Wednesday, September 21, 2022

finally getting my life back on track (long)

Hi all. Just a little bit of a sharing post about progress I've made that I'm really proud of.

Little bit of a back story for context: I've struggled with my weight and my health my whole life both physically and mentally. I was born with Crohn's disease which seems to be linked to my mother having food poisoning while pregnant although doctors won't comment on the correlation. And because of this I have never been able to eat certain foods such as fruits and veggies with seeds or lettuce, etc. A lot of this turned out to be bullshit as I got older and I found out I couldve been eating heaps of stuff I've been told would make me sick. Which I developed a bit of a fear at a young age of eating certain foods and would find unhealthy foods were all I was really allowed to have.

I fluctuated from being dangerously underweight to being grossly obese and as I suffered through mental illness my weight peaked around 430 lbs around 14-19 This was noticeable in highschool when I could barely walk up the stairs without being out of breath and was always late to classes because of my weight.

I lost a lot of confidence because I used to be a stick gymnast and everytime I looked at myself I saw an ugly blimp of a thing. Everyone always commented how I was breathing heavily and I couldn't help it.

This sub has helped me through a lot even though I'm more of a lurker reading through peoples stories seems to give me more and more knowledge and confidence.

This is my second and final attempt at weight loss, I say final because there's no way in hell I'm going back to eating myself to death. First attempt failed because I didn't fully believe in myself I lost 30lbs and gained it all back after a month in a psychiatric facility.

I started my journey back on the 7th of July starting at 430lbs and since then have lost around 66 lbs. I'm only 19 but haven't been this size since forever it seems. I watching my 600lb life and something clicked in my head that "that could be me".

Im still on track and gaining my strength back. I haven't had this much muscle since I was 8 years old (I know that sounds terrible) but I used to lift weights around 8 years old and I receive a lot of help with my strength training as my dad was a body builder.

My dad tried to get me to go on daily walks for years but I was too lazy and used to be in so much pain when I would walk but now I can walk multiple times a day for a few hours without getting tired. What helped was going into the gym 3 times a day early on and I can lift around 165lbs with my legs for 75 reps at a time.

But enough story the real reason for this post was I recently got my first full time job. And I'm finally starting to gain independence after believing I was going to live with my parents on disability or something. After I recently was diagnosed with autism and believed thats why I'll never get a job

TLDR: started at 430lbs, lost 66lbs since July and got my first full time job after mental and physical struggles.

Bonus: can't wait to buy some new fitting clothes as I have to look professional in a school environment for my new job can't wait never felt so confident in myself

submitted by /u/slowedmaaaaaaaate
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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