Wednesday, September 30, 2020

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from loseit - Lose the Fat

30 Day Accountability Challenge - October Sign Ups

Hello losers,

This is the October sign up post for the DAC! Welcome!

For the newbies to the sub reddit, please start here, so much good info!

And hey, maybe it’s not a bad idea to review them anyway to you returning conquerors. I do occasionally to remind myself of the basics.

Here’s what we do in the DAC my friends!

This is the sign up post to outline your goals, weight loss, self care, creative, whatever keeps your motor going.

There will be a daily update post for you to chime in about how day whatever is going!

At the end of the month, there is a wrap up post to reflect on the progress you made or didn’t make & what you learned. Learning is progress my friends!

We try to foster a supportive, caring place to discuss the actual day to day of deficits & counting & caring so much about how we fuel our bodies & lives. So be kind, interact if you like & hopefully you feel supported by the internet version of a push up bra!

Leading by example, here I go!

Weight by end of month (199 lbs, preferably trend weight): Not enough scale progress on my end. Gotta keep chasing it my friends.

Stay within calorie range (1700 weekdays to practice eventual maintenance, maintenance weekends, NO FAST FOOD):

Exercise 5 days a week: I want to chase more strength & a higher intensity like always! X/X days.

Self-care journaling (once a week, 60 minutes): Gotta keep the mental health up.

Self-care time (work on not using food as a reward):

Try a new recipe once a week: New stuff keeps it interesting!

Be more mindful, present in my body & express gratitude to avoid the hedonic treadmill: Gotta try to keep an even mental state friends.

Your turn!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Post #5: adjusted my calorie goal, and things have steadied

So about two weeks ago when I started calorie counting I set my goal as 1780 - while for the first week I was eating over 3000 calories per day. I was pretty discouraged even though I was telling myself it was a starting educational tool. I read someone's post (wish I could link it but I've lost it now) saying they plugged maintenance calories into the app as the goal, and just tried to stay underneath that every single day. Well I have done that the last few days and it has been a HUGE game changer for me, psychologically. My goal is now ~2200 calories, I don't input any exercise, and I aim to just undercut my budget. It feels so good even just for the last 2 days to have a green circle without a huge red indent in it. I'm also not hungry or thinking about food 24x7 as I was when I was trying to eat within 1780 calories. My weight loss will probably be a lot slower - maybe 2 lbs a month if that - but I would almost rather it be really slow, so slow that it doesn't damage my hunger cues, it doesn't harm my metabolism, and I don't regain all the weight in a year. I have ~40 lbs to lose, and that's only 20 months. For the sake of my health, that's nothing. It's worth it to go slow. It's far kinder to myself.

edit - TLDR: working on sustainable weight loss by increasing calories while being in a deficit is helping me mentally. x

submitted by /u/yacantprayawaythegay
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My weight loss journey 1 year later

June 2, 2019, I waddled my 420-pound body up Clifton Hill in Niagara Falls. My wife and I have taken an annual road trip for our anniversary every year since getting married in 2014. Our 2019 trip was special as it was the first time I had ever spent the night outside of the United States.

I had always been fairly athletic despite my size. I played basketball and tennis almost every day growing up. My diet, however, was horrific. I lived off Hot Pockets and ice cream. But exercising every day at least kept me from ballooning as a teenager.

Then adulthood came, and the perceived time I had for exercise was replaced with work and chores. Leisure no longer felt like a priority.

Walking never felt like a challenge, and the walk from our hotel to the falls wasn’t hateful as it was downhill. But returning from the falls, I was gassed. The simple act of walking had fatigued me to the point that I had to stop. I was shameful.

I had never really felt “unhealthy” until this point.

Shamers be shaming

August 3, 2019, was a gut-wrenching day for many of us in the US. That Saturday, I had just taken Jenna’s car to get an oil change. We found out her rear brake lights would not work, and it appeared there were electrical malfunctions. We were planning on replacing her car at the end of the year, so leaning of a potentially expensive electrical issue prompted us to decide on buying a new car.

When I came home, I heard that there was a massacre at the El Paso Walmart. I checked in with our Saturday person at work, and she was going to need some relief at some point (any one who has worked in breaking news understands how draining these massacres are).

After working an unexpected Saturday shift, I went to bed planning on teaching a few classes in the morning and then going to buy Jenna a new car. After briefly falling asleep, I received a text that another massacre happened, this time just 15 miles down the road in Dayton. Having graduated from Wright State and then working at the Dayton Daily News, I had many friends living in that immediate area. My thoughts turned to them as I now had to work another shift, this time in an area I knew quite well.

While reporting on the events taking place in Dayton, some of my tweets went viral. Immediately, some of the responses weren’t about the shooting, but about my weight. There is this huge tragedy happening in Dayton, and my weight was the issue for some on social media.

To be fair to other reporters, this was a new experience for me. For many of my (especially female) colleagues, the vitriol of fat-shamers can be far worse. I am not an on-camera journalist, but for those who are, the shaming can be downright vitriolic. But given the two tragedies going on, it was tough to process this hate I was receiving.

A few weeks later, I watched a segment on Bill Maher’s show about how there should be more fat-shaming in society. It had me thinking that all of those people tweeting at me during another tragic night in our country were the ones who were right, and who am I to judge them?

I decided to get a gym membership. But the very thing that was driving me to get in shape was what was scaring me off. If these fat-shamers are so spiteful online, how much shame will I face at a gym?

Last September, I went for a walk at VOA Park in Butler County, Ohio. The loop there is 1.5 miles. I felt so exhausted just going once around that loop.

I had enough.

I knew I wanted to get into shape.

For several weeks starting around late September 2019, weighing over 420 pounds, I started walking as fast and long as I could. The 1.5-mile walk quickly became 3-mile walks. While I wasn’t seeing results on the scale, I was feeling better mentally.

Shamers replaced with cheerleaders

After a few walks, I already ran into a few folks at VOA Park who saw how much of a sweat I was working up, and gave me so much encouragement to keep moving. I never expected to get thumbs up from people. You quickly realize that for every person out there shaming you, there are dozens ready to push you and help you.

As the weather turned colder, I finally worked up the courage to enter a gym. And it’s true about Planet Fitness… it truly is the “No Judgement Zone.”

People there were so wonderful. Hearing people say “good work” was a great affirmation that I was in the right place.

My time spent exercising prompted me to do a lot of research on how to lose weight, and what I could do to drop weight. There are SO MANY diets out there. Which one is right for me?

It seemed the one constant was you have to watch your calories. If you burn more calories than you consume, you’ll lose weight. I am pretty good with numbers and statistics, so I realized that this could be a winner.

So I decided to go with a 2,000-calorie-a-day diet. Coupled with exercise, I found myself losing weight QUICKLY. In the month of December alone, I lost 25 pounds.

I have not put anything in my body that I don’t track. I track every calorie I eat. It is a great way to hold oneself accountable.

Last December was when exercising no longer felt like a chore but routine. I was no longer “forcing myself” to exercise, and had to force myself to take a few day off for rest.

This habit of eating 2,000 calories a day and exercising almost every day simply became my routine, and unlike past diets, it felt like this one worked for me. If I wanted to have a cookie, I could, but I had to make up for it somewhere else. My habit of eating a whole package of Oreos quickly disappeared, however. I have bought a few package of cookies since, but it seems they spoil before I get a chance to finish the container.

Then came COVID

March 11 started off a good day. My weigh-in had me down 78 pounds since October. I went to the gym and had a good workout on the stair stepper. I then went to work.

Our whole world felt like it changed in one night.

That evening, the NBA suspended the season, President Trump suspended travel between Europe and the US, and Tom Hanks announced he had the coronavirus. It felt like all of a sudden, the coronavirus was going to have a major impact on our way of life for months to come.

Leaving work that night in a bit of a haze, all I wanted to do was stress eat.

I got off at an interstate exit and was about to order a midnight McDonald’s hamburger.

Then when I got to the drive thru, I saw my gym membership dangling from my keys and decided not to undo the effort I put in that day at the gym. So I drove home and opted for a small, more calorie-friendly snack.

In the days to come, I decided to workout from home. I found myself doing step aerobics on a daily basis, thanks to my wife finding a fantastic YouTube channel. I am so thankful for Jenny Ford for her encouragement as she is a great step aerobics instructor. Even though I don’t do step aerobics as often, I plan on doing more as the weather gets colder. It’s a great full-body workout that requires very little equipment. And it doesn’t require going to an indoor gym during a pandemic!

Becoming a runner

At the start of 2020, I thought it would be cool to do a 5K. But I didn’t just want to walk one, so I decided if I could go 5Ks in less than 45 minutes, I’d sign up for one. Little did I know the only options for 2020 would be virtual.

I never really thought I’d enjoy running. It never appealed to me.

In May, I tested myself by seeing how fast I could go at the park. It was the first time I had jogged or walked in two months. I crossed the proverbial finish line in less than 40 minutes.


Time to sign up for a 5K!

It also turns out running is a great way to burn calories. This started to become my daily routine. It also is such a great way to clear the mind. I put on some music and don’t think about work or the ills of the world.

This is also where I picked up more cheerleaders. I never truly planned on documenting my weight loss journey. I thought to myself I am doing this for myself, and not those dreaded fat-shamers.

But I posted some photos of my first runs, and your support was so overwhelming. It truly motivated me to keep going.

On July 3, I ran my first official 5K. Not that I was counting, but my photo from that day had over 200 Facebook likes... more than I got for my wedding. HAHA

It was time for a new challenge: a 10K. I completed my first 10K on September 14 in 1 hour, 11 minutes. A few days later, I set my 5K PR at 29 minutes.

Let’s say beyond the improvement of my physical health, my mental health has improved so much too.

I have felt so fortunate to have my health and fitness back during a time that so many are suffering, I decided to organize a 5K to benefit Feeding America. A small group of friends have joined, and we have already enough participants to contribute nearly 2,500 meals to Feeding America.

If anyone is interested to join, it is on Facebook as the “Beat COVD, Beat Hunger 5k Fun Run.”

What’s next

As I end my first year of diet and exercise, I can announce I have lost 157 pounds. Even at 263 pounds, I am still considered “obese.” There is more weight I want to lose as I want to continue doing more with running. I have already started planning on running a half marathon in 2021. Nine months ago, even the idea of doing a 5K didn’t feel like a given.

I understand losing weight is not as challenging as maintaining weight loss. But I am sure with the constant support I have received from so many of you, I will give it my all in keeping the weight off.

One reason I write this is because I have gotten several messages from others saying how my new lifestyle has caused them to get more fit. I can’t tell you what it means to be an inspiration to others. Given all of the perceived hate in the world, love is what rules. And I have felt the love from my dear friends and family, especially Jenna!

Thank you to everyone for your love and support. You all mean so much to me and I feel so proud that I have been able to inspire others to get out and enjoy the outdoors.

PS, enjoy this fall weather! This is great running and biking weather!

submitted by /u/jjboggs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss Help

Hi everyone. 19 f around 260lbs here. I really would like advice on how to get started on my journey. I have seen so many positive responses on here about getting started and people supporting each other which is what motivated me to make this post. I often lose my motivation because I tend to plan unrealistically. I am in college right now so of course budget is tight in regards to purchasing foods, so this often makes it harder for me to think of healthy food to get that is also affordable. Also, I do not know where to start with exercise; I think walking is a start but I also am really excited and intrigued in getting muscle. I want to lose weight to be a better me and feel better about myself as well as have better health. I would appreciate positive responses. :)

submitted by /u/Novel_Reporter
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 8 lbs (3.6 kgs) in one month even though I’m doing everything “wrong”

[TL;DR I changed my flawed perspective on the “right” and “wrong” way to lose weight, and I got to the lowest weight I’ve been in my adult life in one month (and still going strong). Also might have accidentally changed my life.]

Some quick background information. I (22M, 6’1) was 204 lbs (92.5 kg) at my heaviest, because of my own poor habits that I developed in college. After I graduated, I was able to shed 20 lbs (9 kg) of excess weight fairly quickly simply by cutting out unhealthy cafeteria food and snacks. This put me right at 184 lbs (83.4 kg), where I’ve been for over half a year. I consider 184 lbs to be my starting weight for this post since I wasn't really on a weight loss "journey" until this very month of September.

Now here are some even bigger facts about me:

I will not count calories.

I will not go to the gym.

I will not cut foods out of my life that I enjoy.

To be clear, I’m quite capable of doing all of those things, but I just know myself well enough to know that those things make me unhappy and I eventually default to my old ways. But instead of using that as an excuse to stay unhealthy, I decided to finally examine the root of these issues. WHY do I not do any of those things? Without excuses?

I don’t count calories because I am obsessed with numbers. My entire life I’ve been analytical, so if you give me a system, I will absolutely prioritize finding a way to perfect it. That has served me well in the majority of cases, but in the case of calories, it means I have an extremely unhealthy approach to it. I start caring more about the numbers than if I’m actually eating enough food for energy, and I’m tempted to go far under my deficit just to speed things up.

I don’t go to the gym because it gives me anxiety. I work from home (long before the pandemic) and that makes me happy because the fewer strangers I have to see in a day, the better. I adore being physically present for my loved ones and friends, but I can’t function if I feel like my privacy is being invaded by people I don’t know, and that’s how I feel at the gym. I know that literally nobody at the gym cares enough about me to even look in my direction, but it doesn’t change my feelings that fitness is a very personal thing to me and I simply don’t want to do it in front of others.

I don’t cut foods out of my life because I don’t respond well to limitations. If I know in my head that I can’t have something, I’ll make it my priority to find a way to have it. Again, that usually works in my benefit as it’s very useful in my job, but the negative sides present themselves around food. I’m cutting out carbs all week? Then I’m going to have pasta for breakfast, lunch, and dinner the next week. I’m throwing away an unnecessary box of packaged snacks? Then I’m going to drive to the store, buy another box, and eat it. Today.

So knowing those things about myself, this month I re-evaluated my approach and accepted some harsh truths about my unhealthy style of living.

I don’t need to count calories, I need to eat less. So to hell with the food scales and MyFitnessPal! Instead, for the entire month of September, I simply ate less. I stopped eating three meals a day because it’s not necessary for me, and more importantly, I let myself get hungry before eating. This might seem like a no-brainer, but it was actually pretty revolutionary because I had a huge realization: I have never let myself get hungry in my entire adult life before this month. I’ve just always stuck to three meals a day that way I was never hungry, but this month I’ve just waited until I was hungry, and then found food. Suddenly I was skipping entire meals that I didn’t need, which really adds up if you do that every single day.

I don’t need to go to the gym, I need to be active. I have a desk job and none of my hobbies involve going outside. Therefore, my sedentary lifestyle doesn’t really burn much fat at all. So for the month of September, I vowed to do something active every single day (except Sundays). However, I don’t have time to do this once my day starts. It’s not an excuse, it’s just not logistically possible for me to break up or end my day with an hour of physical activity. So I found a solution: get up earlier! Again, this seems simple, but once again it was somewhat life-changing. I now wake up every day at 6 AM that way I can jog (every other day) or do simple bodyweight exercises (every other day). My big realization was simple: I love jogging. Not in a casual way, either. I sometimes even feel motivated to jog on my off day, which is insane considering last month I would find any and every excuse to stay in bed through my entire off day.

I don’t need to cut foods out of my life, I need to eat less garbage. Fat tastes good. Salt tastes good. Grease tastes good. Therefore, pizza is my ideal food. Burgers are my ideal food. Fries are my ideal food. Do these foods do me any favors? Absolutely not. But I simply derive enjoyment from eating them, therefore I continued to do so all throughout this month. But for the month of September, instead of making them “regular” meals, I recognized them for what they are: fattening foods. This was yet again a bit of a breakthrough in my thinking: I’m not going to get fat from eating fatty foods! This definitely sounds counter-intuitive, but the wording was really important to me. I get fat from overeating fatty foods. I get fat from only eating fatty foods. I get fat from eating nothing but fatty foods. So if I have pizza four times in a week, guess what that’s going to do to me? Literally nothing. Four meals is not enough to derail fat loss on their own. My real problem is that I was combining those four meals a week with 10-17 other meals every single week, none of which were healthy. Thinking back on that . . . I was eating. So. Much. Food. And my problem was that I wasn't taking responsibility for it.

So having made these changes for September, my grand result was . . . losing 8 lbs this month. 3.6 kg. 184 lbs >176 lbs. Literally nobody noticed. It doesn’t show when I’m clothed. But here’s why it’s a huge deal to me anyway: For the first time in half a year, I did SOMETHING about my weight, and it worked. And I did it my way.

I’m still losing weight by the way, and it’s not because I tried to force myself to follow my misconceived “right way” of losing weigh; it’s because I actually changed my life. I’m now an active person. I now eat only as much as I need. I now have more energy than I've had since I was a kid. So weight aside, the real victory is clear to me: I’m a healthier person than I was last month.

On to month 2!

submitted by /u/UsrnmTknAlrdyLol
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 40lbs and have maintained.. how to cut again??

Hello. Big thanks to anyone who takes the time to read and/or chime in.

I am at a place in my weight loss journey where I think I need to re-evaluate my diet, and I would like to ask some advice.

Some background-

I am male, 29 y/o, 5’10” .. started at 260lbs.

5 months ago I began using free time during quarantine to get myself in shape. I would run up and down my long driveway, and then lift weights I had in my garage. I stopped drinking, and started counting macros and calories ( I was eating about 1600). I lost about 40 lbs. it has been life changing and exciting. During that time, after seeing the results and getting excited, I started to get more and more interested in bodybuilding.

I decided to join a gym near me that was still open, and up my calories some to support the training (started doing 1800- 2000, plus allowing a little more in the way of cheat days.) I reintroduced more carbs into my diet to support the training and recovery. I’m lifting as hard and heavy as I can 6 days a week. Push pull legs X2. I have reduced cardio to 30 minutes once a week because from what I understand too much cardio can make adding muscle harder.

This diet seems to basically be acting as “maintenance” for me. I’m not really losing more weight, even though my body fat is still probably >20% ... I am fine with this as I understand 40lbs was a big change.. and it was probably a good idea to do a maintenance period. I am getting stronger still, which I guess tells me that I could be recompositioning my body and just not seeing the scale move? This has lasted about a month now.

I am considering clamping back down on the diet because I want the rest of this body fat GONE.. but I don’t want to lose all my hard earned gym gains.

According to the MFP and calculators, a weight loss of 2lbs a week looks like 1500 calories 170g/protein-170g/carb-40g/fat..

I have a meal plan ready to go, and I am more than willing to do it... but is this too drastic? I feel like I never, ever, ever hear bodybuilders or lifters talk about eating this little, unless they are getting ready for contest. (I know, they’re on anabolic and hormones and things, and I am not...)

Anyways, whew, sorry for the novel. Thanks again to anyone who takes the time to read/reply!!

submitted by /u/Image_of_glass_man
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from loseit - Lose the Fat