Friday, December 24, 2021

Struggling how to start weight loss journey.

Hey! I’m 21F my current weight I’m just going to round cause it’s been fluctuating back forth to this number for the last month but it’s 230 lbs. This is the highest weight I have ever been. All my life I have been pretty active I was even on the swim team but was still overweight from whatever was like the actual weight for my height and age I have been 5’2 for a minute but I think right now I’m 5’3 lol. Anyways so Iv struggled with weight for a long time and have always been a little bigger then everyone not like insanely big but in high school my highest weight was 195-200 by the time I was in the beginning of my senior year, this is when I knew I had to lose weight as I hated every picture I was in and just got extremely depressed. So I lost a crazy amount of weight in three months I think I went down to 160 and I was so proud of myself but people started to say I looked sick and tired probably because I was eating at most 1000 calories a day sometimes less then 500. At first it felt so good to be complimented that j lost weight but then it hurt when people said I was still fat or that I just didn’t look good. For me I knew it was unhealthy and then after winter break I started eating normal again and gained weight but I think I sort of hit a plateau cause I was exercising normally and not over exercising, but I was like around 175 to 180 this is sort of where I stayed towards my end of my senior year I was like maybe 170 I felt a lot better and still felt slightly more confident but knew I had to lose weight. So after I graduated high school, in college I was like around 180-190 lost weight again this time more healthily and then dropped all the way down to 160 and then kept fluctuating from 160 to 170. I went on vacation in my second year of college to another country, my starting weight going was like 175, there my weight also fluctuated but I actually lost a lot of weight and went down to 160 coming home. Around the time I came back from vacation and started my sophomore year of college, one of my siblings passed away and this really effected me I didn’t eat and then after two weeks of not eating I just started to binge eat this was around the end of 2019. then in the beginning of 2020 this is where everything just started to get off the rails with my weight gain I started the year at 200 pounds started to gain weight rapidly and stayed around maybe 210-220 and then corona hit as well so I just didn’t workout and diet. 2021 came and the same thing didn’t workout and didn’t diet. When I returned to school I started to work out with my friends again but I still didn’t lose weight I think this has more to do with my relationship to food cause I was still eating more or less bad and not being consistent as well with what I did for a workout. This is sort of the end of my like my struggle with my weight but the whole thing is that I just don’t have motivation anymore but I know I have to lose weight my goal for now is just to get to 170 or out of the 200s soon and I just need help. Everyone keeps saying I just need a calorie deficit and all that but I feel like that doesn’t help me when I’m legit addicted to food and binge eat a lot, I also don’t really have a workout structure and would really appreciate if anyone has one they would like to share with me. I am in desperate need of help and hopefully the community can help me with this journey. Sorry if a lot of this didn’t make sense I just started to go off in my notes app and am posting it lol. Thank you!

submitted by /u/Koolcat20
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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