Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Be careful what you wish for?

So, I saw my PCP about a week ago because I needed to get something to help me sleep. I have some PTSD about things that happened to me as a kid and it has left me with pretty bad anxiety and it has been making it impossible for me to sleep well at night. I was constantly having nightmares so I could never feel truly rested the next day.

He was like, okay, we definitely need to be sure you’re getting enough sleep. I want to start by trying Trazadone and see how you tolerate it. But then he asked if I wanted to take anything for my anxiety/depression and I was like….no thanks, antidepressants scare me 😬 I’ve been on a handful of them before and never like any of them. Then he starting telling me about Wellbutrin, and my boyfriend immediately said “that’s the one I was telling you about, remember?” We had read about people using it for weight loss, and apparently it can also increase your libido? And of course, it treats anxiety, which I honestly need.

I decided that I felt comfortable giving it a try, and I may be sort of jumping the gun, but I feel like it’s already helping in the weight loss department. My boyfriend and I call it the “sexy skinny” pill. I’ve been eating a maximum of 1300 calories a day (with the exception of the occasional cheat meal), but now I’m experiencing something that I’ve never dealt with before…

I’m not hungry! Like, my appetite is nonexistent for the most part. I felt hungry this morning so I had a protein shake and an apple, and then I didn’t eat again until 6, but mostly because I thought “that’s not good, I need to eat something”. I always thought that people were dumb when they’d claim they “forgot to eat all day”, and you’d think not having an appetite would be a dream come true, right? But I only ate 665 calories today, and I’m really not hungry at all. This is a bizarre experience for me, and I’m really hoping that it doesn’t get to a point where I’m having to “force” myself to eat. I’ve only been on Wellbutrin for a week, though, so who knows what the future holds.

submitted by /u/sighvy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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