Monday, September 19, 2022

Can only lose weight when restricting?

Seeking some advice from this community. In the past 4 years, I've gone from 285lbs, dipping my lowest at 160, and now sitting at 215. I was able to reach my lowest weight in 2021; I gained a few pounds over quarantine and was frustrated with my stunted weight loss, so I started doing keto. This then led to a months long battle with serious restriction, on most days I was eating barely 1000 calories. But in doing this, I was able to lose all my weight. I hung out around 165-170 for a few months, really restricting to get those numbers super low. I think this was the best my body has ever looked, and it made me the happiest I ever was. Strangers were friendlier to me, I was seen as more outgoing and fun, more people wanted to talk to me and I felt pretty. The weight re-gain occurred after a few months of restricting, when I realized I was at my most unhealthy and was scared for my heart health. I tried to reverse diet and failed, which lead me to into a serious binge eating problem, and my weight has just gone up from there. No matter what I do, it goes up. I decided I had enough and needed to get healthy again; in the past few weeks, I've been intermittent fasting, eating protein & vegetables, have cut out alcohol & dairy, have added in walking (10k steps a day). In all of this, I've only lost 2 lbs consistently. I know that weight loss does happen slow when done correctly, but at 215 pounds, I thought it would start coming off a bit easier. For some reason, I've found that the inches on my stomach have actually increased.

I'm so tempted to begin restricting again, as that has been the only way for me to lose weight in the past. I feel like my mindset is to do whatever I can to get my weight down, and when it's at its best place, I'll incorporate muscle building exercises and be able to expand my diet then. Is this the wrong idea? Does anyone have any tips or motivations?

submitted by /u/Mammoth-Physics3740
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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