So far I've been successful losing weight with a medically-supervised very low calorie diet. It sucks and it's hard but I can accept the hunger and suffering because I can see quick results and the progress is super motivating.
For a while I was too heavy to do the sports and activities I used to, but finally I'm at a weight where I would benefit from toning, and I would very much like to increase my daily calories by gaining more muscle and burning more energy via cardio and strength training. I actually booked a 10k run several months ago for motivation, it's now ten weeks away.
Unfortunately, I've found in the past that I really struggle to maintain a caloric deficit when I'm physically active. I find I'm often really hungry but unlike when I'm sedentary it becomes virtually impossible to be disciplined with food, and I almost always overeat. I suppose I could adjust my deficit to be less extreme, but I'm getting married in a few months and I really don't what to slow down my rate of weight loss.
The other major hurdle I'm up against is my ADHD. Getting into the habit of going to the gym often is incredibly difficult for me. I'm worried about sticking to a routine, and even the though of it is incredibly overwhelming. I know it sounds like an excuse, but if you have ADHD you know what I mean. I can barely feed myself on a daily basis (I'm pretty sure I'm going to be substiting breakfast and lunch with meal replacement shakes for the rest of my life), scheduling workouts is going to be incredibly difficult.
Am I missing something here? Is there something I'm not taking into account that will make this whole process easier for me? My wedding is in exactly three months and I really want to feel confident and happy on the day. Advice welcome!!!
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from loseit - Lose the Fat