Saturday, September 24, 2022

Embrace the Suck

This post is not for the people who generally feel awesome while they're trying to lose weight. It's not for the people that feel great all the time or even most of the time. It's not for the people that enjoy this process.

This post is for the people who are not doing as much as they know they could or worse, haven't gotten started yet with their weight loss journey. Maybe because they know it will require some things that a lot of us don't really care for up front like learning new habits and not being able to eat as much or the same things as we used to like to eat. Taking time out of your day to cook and plan or workout, perhaps.

I'm here to remind you of what you already know. This process generally speaking, isn't going to be sunshine and rainbows. You won't have as much free time. You're gonna screw up. You're gonna have to say no to yourself, and others. The scale sometimes won't cooperate no matter how awesome you did. You'll sometimes be tired. You'll sometimes be hungry. You'll sometimes be grumpy.

You should do it anyway. Embrace the suck and do it anyway.

I am a 5'6" female that has been all up and down this road, up to 240 and down to 140 and back up to 210. I knew as I saw the weight creeping back what I had to do. I had done it before, after all. CICO and calories. But man I make excuses to myself for YEARS not to do it.

"I'm gonna be hungry. I didn't like that." "Work is so busy. I don't have the mental bandwidth right now." "Maybe this other way/diet will work and not be as awful." (Spoiler, it didn't.)

But one day I faced facts and sat myself down and said "Hey, you know what, all that shit you hated about losing the first time, yup. That's all true and you hated all that and that all sucked. So the fuck what? You gonna woman up or continue to make shitty excuses?"

And allow me to tell you that that has not only gotten me started but has given me ironclad motivation and resolve that I haven't had in a very long time.

submitted by /u/LiquidSapphire
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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