Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Finaly broke my plateau

I was realy strugeling, was on the same weight for over a month 87,5kg. Losing 100 grams, then gaining it back the next day.

I knew i was eating about right. Not every day was 500 kcal below my tdee, but no days were above my tdee either. Some also were below tdee. Eating around 1900 a day

Last week the scale finaly started to give. Lost 2,5kg since then. So right on track for my 400-500 grams a week. :-) if i count the month oFf no weight loss.

So, i'm telling you, no matter how hard it is, without seeing results, just keep doing what is right for you. The results will come.

M178cm From 107,5 to 85. Current goal at 75.

submitted by /u/kavijak
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

[Directory] Find your quests here! -

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Around this time two years ago, I achieved my weight loss goal due in large part to this community. Then 2020 happened.

I'm a 33f, 5'2", who went from 175 lbs to 125 lbs over the course of about 7 months, achieving my goal in the spring of 2018. I was a diligent calorie counter, and tallied everything I ate for an entire year! Once I stopped counting calories, I continued to maintain my weight (with minor fluctuations, of course) for nearly a year and a half. I was proud and felt like I had developed habits that would last a lifetime.

Fast forward to 2020. Many things changed in my own life, but I won't get into the details. Confined to home and in a new relationship, we took to eating as a way of bonding and hanging out. I have since gained back 25 of my hard lost pounds. I'm barely squeezing into my newer wardrobe like it's sausage casing.

I've downloaded MFP again probably three times in the past few months, and still can't get back into the habit of counting calories. It's not that I feel discouraged. I've done this before and I know I can do it again. I didn't even hate logging my food when I was losing weight before- the habit became second nature. It's just the idea of having to do it over again is making me crazy.

So I guess I'm hoping for words of encouragement and advice- it's what this sub does best. For anyone who was a good maintainer and fell off the wagon, how'd you get back up again? I'd love to hear your stories.

submitted by /u/mikrolo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: Walked 7 miles today without getting winded (and SV down to 182.5!!!)

It's been a long road to this point. A year ago I was over 265 pounds and could hardly handle a half mile walk without huffing and puffing, but today did 7 miles (with a nearly 400 foot elevation differential!) and definitely felt it, but wasn't winded and felt like I could still keep going!!!

CICO and IF have been my go-to tools so far, along with doctor monitored extreme caloric deficit for the initial part of my weight loss (extreme drop was needed due to imminent liver failure)

Now I'm running about 1400-1600 calories per day, and walking on average 4 miles per day, switching out walking for swimming on days where my knees act up (congenital knee deformity means if I'm standing or walking I have to wear braces and often walk with a cane - definitely made getting off my ass in the beginning a hell of a lot harder)

Next big step once I get down to 170ish will be ramping up protein intake again (already casually increasing protein to get used to it) and pushing the swim workouts to more workout focused as opposed to just moving. Tentative goal is to be burning off the last of the skinny fat by late september and building solid muscle that I can maintain to help keep the fat down.

TLDR: Between CICO and IF, I went from a couch potato with imminent liver failure to a much lighter dude who can walk 7 miles straight!

submitted by /u/CyrusDonnovan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

6 weeks of CICO, 1 week of IF. I finally have hope.

It all started when my best friend asked me if I wanted to join her in a weight loss challenge starting May 18th. I accepted and figured I’d have a chance to win some money and lose a few pounds, so, why not? Before the challenge, I had already started to make very small changes to my diet. Drinking half a bottle of soda instead of the whole bottle, ordering an entree and a drink instead of adding all the sides at the drive thru, etc. Once the challenge started, I did a lazy CICO. Just kept a running overall count in my head. After the first 4 pounds, I was super motivated. I started working out about 2 weeks ago. If I had started working out earlier I’m sure I would have lost more weight but I’m still extremely happy with my 7 pound weight loss so far. The challenge ended a few days ago. I gave myself a year to lose all the weight (50lbs total), and start to recomp. I actually feel like I’ll have my confidence back one day. I can’t wait to trim off all the excess fat and reveal a body that I used to love. I can’t wait to look good in everything again. I can’t wait to get on the beach a year from now in a bikini and show off what I’ve been working so hard to achieve.

submitted by /u/Givemetheformuol
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Enough is enough. It’s time!

It’s been many many years and many many attempts to lose weight. I’m 30 years old and have been obese for half my life. I’ve always known I was big but now I’m realizing that I can’t be the big guy anymore. Even being over 340lbs I was pretty much in “shape” and by that I mean I can do sports like playing baseball, basketball and flag football. I always told myself and my doctors I’m the healthiest fat person you’ll ever meet lol honestly I have to have some humor. Regardless, it’s time. I need to start now to save my life and be around for my friends and family. I was a smokeless tobacco user for 10 years and I’m happy to say I’m now 7 months tobacco free and I also gave up all energy drinks the same day as the tobacco. Giving up tobacco was brutal the first month and I survived that. It’s the weight loss mindset now! I downloaded an app for my phone called MyNetDiary to track all my calorie intake as well as water. I plan on working out 5 days a week for 75-90mins to start out with. I downloaded 2 workout apps on my phone as well and plan to utilize my treadmill, medicine balls, slam balls and kettle bells. I don’t have any free weights but do have a machine that I can do various weight lifting exercises. I’m new to posting here, long time reader and I’m proud to see how the post of many people here and there journey they have taken along with the results they have gotten. You all are doing great and inspired me to believe that I can do this. My SW is 350lbs and my first target GW is 300lbs and I’m striving to hit 240lbs. Good luck to all and there continued weight loss journey!

submitted by /u/wellwellwell789
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Down over 40 pounds and almost done.

I started my weight loss journey in March. Quarantine was just beginning and I was bored. For reference I’m an 18 year old male currently 5’11.5 and started at 239lbs. It’s been an interesting few months but I’ve stayed committed. I currently weigh 195.6lbs and I’m proud of where I am. My doctor said at my height I should weigh around 190, so that’s my goal.

I started by doing a mix of Virtual Reality workouts and it was awesome, but my headset broke a few weeks ago, (I’ve since gotten a replacement) but I’ve moved on to more traditional workouts and mainly weight training. I mainly relied on exercise for weight loss but I also cut out soda completely, strictly water and the occasional protein shake, and I’m eating the best I ever have. I probably could be eating more, but I’m not sure.

My weight is dropping daily and I’m happy with it, but I still don’t really see any results. I have a few veins on my neck that pop out and I can see my collarbone more, but I have a belly still and I’m at a loss of what to do. Some shirts have started fitting more and I’m down a pant size so something is working. I recently bought a “smart” scale, and I can see my weight along with other things on an app. Somehow my muscle mass is dropping daily too. As I come on my goal, I’m looking for advice on maintaining weight and continuing to lose belly fat.

submitted by /u/NptConor
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from loseit - Lose the Fat