Thursday, December 30, 2021

Being constantly cold

Hey everyone ! i'm currently halfway through my weight lost journey (10kg - 22pounds down, yay!). I can feel several changes, but the most obvious one by far is that i'm almost constantly shaking and shivering whilst people around me aren't.

However, i've also moved to another country for college. Where I'm from, winters are extremely dry, but here, they're pretty humid.

Since i don't feel like i've lost that much weight, i've been wondering if it's really the weight loss that's making me cold rather than the change of environment.

Is anyone having a similar experience?

submitted by /u/Phobos_Cress
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Walking, cooking, and loving myself helped me lose 50 pounds in 2021

It is still hard to believe I am halfway to my goal (28F 5’4’’ SW: 240 CW: 190 GW: 140).

A year ago, I decided to start taking care of myself better. I started by simply walking every other day. It was EXTREMELY hard. I would be out of breath and struggled to keep up. Many months later, I started brisk walking and being able to walk without feeling like dying.

Food was (and still is) a bigger challenge. I slowly stopped ordering food from doordash. Then I tried going keto for a while, and even though it did not work in the long-term for me, it did help in making me cook home-made meals. I am currently trying to eat under a deficit and will aim to eat more fruits and veggies in 2022. I definitely will work on eating less sugar (my kryptonite).

Last couple of months, November and December, I have been fluctuating closely under 190 lbs. My original goal was to reach 170 lbs by the end of 2021 lol but I obviously did not.

However, I am so happy and proud of myself. As much as I would love to lose weight faster, I learned to be kinder and give myself a break. I did not let myself go into a downward spiral if I did not meet a specific goal.

I actually feel like losing weight was a by-product of loving myself more, and stopped neglecting my needs (mental and physical health).

I will keep doing my best, and see when I end up next December 2022. Hopefully I will be close or within a healthy BMI by then woooooooo

If anyone is continuing, starting, or re-starting their weight loss journey in 2022, feel free to message me if you would like an accountability buddy :) I would really much like that.

Happy new year <3

submitted by /u/Whoisdaatgirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Didn't want to share with my friends (didn't want to seem to be vain) but thought I would share with the internet

Over the last month I have tried to improve my general health by reducing the amount of rubbish food I eat and exercising more. Through a combination of badminton, swimming, and running I have managed to lose 2 kg in a month which I'm thrilled with. I'm trying not to focus on the number and just working towards being healthier in general but it is gratifying to see that my hard work is paying off. I'm expecting that it to be a case of diminishing returns but it is still exciting to see my on perceptions of weight loss being smashed. It is possible as long as you put the effort in. To anyone needing it, I wish you the best of luck for what ever the future holds!

submitted by /u/QuothTheRaven11
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

HELP!!!! I don't know what I'm doing

WARNING: mentions of bowel movements

I am roughly 350 pounds and in my mid 30s. I have clinical depression, anxiety, low self esteem, little self worth, PTSD, BPD, ADHD, and a drinking problem. I'm a literal train wreck. Just a fat lump of fuck trainwreck.

I also am a single mom to a sweet girl from a rape. I also have no family and the rapists family is not around either.

I have never been thin. I have never successfully lost weight.

I have $600 in current medical bills that need to be handled before I can even attempt to see a dietician.

I don't know what to do. I don't know what to eat. I'm used to eating very unhealthy. In my head, I can't commit suicide but if I die at 60 like my parents did because of weight... My kid will be older than I am now. She'll be ok.

I tried to see a weight loss doctor. I refused weight loss surgery, so all they did was rx me appetite suppressants and tell me to see a dietitian and psychologist.

I was drinking those premier protein shakes that my friend was getting from Costco (1g of sugar each and under 200cal) for breakfast and lunch and then for dinner I would cook meat, starch, veggie but only eat veggies and meat. Mainly as a salad. I suck at making veggies taste good. Seasoning them and stuff. I don't know what I'm doing. I lost a whole 5 pounds that month and was sh*tting myself. Like literally what would normally be a small fart was me basically peeing out my butt (so super runny loose stools).

For various reasons, I am no longer seeing the weight loss doctor.

So now I'm back to trying to figure it out on my own.

I've asked people for their fav healthy recipes and they just send me to Pinterest, where I'm beyond overwhelmed.

We rely on the food pantries for meals thanks to inflation. I can spend $120 a month on groceries if my kid doesnt need something that month.

What do I do?


submitted by /u/fionamaeflower
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

I've walked or run 3650km in 2021 to (nearly) maintain 120lb loss.

I hope this is ok to post here, I'm a frequent lurker and normally happy in the shadows. But I just want to share with people who understand that yesterday I hit my target of walking or running 3650km this year. After losing 120lbs (M44 6ft 1 SW325 CW208) during 2019 and 20 I knew from previous experience the difficulties in maintaining weight loss, so set myself the target of averaging 10km a day which I thought would help me stay well.

It has been hard work and I'm so pleased to have done it. I never missed a day and the mental benefits have been as good as the physical ones (even though I have still managed to gain 4lbs this year). I just went for short walks during the day and runs in the evening, apart from when I was tired/injured/ill when I just walked. I've gone through alot of footwear, listened to many Grateful Dead concerts, made the most of my Audible subscription and seen some amazing wildlife.

Three years ago I was in a very bad way, in poor physical and mental health and eating far, far too much. I could barely climb the stairs or walk half a mile without feeling ill and looked awful. I was on a heavy dose of antidepressants and had just given up smoking. Things are infinitely better now and I know achievement is its own reward, but I'm so proud of my 3650km feat that I wanted to share it with people who might be inspired to do the same.

submitted by /u/Achelous77
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

22kg in 2022

SW: 125.5kg CW: 96.7 GW: 75kg

I [M20] wanna lose 22kg in 2022. I wanna come back to this post on the end of 2022 and hopefully I can achieve my goals.

I started my journey on May 2021 and have made amazing progress, losing 28.8 kg mostly through diet change (95% diet, 5% workout).

Should I stick to mostly dieting for my weight loss or should I start incorporating exercising more like cardio and weight training? I would appreciate any advice going forward.

submitted by /u/Ren241
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Time to lose some weight.

Hi folks!

In the last couple of years, life changed a lot for me. I went to work from home as an already-fat guy. Packed it on worse. I moved up a position and started making enough money to see a doctor regularly. He confirmed some of my suspicions -- high blood pressure, tachycardia, insulin resistant. I'm a walking mess. I hit my highest weight of 425. Just by being more mindful of what I'm eating I've dropped down to 418. But I've dove into reading legitimate resources about weight loss. Calories, y'all. CICO. I've decided I'm going to hit either 3MAD at 400/600/600 or skip breakfast some days doing 2MAD 800/800. I've bought a gym membership to start hitting the treadmill. I feel great about it. I'm aiming for 5 to 10 lbs per month.

I started an account just to join this subreddit. I think having a place to share gains and even potential setbacks will help me stay accountable. Looking forward to interacting with you all and becoming a healthier version of myself. I've went ahead and made a grocery order to meal prep. My wife is on board and she's going to join me in the new year which I feel will help tremendously. Late night is my trigger point and if she's got Reeses in here I'm feeling like a dog staring at a pork loin!

Best wishes to all.

submitted by /u/IROBotNeverDies
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from loseit - Lose the Fat