Thursday, December 30, 2021

Weird visit to the doctor on weight loss

Hi. I just came back from a visit to the doctor 30 mins ago. I have been obese for 3-4 years now due to weight gain. I was fit and active previously. I basically just let myself go when I buried myself in my job.

So currently I weigh 108.5kg and I’m 1.65m tall. BMI is around 39. So yeah obese. I tried almost everything but this post is more about my visit to the doctor.

So someone suggested I visit the doctor for medical advice because I got a little frustrated with the results I’ve gotten. I always lose few kg then pile even more. So I read a lot of good reviews for this clinic and the doctor specialises in weight loss.

After the nurse took my height, weight and blood pressure, I went to see the doctor. He asked me what’s the story, how did I gain weight, how did it happen and since when. I do not remember the details like which year my weight ballooned so of course I was not able to be precise but I know for sure I was fat then I lost weight then I became obese till now. So I shared with him that I lose weight when I didn’t eat much and was busy with work 10 years ago and then started to pile on the weight after I got a promotion and then find it really hard to lose all that weight. I told him I’ve tried everything from IF, AMAD, water fasting, cc, gym, walk an hour a day, keto etc. They worked but I always gain the weight back after a month.

He asked me these:

1) how much water do you drink? 2) what do you work as?

He then attributed to my weight gain to my water intake. I drink mainly water and teh with milk. He said the reason I’m fat is because I have 90L(30 days X 3L) of water in me but only max 1.5L can go out as urine.

He then for some reason asked me if I realised and know why chinese and Indian population are more aggressive when it comes to career. I was pretty much stunned when he was asking all these so I did not say a word but just looked at him. I practically told him the reason I was eating so much was cos I was flying all the time due to my position as a regional post so I don’t know what he was insinuating that my race was a bunch of lazy fat people who have no drive?

I then asked him what was wrong with drinking 1L-3L of mineral water per day? He said runners, soldiers or mothers during confinement drink isotonic drinks or Milo but not water. He then advised me to drink anything but not water. So I asked him, you mean it’s better for me to drink Pepsi or coke than Ice Mountain mineral water? He said yes. He also continued to say, do you realise when people drink Pepsi they have more energy? I said yeah cos they’re hyped up on sugar. He then replied, so? I was so weirded out by the whole thing. It’s as though what I’ve been reading was dead wrong or he was just spouting something from air. But he’s a doctor. Then I said how about diabetes then? He asked me how does one get diabetes? I replied from consuming a lot of sugar which then affect their insulin. He then say it’s when their insulin does not work, not about sugar... he then wrote down few things to stay away: soy, oat, Pokka tea and fruits. He then told me my body is damaged but my energy level is high. He gave me a bunch of medicine(3 types of pills)to eat and I should see results in a month. He asked to come back in a month to check the results. If it doesn’t work, he will give me a jab of vitamin D??

I left the room 240 bucks poorer and feeling totally annoyed and weirded out. So have all the stuff I read about drinking more water and less soda is all a fad? What was the point of the race discrimination?

submitted by /u/imsleepyalways
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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