Thursday, September 22, 2022

(Un) fortunately we live in a time of excess and easily available food. The wisdom of the past no longer applies.

My great-grandparents lived in a time where hunger was common and people struggled to eat. They planted their own food, raised chickens and were not wasteful with their food. The food they had barely met their daily caloric intake. Most of them lived past 90.

60 years later my grandparents, having grown up with my great-grandparents have the mentality of eating everything in the plate, not throwing away food, hoarding and buying simultaneously huge amounts of food. About 30% of the food is lost. Either from going bad or cooking too much food. One way or another huge amounts of foods are lost in my household.

And, I'm pretty sure my grandparents are not alone in this behavior.

At my grandmother's behest I recently moved to the apartment next to her so I could help her with my grandfather. I had lost about 60 pounds and was in the best shape of my life in February when I moved and she has been non-stop feeding me. About two months ago, after gaining 15 pounds back and repeatedly warning her not to cook me food or bake me sweets, I started throwing food away and telling her I threw it away. She was livid, and I was livid.

After a period of adjustment she finally understood that I don't need cooked food from her. She still insists on giving me stuff because I help so much with my grandparents so I basically give her my grocery list (which is basically eggs, almond milk, and whichever fruits and vegetables are on sale). Now I don't have to go shopping, she doesn't have to cook for me, but she fills she's helping me in her own way. She also spends about 1/2 she used to spend on food I didn't want.

So, in your weight loss journey don't be afraid to:

  1. Buy a much smaller, calculated shopping cart.
  2. Throw away food.
  3. Say no and be firm when people give you food.
  4. Hurt the feelings of people when your health is concerned. (be tactful and tactical, but be firm and follow through with others and yourself).
  5. Forgo the wisdom of the past when related to food scarcity.
submitted by /u/jorgeuhs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Face weight loss?

Hey! I know this is kind of a weird one, and maybe this isn’t the right subreddit to ask, but does anyone have face weight loss advice? I know weight loss can not be targeted, but thought I would ask anyways. I have recently lost about 25 pounds, and have another 15 to go! However, it seems like I have not lost a single ounce in my face, especially in the jaw/jowl/chin area. Has anyone used any tips or tricks that actually work? I know gua sha is more for inflammation, but I notice very minimal change when I use it. Are these just my genes I am stuck with? Thanks! 😊

submitted by /u/TranslatorVarious940
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Be careful what you wish for?

So, I saw my PCP about a week ago because I needed to get something to help me sleep. I have some PTSD about things that happened to me as a kid and it has left me with pretty bad anxiety and it has been making it impossible for me to sleep well at night. I was constantly having nightmares so I could never feel truly rested the next day.

He was like, okay, we definitely need to be sure you’re getting enough sleep. I want to start by trying Trazadone and see how you tolerate it. But then he asked if I wanted to take anything for my anxiety/depression and I was like….no thanks, antidepressants scare me 😬 I’ve been on a handful of them before and never like any of them. Then he starting telling me about Wellbutrin, and my boyfriend immediately said “that’s the one I was telling you about, remember?” We had read about people using it for weight loss, and apparently it can also increase your libido? And of course, it treats anxiety, which I honestly need.

I decided that I felt comfortable giving it a try, and I may be sort of jumping the gun, but I feel like it’s already helping in the weight loss department. My boyfriend and I call it the “sexy skinny” pill. I’ve been eating a maximum of 1300 calories a day (with the exception of the occasional cheat meal), but now I’m experiencing something that I’ve never dealt with before…

I’m not hungry! Like, my appetite is nonexistent for the most part. I felt hungry this morning so I had a protein shake and an apple, and then I didn’t eat again until 6, but mostly because I thought “that’s not good, I need to eat something”. I always thought that people were dumb when they’d claim they “forgot to eat all day”, and you’d think not having an appetite would be a dream come true, right? But I only ate 665 calories today, and I’m really not hungry at all. This is a bizarre experience for me, and I’m really hoping that it doesn’t get to a point where I’m having to “force” myself to eat. I’ve only been on Wellbutrin for a week, though, so who knows what the future holds.

submitted by /u/sighvy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

finally getting my life back on track (long)

Hi all. Just a little bit of a sharing post about progress I've made that I'm really proud of.

Little bit of a back story for context: I've struggled with my weight and my health my whole life both physically and mentally. I was born with Crohn's disease which seems to be linked to my mother having food poisoning while pregnant although doctors won't comment on the correlation. And because of this I have never been able to eat certain foods such as fruits and veggies with seeds or lettuce, etc. A lot of this turned out to be bullshit as I got older and I found out I couldve been eating heaps of stuff I've been told would make me sick. Which I developed a bit of a fear at a young age of eating certain foods and would find unhealthy foods were all I was really allowed to have.

I fluctuated from being dangerously underweight to being grossly obese and as I suffered through mental illness my weight peaked around 430 lbs around 14-19 This was noticeable in highschool when I could barely walk up the stairs without being out of breath and was always late to classes because of my weight.

I lost a lot of confidence because I used to be a stick gymnast and everytime I looked at myself I saw an ugly blimp of a thing. Everyone always commented how I was breathing heavily and I couldn't help it.

This sub has helped me through a lot even though I'm more of a lurker reading through peoples stories seems to give me more and more knowledge and confidence.

This is my second and final attempt at weight loss, I say final because there's no way in hell I'm going back to eating myself to death. First attempt failed because I didn't fully believe in myself I lost 30lbs and gained it all back after a month in a psychiatric facility.

I started my journey back on the 7th of July starting at 430lbs and since then have lost around 66 lbs. I'm only 19 but haven't been this size since forever it seems. I watching my 600lb life and something clicked in my head that "that could be me".

Im still on track and gaining my strength back. I haven't had this much muscle since I was 8 years old (I know that sounds terrible) but I used to lift weights around 8 years old and I receive a lot of help with my strength training as my dad was a body builder.

My dad tried to get me to go on daily walks for years but I was too lazy and used to be in so much pain when I would walk but now I can walk multiple times a day for a few hours without getting tired. What helped was going into the gym 3 times a day early on and I can lift around 165lbs with my legs for 75 reps at a time.

But enough story the real reason for this post was I recently got my first full time job. And I'm finally starting to gain independence after believing I was going to live with my parents on disability or something. After I recently was diagnosed with autism and believed thats why I'll never get a job

TLDR: started at 430lbs, lost 66lbs since July and got my first full time job after mental and physical struggles.

Bonus: can't wait to buy some new fitting clothes as I have to look professional in a school environment for my new job can't wait never felt so confident in myself

submitted by /u/slowedmaaaaaaaate
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Seeking advise

I’m a 30F and I’ve always struggled with weight. My childhood was awful and I have so much trauma with food but also a lot of comfort, a mess.

I’m doing a lot better this year with binge eating and pressing out I now want take it a level up in terms of looking to change my diet and start walking at least and hour a day. I’m gonna try very hard but I’m looking for any tips and tricks on what’s helped ppl start the journey and keep going.

I’m gonna make a grocery list so any tip on what sort of foods I can by and make meals with that will fuel me, any supplements meal replacement suggestions are all welcomed

I hope this makes sense I’m trying, and will take all the advice/ words of encouragement I can get

Also if anyone wants to be weight loss buddies and hold each accountable I would LOVE that

submitted by /u/One-Opportunity7602
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I think I want to plan a gift for myself at the “end” of this.

A few months ago, I was diagnosed with a genetic form of insulin resistance as a direct result of my birth mother’s death. Her sudden heart attack really did not make sense with the changes she had made over the last decade to get her diabetes under control - my doctor suggested there might have been another underlying condition, and it was possible I had inherited it. So I get tested, diagnosed, medicated, and on track. My lifestyle is already conducive to this disorder because I’ve been self-medicating with a specific diet for most of my life but now with metformin making my tissue responsive to insulin, so much is falling into place.

Weight loss no longer feels unsustainable. I previously fought every single day for about two years to lose 70 pounds with dedicated CICO and IF. I was happy with my progress but still felt discouraged because it was so goddamn hard. Plus, people were constantly treating me like I wasn’t losing at the expected rate because I was lying, in denial, or counting wrong - basically treating me like an untrustworthy idiot when in reality, I had an endocrine disorder. Now that it’s managed, I’ve lost about 20 pounds in four months. I seriously wonder what I’ll look like in two years if I keep putting in the effort. I cannot imagine being a regular weight, I have never been not fat.

I’m trying to think of some sort of gift to give myself at the “end” of this. I know there is no proper end and this is a lifelong endeavor. Also, health is definitely its own present, simply not dying at 51 is enough! At the same time though, I’d like to celebrate with something concrete. Right now I’m thinking I’d like to take classes to become a yoga instructor. I’ve always loved yoga and I practice regularly but I’d never considered becoming a teacher because I didn’t think anyone would want to take a class with a fat instructor, which is it’s own can of worms I won’t get into here. I can maybe even start saving for it now - add a few dollars for every pound lost or something cute like that. Idk.

What are y’all planing to do? Is this a thing?? Anybody here reached their goal and went through with their celebration? :-)

submitted by /u/notsure-neversure
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm a working mum struggling to lose it, any advice?

As above, I work full time and have a 2 year old. I eat fairly well, at least one cooked balanced meal a day and my other meals/snacks are most part "light" or "healthier options". I'm really struggling to find time to exercise and seem to be piling on the pounds.

I have tried intermittent fasting for a couple months now and doesn't seem to be helping with weight loss. I currently do 0 exercise a week apart from walking the dog every evening.

I was thinking of going for jogs in my lunch break at work.. thays the only idea I have. With school runs and childcare commitments I don't have time in the mornings to park away from work and walk. On evenings its all child routine until bed time and then I go to bed.

Anyone have any tips? I rarely have child free time so a gym membership isn't really an option.

submitted by /u/xilvey
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from loseit - Lose the Fat