Sunday, September 25, 2022

Boyfriend agreed with me that I’m fat…

For background information, my boyfriend(m27)and I (f22) got together about a year ago and we moved in together. Before that, we had been best friends for years. Previously both of us had problems with bulimia, excessively cutting calories and exercising in order to lose too much weight very quickly. At his lowest, he was a healthy weight and felt good about himself, at my lowest I was at underweight and while I was proud of the weight loss, I felt very physically and mentally unhealthy.

When we moved in together, we both gained weight. He gained the 80 pounds he had lost back and idk how much I gained because I’m too scared to weigh myself. Last night we got drunk and started talking. I said that I was really scared to start dieting again. He said that since our lives are now essentially fuzed, he can’t lose weight (and therefore not hate himself (even tho imo the hating himself is it’s own thing all together)) if I’m not dieting too.

Later that night, I was pretty intoxicated (I took an edible and went to a movie with him, he didn’t have anything) and said that I was fat. To my surprise, he agreed with me. He said that he still found me attractive but tbh ik he doesn’t find me as attractive anymore because 1. Ik he doesn’t like fat chicks and I now apparently am one. And 2. He just doesn’t act like he’s attracted to me anymore.

Sorry for the rant, I’ve just never felt so bad about my body before. I just need some support and some clarity tbh.

submitted by /u/okaycabbage
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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