Saturday, December 25, 2021

Medical Bias and Weight Loss... not sure if NSV or just disappointing.

I had to go to the ER last night after waking up with really horrible abdominal pain like I've never experienced before. It was centralized and radiating and got slightly better, but was still severe when I got off of my stomach. It wouldn't stop, so I went in thinking gallstones or pancreas issue. I have no history of them, but that's the right location. It ended up being gastritis, severe inflammation of my stomach lining for no apparent reason, and a lidocaine medication stopped the pain. I feel a little stupid for going in when that's all it was, but that's not really the point of this post.

I've never been taken more seriously than I was when I went in last night.

I've never firsthand experienced blatant medical bias because of my weight. My weight hasn't been blamed for any issues I've had by any doctors, not even the diabetes - at least never to my face anyway. I realize I am very lucky for that, but now I see that I have been treated differently before when I was almost/over 300 vs now when I'm closer to 200.

submitted by /u/Much_Elephant
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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