Thursday, December 30, 2021

Walking, cooking, and loving myself helped me lose 50 pounds in 2021

It is still hard to believe I am halfway to my goal (28F 5’4’’ SW: 240 CW: 190 GW: 140).

A year ago, I decided to start taking care of myself better. I started by simply walking every other day. It was EXTREMELY hard. I would be out of breath and struggled to keep up. Many months later, I started brisk walking and being able to walk without feeling like dying.

Food was (and still is) a bigger challenge. I slowly stopped ordering food from doordash. Then I tried going keto for a while, and even though it did not work in the long-term for me, it did help in making me cook home-made meals. I am currently trying to eat under a deficit and will aim to eat more fruits and veggies in 2022. I definitely will work on eating less sugar (my kryptonite).

Last couple of months, November and December, I have been fluctuating closely under 190 lbs. My original goal was to reach 170 lbs by the end of 2021 lol but I obviously did not.

However, I am so happy and proud of myself. As much as I would love to lose weight faster, I learned to be kinder and give myself a break. I did not let myself go into a downward spiral if I did not meet a specific goal.

I actually feel like losing weight was a by-product of loving myself more, and stopped neglecting my needs (mental and physical health).

I will keep doing my best, and see when I end up next December 2022. Hopefully I will be close or within a healthy BMI by then woooooooo

If anyone is continuing, starting, or re-starting their weight loss journey in 2022, feel free to message me if you would like an accountability buddy :) I would really much like that.

Happy new year <3

submitted by /u/Whoisdaatgirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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