Thursday, December 23, 2021

advice on weight loss for beginners

advice on weight loss for beginners

so i’m not overweight i’m probably just over average weight. 54kg, 165cm, 18 years old. i’ve never tried to lose weight before and i don’t want to lose loads but i think i need to lose just a little but i wouldn’t even know where to start. so any tips or hints or anything would just be helpful. i’m also a fussy eater which doesn’t help but i try

i normally don’t eat breakfast just because it makes me feel sick but i’ll have a cup of tea normally then lunch i’ll have crisps or cous cous or something small. dinner is when i eat the most and i have anything from pasta to potatoes to stir fry to chicken.

i try to be active but it’s difficult since i am asthmatic and also currently have a muscle injury in my leg but i do yoga once a week and try walk my dog 6,000 steps a few times a week and my daily average is usually 8-15k steps.

also thinking of possibly going part time vegetarian in the new year, limiting my meat to weekends only since i only eat chicken anyway.

i just never lose weight i just maintain or gain and have it all go to my thighs. so any tips or any advice would be very appreciated thank you

submitted by /u/Top_Hedgehog3590
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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