Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Entering my Villain Era Losing Weight This Time...Very Pissy, Angry, Disgruntled

Hello all,

So let me give you some backstory...four or five years ago in college I weighed about 331lbs...eventually I got down to 211 and that's been the lowest I've been. That period of weight loss was far from healthy, mentally and physically...I started off full keto (mistake #1) and lost about 50lbs just from that. Then I started in the gym, falling in love with working out...something I still love today. I was training for a triathlon at the time so doing an insane amount of cardio (like 3-4 hours a day) and had eventually shifted to a full vegan diet where I got down to 211. Love the way I looked, love the way I felt but was totally unsustainable.

Fast forward, work, relationships all got in the way and I gained allll my weight back except for like 10lbs. I have tried on and off the past year to try to get into a good mindset to lose weight the right way through CICO and exercise. The last three weeks I have killed it in the gym, burning like 1,200+ calories per my Apple watch (I know not super reliable but still) through lifting and cardio. I have a trainer writing all my workouts so I know they aren't an issue. I also do two days of Crossfit a week so working out is not the issue. I've been tracking my macros very closely, eating around 2,300 calories one week, bumping down to 2,200 the next and 2,100 last week. Throughout all the last three weeks I have managed to gain 0.5lbs.

Now I know what you're going to say about muscle gain and all that noise, that's great. I know building muscle burns fat and that could be what's happening but even if that were the case, with such a deficit and the amount of cardio I'm doing there should be no way I'm still gaining weight, at least in my mind. Maybe I need to up my calories? I'm very close to hiring a nutritionist to handle all this shit for me because it sucks lol

Thanks for all the motivation on this sub though, you guys keep me going.

submitted by /u/theavatarphil
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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