Friday, September 30, 2022

For the 1,000,000th time, eating less does not mean I have an eating disorder

Seriously whenever people ask what I’m doing about my weight (not in a rude way just a curious way), when I feel like sharing I’ll tell the truth because I hate lying, and say I’m eating less. I then always no matter what get a shocked and concerned reaction, as if I just told them I’m shooting heroin or something. I got this so much I now make sure right after that I say “I’m still eating 1,600 calories a day, giving myself treats every now and then”, etc. but by then it feels like I’m defensive (which I am since I don’t want people to have that impression of me) and they believe me even less and give me the “yeah… right…” look and nod.

The thing is when people ask I want to share! I have been bottling up these good vibes from my weight loss so far and whenever someone asks I just want to share because I feel so good, but then I get this crap…

Can someone reassure me (or be honest if I’m wrong) and tell me, do I sound like someone with an ED?


  • eat three meals a day

  • my calorie limit is 1,680, I usually end up between 1,400 and 1,600 though

  • weigh myself every couple days (maybe 3-4 times a week)

  • never purged

  • I’m losing weight for health reasons to try and reverse a condition I’ve got, sure I look and feel better with lower weight but that’s just a sprinkle on top.

  • I lose about 4-6lb a month (SW 245, CW 225, H 5”4, female, zero exercise)

Like… I don’t get why everyone attributes eating less = must have an eating disorder.

And now whenever someone asks and I share with them, before i finish I make sure to say “I still eat a bunch just not crazy portions, I’m still eating”, but I think that just makes them more suspicious. I can never win.

Does anyone else deal with this? Any ideas?

submitted by /u/snow-covered-tuna
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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