post recently about babies. It talked about how as babies, we are naturally intuitive eaters. We eat when we’re hungry and we stop when we’re full. At some point, our eating habits adjust to our parents schedules (we eat breakfast at 7, lunch at noon, dinner at 6, etc). I used to let food control me, and now I let my body control the food.

Ultimately, it’s calories in, calories out. But I think it’s important to pay attention to what your body is telling you. And on days where you feel like you hate yourself, or you look in the mirror and want to cry, try to remember to be grateful for your body and for the amazing things it’s able to do. Hell, even at 235lbs, I’m amazed my body was able to propel me up 3 flights of stairs to my walk-up apartment.

submitted by /u/3ismyluckynumber
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2YMHHEj

My weight loss journey was interrupted. Now 4.5 months after having my baby, I'm ready to shed some weight again

I'm F/29/5'5"/CW:220/GW:150 Currently I weigh 220lbs, that's a BMI of 36.6 or obese. I wanted to briefly tell my story and start being accountable again.

So back in July of 2018 I had my gallbladder removed, with 26 stones in it. I didn't want to believe that I was as unhealthy as I was, so after surgery I thought I could keep eating greasy onion rings and crap. But I started to feel even worse so by the end of August, I was doing CICO and walking a lot. I was 198lbs and ashamed. I also had PCOS and was told it was unlikely I could have kids without fertility treatment. I hadn't even had a menstrual cycle in years.

Then I started to actually lose weight and I felt great. I liked seeing my progress and had more confidence. I started getting my period again. I was at 162lbs in April 2019. Then in May I got pregnant but I didn't figure it out until 6 weeks later. By that point I was 170.

My husband and I were over the moon about being pregnant and preparing to start our family. My pregnancy was completely uneventful, except that I gained 50 fucking pounds! I was 220lbs when my baby arrived via C-section. 9 days after giving birth, I was at 204lbs. Then breastfeeding made me ridiculously hungry and I ate high calorie snacks and meals. I started gaining more weight until I reached 220lbs again. I felt so uncomfortable in my own skin. Now my baby is 4.5 months old and I'm so ready to get back in shape.

I'm starting CICO tomorrow as well as consistent walking with my baby. I am still breastfeeding/pumping which is burning about 500 calories a day. So my calorie intake needs to be 1900 to maintain my milk supply. This is definitely doable because I used to do 1200 calories and was fine.

I'm ready to focus on my health and wellness again and make it a priority. I want to feel confident again. If anyone has any tips for activities and exercises to do with a young child, please give me your tips!

submitted by /u/Anita_Marie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3ijaMik

Running Journal Calendar – July 2020 free printable

Hello! The July Calendar is ready to go – are you? There are 2 versions of the running calendar this month. One calendar has running and strength training days. The other is a July Calendar with space to use as a running journal. You can track your workouts and runs if you’re following your own ... Read More about Running Journal Calendar – July 2020 free printable

The post Running Journal Calendar – July 2020 free printable appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat https://ift.tt/2YLGqNr

Stopped counting calories, still losing weight. This really is a lifestyle change.

Over the last couple years I've gone from over 200lbs as a 5'6 woman to my current weight of 133.9lbs. Not all of it was healthy weight loss, I have struggled with disordered eating for a lot of my life. But the last year I dropped about 30 lbs just counting calories religiously, and it's been actually pretty easy, albeit inconvenient. I didn't deprive myself of any foods, I just found a way to keep them in my budget. I kept to about 12-1300 calories a day, with occasional cheat days where I'd let myself go up to maintenance if there was a special occasion.

My original goal weight was 135, but I've decided I'd like to lose 10 more pounds than that, however I've gotten kind of tired of counting calories. So, I decided to try eating without weighing my food and see how it goes. It's been about a week, and while I'm still aware of about how much I'm eating and I'm making healthy choices, I've also had ice cream almost everyday the last week, as well as steak dinners. And I've lost over a pound!

I guess this is what intuitive eating is, right? I have a solid grasp on nutrition and general calorie counts, but I'm not weighing out every single thing. It's very freeing, and apparently still effective at helping me reach my goals. I feel confident that I can continue to lose, and eventually maintain for the rest of my life.


I'm not sure exactly what weight I'm at here, probably around 180, could be higher. I didn't take any progress photos as I was usually very insecure. The other picture is me 5 minutes ago.

submitted by /u/Awaywethrowit69
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3dGAw4E