Saturday, May 1, 2021

Progress: I lost 28lbs and gained muscle!

I want to highlight for those who are trying to lose weight and ‘failing’, it took me a year to find what would work for me. I hadn’t lost 80% of the extra weight until late 2020. I tried various diets, but some diets made me want to binge eat uncontrollably, some made me gain. It’s important to find the right diet for you, one that makes you happy and that you can maintain long term.

I’m 5’7, 18F and have started my weight loss journey when I was 16. I wasn’t overly large, but I probably ate upwards of 3000+ calories a day and was gaining rapidly. I also lived an incredibly sedentary lifestyle; I left the house maybe once a month and the only walking I did was from my bed to the computer. I had just surpassed my BMI being overweight at my heaviest, 156lbs. My weight gain was partly attributed to intense depression and anxiety.

Eventually I realized I was practically being controlled by junk food, and the only reason I’d bother to wake up was to eat 2 family sized bags of chips or fast food. I hated living like this and it only made my mental health worse. I started small. I tracked my calories, and I tried to eat 3 meals a day. I didn’t change what I ate quite yet, but through small changes throughout the years I had managed to drop 28 lbs.

I only started working out at home with resistance bands and weights in 2021, and I’m so excited about my progress. I have NEVER had abs before and it feels amazing to see results from the effort I’ve put on my multi year health journey. I don’t really have anyone to share it with, so I wanted to share it hereweight lossssss! This sub has been such a fantastic way to motivate myself and I’m so thankful to be apart of this group!

submitted by /u/awkwardcro1ssant
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Taking a dump is the key 🔑 to weight loss...... not really

[6’0 23M ~215-220lbs] For context, this past month I’ve implemented intermittent fasting, counting macros, and somewhat consistent workouts. I’ve made great progress so far and still allowing myself to eat into my cravings here and there as long as I fit it into my calorie intake for the day, resulting in about 10lbs of weight loss for the first month which is pretty great so far!!

So I thought this was funny, last night I kinda broke IM and snacked quite a bit, nah of trail mix, a couple Oreos, and a bag of chips. So I knew this morning the scale wasn’t going to result to what I would want to see. The scale said 219.6, not terrible.

Went about my morning for about 30 minutes then my morning shit came, handled that situation and stood back on the scale to see how much difference my weight could be. BAM 218.4!!! I don’t know why I thought it was so funny, whether it being a MASSIVE dump, or just me literally having to do nothing and I shed a pound off. Just thought I’d share lol

submitted by /u/friedtummis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My family makes fun of my weight even though I have been working hard for the past month and lost about 10lbs. Need some kind words.

So I am 5'6. SW: 165 lbs CW: 156 GW: 132

I started my weight loss journey and overall fitness journey on 24th March. I started running in the morning, Yoga, and abs and legs in the evening. I also started eating healthy, taking protein, and noted everything I ate. I have exercised for 30 days straight now and never binged once on unhealthy snacks. I lost about 10lbs(4kgs) in one month doing all this. I know that losing this much weight won't show any difference yet but I feel stronger anyways. So I am proud of myself.

But my siblings still make fun of me. They do it even more than before. I try to wake up earlier than them so that I can work out in peace. Today I was a bit late and was preparing to do Emi Wong's abs and legs workout when my brother walked in and said " why are you watching all these fit girls doing workout? You should watch someone who is fat like you." I said to him that it'll take some time but I'll also start looking like her. So he went on to say that nothing is going to change in your body. Your body has already given up. See now you have fat coming from your sides pointing to my love handles. To change the topic I said I might start doing calisthenics to build muscle and he again made fun of me saying you can't do shit. I was embarrassed and in tears. He left but I couldn't bring myself to do the workout because I was so sad.

In the evening my sister was watering the plants and I stepped on the pipe by mistake. My sister shouted angrily " Get off the pipe you elephant." She could have said anything but she had to say something like this. Even though they all know I wake up at 5 AM to go running. I am eating healthier than them all. My sister is just (11lbs)5 Kgs lighter than me and she has no strength at all. She can never keep up with me while doing workouts.

I have heard these comments all my life. But can't they see I am trying to make an effort here. I have started running for god's sake. I have social anxiety but still, I get out every day and pass those judgy looks coz I am trying. I am trying. Please I need some kind words today. I need to get up tomorrow and run again. Thank you

submitted by /u/mirage1197
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you get your calories in!?

So yesterday I posted about how my recent weight loss has been causing my hair to fall out quite a bit! I want to try increasing my calories some to see if that helps.

So, what are some good tips/ snacks to add healthy calories to your day? What are your go to snacks? I eat a lower carb diet because I have pcos so I can’t have a lot of carbohydrates. I feel like I already eat so much at lunch and dinner to get my calories in because vegetables and such are so low in calories.

I just feel like I’m already eating enough times during the day, I don’t often feel hungry. But I am only eating about 1,400 calories. And while my doctor said that’s enough for me, I’m wondering if eating a bit more would help my hair loss.

(Also yes, I know pcos can cause hair loss. But it’s not a typical symptom I’ve had. I don’t have a lot of your typical pcos side effects luckily, mostly just the cysts and irregular periods.)

submitted by /u/Fun-Orchid8278
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Get Back on Track Before Summer: How Nutrisystem Can Help

While we were all distracted with new daily routines during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic—working from home, Zoom calls, home schooling, binge-watching the shows everyone is talking about and keeping an eye on the news—we picked up a few extra pounds without even being aware of it. It’s no surprise that when we are housebound and stressed out, we are tempted to overeat and indulge in unhealthy foods. But here’s what you might not expect: Nutrisystem makes it easy for you to drop the unwanted weight before summer. Even better, we do it without taking away the small pleasures of eating that have made this time inside more bearable. Let us explain how we can help you clean up your quarantine diet!

NuMi Helps Users Reach Their Weight Loss Resolutions

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Here are six ways Nutrisystem can help you get back on track before summer:

1. Get a Head Start

before summer weight loss

Just seven days after you begin your Nutrisystem plan, you may start to see a difference. Our first week on the program is specially designed to jumpstart your weight loss and reboot your body. In a study, average weight loss was 5.4 pounds during this first week.* It’s a lower calorie week that includes delicious, filling Nutrisystem meals, snacks, shakes and unlimited non-starchy vegetables to keep you satisfied. Get a head start on your weight loss goals with a little help from Nutrisystem.

2. Filling Favorites

different Nutrisystem food on a table

When there’s no place to go and little to do while social distancing, meals are often the highlight of our days. So you aren’t likely to stick to any weight loss plan that expects you to skimp on the joy of sitting down to eat three meals a day. With the diverse and delicious Nutrisystem menu filled with breakfast, lunch and dinner choices, you’ll look forward to treating your taste buds to your favorite cuisines every day. Plus, we’re always in the kitchen cooking up new ideas and products! From classic American and Italian to Asian-inspired and Tex-Mex, every meal satisfies real appetites while still promoting weight loss.

3. Regular Snacks

healthy snacks

If you have to identify one cause of weight gain, it’s likely that you’ll point to “frequent snacking.” Many of us of have loaded our pantries with snack foods to keep our families happy and occupied, and we are dipping into those packages ourselves when we are bored, worried, stressed or hungry.

Now for the good news: you don’t have to give up snack time to lose the weight before summer! In fact, daily snacks are an essential part of your Nutrisystem weight loss plan. The difference is that with Nutrisystem, you eat snacks that are in the right portions for you. Plus, you get to choose from a wide range of options, including savory treats like Honey Mustard Pretzel Bits and White Cheddar Popcorn. We also offer delightful sweets, such as our Red Velvet Cupcake, so snack time is still a fun part of your day.

Be sure to check out some more of the healthy snack ideas and treats from our wellness and nutrition experts at The Leaf! Here, you’ll be able to learn more amazing inspiration for healthy meal prep to shed those unwanted pounds from the Coronavirus quarantine.

Frozen Food Frenzy! 11 Sweet Treats to Add to Your Cart ASAP

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4. Comfort Cuisine

before summer weight loss

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the resulting lockdown have many of us in a constant state of stress. This can cause our bodies to produce a hormone known as “cortisol.” It increases our appetite, especially for foods that are high in sugar, fat and calories, according to the experts at Harvard Health Publishing.

To help us deal with stress, we tend to crave “comfort foods”—those meals that remind us of home cooking and the feeling of safety we enjoyed as children. With the Nutrisystem’s menu, you’ll be able to enjoy featured homestyle dishes that are sure to carry you back to those more relaxed times, including Chicken Pot Pie and Salisbury Steak with Mac and Cheese. Dig into these diet-friendly dishes filled with comfort and look forward to better days ahead.

5. Immunity Support

immune system

While you’re eating delicious food that satisfies your appetite, you also want to make sure you supply your immune system with the nutrients it needs to ward off illnesses. With Nutrisystem, you eat four servings of non-starchy vegetables each day, which load you up with fiber, antioxidants like vitamin C and other key nutrients for your immune system. Vitamin C is said to prevent colds and has been shown to help shorten the duration of cold symptoms, says Harvard Health.

Nutrisystem Shakes are formulated with protein and probiotics to help support your immune system, fight hunger and shrink your belly.** Probiotics have been shown to support a healthy immune system and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in the gut, says Healthline. Our shakes also contain 21 vitamins and minerals. There’s lots of fun ways to enjoy our rich, creamy shakes at home. We compiled 11 simple recipes that punch up the flavor of the shakes that you can enjoy as you lose weight. Try our shakes out here! >

6. Contactless Delivery

Nutrisystem meal delivery box

Nutrisystem can also help guard your health as you are shedding the weight by bringing good food right to your door through our renowned meal delivery service. The majority of your healthy meal prep is done for you and shipped directly to your home, keeping you safe and headache-free from dealing with grocery stores! You can stock up your pantry and freezer with a selection of your favorite foods, while also cutting down on trips out of the house. You stay safe without giving up on the variety of meals and snacks you love as you are losing those extra pounds before summer.

Be sure to read more fitness and healthy recipe tips from our experts at The Leaf to keep you and your family healthy and happy.

Get back on track before summer! Try out the Nutrisystem meal delivery service today. >

5 Ways a Meal Delivery Service Can Improve Your Life

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*In a study, avg weight loss was 5.4 lbs in the first week. The avg weight for the study participants was 207.3 lbs. Results vary based on starting weight and program adherence.

*IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Continuing this meal plan for more than one week in any consecutive four-week period may lead to health complications and is not recommended. If you have diabetes, are under 18 years of age, are pregnant or a nursing mother, or are following a specialized diet for health issues, you may not use this meal plan. Please consult with your physician before beginning Your First Week on Nutrisystem or any other weight loss program. Please be sure to eat all of the food that’s recommended for this program. Failure to follow the program protocol and eat all recommended food may result in developing health complications.

**As part of a healthy lifestyle including a balanced diet and exercise program.

The post Get Back on Track Before Summer: How Nutrisystem Can Help appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

10 Easy Home Workouts You Can Do in Your Living Room

Staying active and fitting in workouts at home can feel challenging. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t still get the weight loss benefits of regular exercise without going to the gym. Physical activity keeps your body burning calories and shedding excess pounds at a steady rate. That’s why Nutrisystem experts recommend that you get in 30 minutes of activity each day.

If you don’t have a gym membership or much time in your day, you might be feeling stumped on the best way to keep up your fitness routine. To inspire you, we’ve compiled this list of simple home workouts you can do right in your living room—no special equipment or training needed. Each takes about 10 minutes. To get in your 30 minutes of daily activity, you can do three of them in a row or spread them out over the day and get the same benefits.

Bonus: Exercise reduces stress and helps you to sleep more soundly, helping you feel better when you’re stuck at home and speeds up your progress to your weight loss goal.

Stuck at Home? 10 Healthy Lifestyle Tips to Stay on Track

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Here are 10 easy workouts you can do at home in your living room:

1. Calisthenics

easy home workouts

You might remember these exercises from high-school gym class. Jumping jacks, squats, lunges, sit-ups (or crunches) and push-ups are easy to do anywhere. Plus, they stoke your metabolism and tone your muscles. If you haven’t done them in a while, start with five repetitions (or even three) and gradually increase the amount until you can do three sets of 10 for each exercise.

2. Planks

easy home workouts

Want to tone up your belly and your arms as you burn calories? Try this: Get into a push-up position with your hands on the floor directly below your shoulders with your arms and legs straight. You can also drop down to your forearms for a more challenging abdominal workout. Now hold the position for 30 seconds (or as long as you can). Remember to keep breathing so your muscles don’t cramp. Repeat three times. As soon as you can, hold the plank for 10 seconds longer and continue increasing at 10-second increments. Stop when you get to three repetitions that you can hold for a full minute.

3. Weight Lifting

weight lifting

Muscles burn calories even when you’re at rest. Strength training turns fat into muscle mass, keeping those calories burning and helping you to look good as you drop the extra weight. And you don’t need dumbbells or other free weights to get in a good strength-building workout. Fill up your reusable water bottles and use them as weights. When full, a 1.5-liter water bottle weighs a bit more than three pounds.

Hold the bottles in your hands as you lift both arms straight out to the side five times. Also try five simple curls and 10 one-two punches with alternating arms. Want to work with heavier weights to gain even more strength? Use gallon-size plastic milk jugs—when full of water, they come in at about eight pounds each.

9 Tips to Avoid Weight Gain While You Work from Home

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4. Stair Stepping

easy home workouts

Climbing stairs tones your core muscles, strengthens your heart and lungs and burns more calories than simply walking. For an easy stair-stepping workout you can do in your living room, set up a sturdy box or milk crate in front of your TV. Step up and down, alternating legs for 10 minutes while watching your favorite shows.

5. Mountain Climbers

easy home workouts

Here’s another easy workout to do while watching TV that will tighten your core, arm and shoulder muscles while you burn off calories. Start like you are doing a plank, with your hands below your shoulders and your arms holding you up with your legs straight behind you. Bring each knee up to your chest, alternating them as you go. The movement will seem as if you are “climbing” up the floor. Do 10 repetitions with each leg and gradually increase your speed if you can.

6. Jumping Rope

easy home workouts

If you think jumping rope is just for kids, try it for just one minute. You’ll quickly realize it challenges your coordination and stamina more than you may remember from your days on a playground. If you devote a few minutes to jumping rope each day, you’ll notice that you are gaining strength in your legs and core muscles, while exercising your heart and lungs, too. To jump rope indoors, be sure that you have about a four-by-six feet clearance in the area around you, with about 10 inches of clearance above your head.

7 Low-Impact Exercises You Can Do at Home

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7. Pilates


You can build up your arm and leg strength, improve your flexibility and posture and tone up your belly with home workouts known as Pilates (pronounced pill-ah-tees). It involves a series of movements with names like the “Elephant” and the “Swan” that are low-impact, so they don’t put too much strain on anyone who is new to exercising. Plus, they’re easy to do at home!

You can purchase a DVD with home workouts to follow along with or just learn the moves from videos online. It may not look challenging when you watch. However, once you try it, you’ll see why it’s one of the most popular exercise routines for people of all walks of life.

8. Tai Chi

easy home workouts

Millions of people in Asia practice this traditional form of martial arts for their daily exercise. Tai chi (pronounced “tie chee”) is a low-impact activity that builds your strength and balance. It also reduces stress and encourages mindfulness or being aware of your body and thoughts. Tai chi home workouts typically consist of a series of postures or poses that are done slowly and with relaxed “flow.” Some tai chi routines include breathing exercises and simple stretches. Check out videos online for a relaxing yet effective workout.

9. Dancing


Make a playlist, get your body moving to the beat and you’ll burn calories as you feel the joy of letting yourself go to the rhythm of your favorite tunes. If you have a partner handy, try a waltz or foxtrot, which burn about 112 calories in 30 minutes for a 155-pound person, says Harvard Health. Like a faster pace? Disco or square dancing can melt off as many as 205 calories in a half hour.

Our Dietitian Weighs In: Foods to Stock Up on During Social Distancing

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10. Housework

spring cleaning housework

Being stuck at home can be a great opportunity to get your house or apartment as tidy and clean as you always want it to be. Better yet, vacuuming, mopping and other cleaning chores help you to burn calories, too—up to 167 in 30 minutes for a 155-pound person, says Harvard Health. That’s about as many as calories as it takes to do moderate calisthenics for the same period of time. You might call that a great two-for-one deal: losing weight while making your home your safe haven.

*Always speak with your doctor before starting an exercise routine.

The post 10 Easy Home Workouts You Can Do in Your Living Room appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

9 Anti-Bloating Foods for a Flat Belly

Bloating can feel like a cruel trick when you’re trying to lose weight. Even when you’re sticking with your healthy eating plan, you can get a noticeable bulge in your belly after eating. Not only does bloating make your midsection look bigger and your clothes feel tighter, the pressure in your abdomen can be uncomfortable and even painful at times.

Chronic bloating may be a symptom of a serious medical condition, but for most people it is an occasional problem that can be relieved with a few smart choices. Here’s what you need to know and what you can do to reduce it:

Bloating can happen when your body is retaining a lot of fluids, you have excessive amounts of solids in your gastrointestinal tract or gas is trapped in your digestive system. Irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease and various cancers can all cause bloating. If you experience frequent or sudden bloating, discuss it with your health-care provider to be sure you’re not suffering from one of these or another serious ailment.1,2

Bloating may also happen when you have trouble digesting certain foods. Products containing wheat, such as bread, baked goods and cereal, can cause bloating for people who are sensitive to gluten. Consuming dairy products can result in bloating for people who cannot tolerate lactose. Kidney beans, black beans and other legumes may produce excess gas and bloating in some people who do not eat them regularly.1

Constipation (defined as fewer than three bowel movements per week) is another frequent reason for feeling bloated.1 There are a wide range of causes for constipation but two to keep in mind are dehydration and insufficient fiber in your diet.1,3

These anti-bloating foods may also help you prevent or relieve that abdominal discomfort. To help you include them in your diet, we’ve provided a few fresh ideas for how you can enjoy them.

Bloated Belly? Address These 7 Causes to Get Rid of It for Good

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1. Avocados

freshly cut avocado

Your body often retains water and feels bloated when it has an excess of sodium. Potassium plays a vital role in helping your body manage its sodium levels. Avocados are rich in this important mineral, while also containing fiber that can help prevent constipation.4  Including avocados in your diet has also been shown to promote gut health, according to research from the University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.5

Try: We love avocados for so many reasons that we compiled 14 brilliant ways to use them. Your whole family will rave about rich and creamy Chocolate Orange Avocado Pudding.

2. Bananas

freshly chopped bananas in a bowl

Bananas are one of our favorite anti-bloating foods. You also get plenty of potassium and fiber from this favorite fruit.4 It’s mild flavor and soft texture makes it especially easy to digest when your belly isn’t feeling its best. According to Medical News Today, bananas are less likely to cause bloating then apples and pears.6

Try: Bananas are convenient to take with you and eat raw wherever you are. Try them in our 10 banana recipes to go bananas for! If you want to start your day with the goodness of bananas, check out the quick and easy three-step Banana Pancakes.

3. Beets

fresh beets

The dark-red roots are high in potassium and fiber, too, and have fewer calories per cup than bananas. They get their color from a compound called anthocyanin, which helps to support the microbes that break down food in your digestive tract, according to a study, published in the scientific journal Nature. Keeping these microbes healthy and active helps your body process food efficiently, reducing the risk of bloating.7

Try: Make yourself Roasted Rosemary Beets and Carrots and see how sweet a serving of vegetables can be.

How to Beat Belly Bloat

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4. Cucumbers

fresh cucumbers sliced on a cutting board

Cukes are mostly water, so they help you stay hydrated which can prevent constipation.3,4 Plus, cucumbers are a fiber-rich veggie that’s less likely to produce gas when you are digesting them than other vegetables.8

Try: Crab Stuffed Cucumber Cups make a simple yet elegant meal that fills you up with protein and fiber.

5. Fennel Seeds

fresh fennel seeds in a large wooden spoon

The fragrant seeds (they smell a bit like licorice) of this herb have a long history as a folk remedy for gas. They are high in fiber, which as we mentioned earlier, can help prevent constipation. According to Healthline, fennel seeds are anti-inflammatory and may help relax intestinal muscles, which may also help relieve constipation and gassiness. However, please note that more research is needed on this unique seed and its potential benefits.9

Try: You can make a soothing tea with fennel seeds or add them as a flavoring to many meat or fish dishes.

6. Ginger

fresh and ground ginger

There’s a reason your mother gave you ginger ale when you had an upset stomach. Ginger contains a digestive enzyme called zingibain that helps relax and relieve inflammation in your digestive tract, letting food pass through your system smoothly and keeping you from feeling bloated.10

Try: A warm cup of ginger tea is a quick remedy for bloating. To prevent it, make a batch of Wasabi Ginger Salad Dressing, which adds a zingy taste to bowls of fresh vegetables.

These anti-bloating foods may also help you prevent or relieve that abdominal discomfort. To help you include them in your diet, we’ve provided a few fresh ideas for how you can enjoy them.

The Health Benefits of Ginger

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7. Peppermint

bunch of mint leaves

Another traditional remedy for indigestion, peppermint has been shown to relieve gas and bloating by relaxing the muscles in the digestive tract. Most of the research on mint has focused on peppermint oil, which is derived from the leaves.11

Try: Peppermint tea is simple to brew and you can enjoy it hot or cold. Our Strawberry Mint Smoothie recipe also includes plain Greek yogurt, another one of our favorite anti-bloating foods (more on that later!).

8. Pineapple

freshly cut pineapples

This sweet and juicy tropical fruit contains bromelain, an enzyme that breaks down proteins, helps with food digestion12 and may help with bloating, inflammation and swelling.4

Try: You’ll find lots of tempting ideas on our list of seven delicious ways to eat pineapple! Cinnamon Sugar Air Fryer Grilled Pineapple is a sweet treat that’s high in nutrients and low in calories.

9. Yogurt

yogurt in a wooden bowl

When you eat anti-bloating foods with probiotics, you nurture the microbes in your gut that manage digestion (and your immune system). Probiotics can help to decrease gas, bloating and constipation. Look for plain low-fat Greek yogurt with active cultures, one of the best sources of probiotics.13

Try:  You can use Greek yogurt in so many dishes. We love it in Spicy Greek Yogurt Dip, a flavorful way to enjoy raw veggies.

*Speak with your doctor if you experience frequent or sudden bloating. You should also speak with your doctor before making any changes to your diet.

These anti-bloating foods may also help you prevent or relieve that abdominal discomfort. To help you include them in your diet, we’ve provided a few fresh ideas for how you can enjoy them.

Gut Health and Weight Loss: Everything You Need to Know

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The post 9 Anti-Bloating Foods for a Flat Belly appeared first on The Leaf.

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