Sunday, March 2, 2025

Month 3 Check In

Hi all,

I just wanted to record my progress so far in my weight loss journey. Yesterday marked the beginning of my 3rd month. So far, I have lost 21.4 pounds (down to 300.9 from 322.3). My measurements have changed only marginally since last check in, so not much to report there.

I need to be a little bit better about sticking to this commitment since I have had a few more cheat meals than I should have and haven’t always hit my step goals. That being said, I am now finished with all of the exams I needed to take for my job and will have extra time to go to the gym now that I don’t have to spend time studying. I went out and bought myself some new clothes and feel much better than I did before. I’m about a fifth of the way to my ultimate weight goal and I’m ecstatic that I’ve made so much progress. I’m lighter now than I have been since around August 2023. I am on vacation right now, so I expect to gain some weight, but I’m trying to get plenty of exercise in while I’m away so that the damage isn’t too severe.

I hope all of your journeys are going well and wish you all the best of luck!

Best, -J

submitted by /u/Better_Newt_7450
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Want to lose weight but don't want people to notice

I guess this is a weird one.

I need and want to lose weight for health reasons. I've had some serious health problems (not directly weight related) over the past couple of years and now that I'm better I want to give myself the best chance I can of living as long and healthily as possible.

I don't care about my appearance at all. It just doesn't bother me.

I've lost about a stone so far this year. It's early days and I have a lot more to lose but it's going reasonably well. I think I've worked out how to do this.

But I am also autistic. I struggle with pretty severe demand avoidance and a real horror of being perceived. When people notice things about me it causes a painful cringing embarrassment. I only feel any kind of comfortable if I feel like I'm practically invisible.

Already, people have started making comments, asking if I've lost weight, and it's causing a skin-crawling kind of discomfort. It makes me feel exposed and vulnerable and it takes a huge amount of effort to keep up my nodding and smiling.

I know it's only going to get worse the more weight I lose and it's filling me with dread. It makes me want to not lose weight, even though my logical brain knows my health is more important than my embarrassment.

I'm not sure what I'm asking. This might be more an autism question than a weight loss one. But does anyone else have a similar experience or any suggestions as to how to lose weight when a significant part of your brain is telling you it's going to lead to the most humiliating feeling?

submitted by /u/Happy-Big3297
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

ramadan weight loss advice needed !!!

so to anyone unaware, ramadan is the time of the year where muslims will do a dry fast from dawn till dusk for an entire month until eid. we will eat and drink before dawn, fast the entire day then break the fast at dusk.

i'd be so grateful for any advice i can have as this might be the best time to make an effort in losing weight and just generally getting healthy.

to note; i am a 22 year old woman who is still studying, i don't exercise and i'm currently on my sem break which will last until eid. thus, i am now at home doing absolutely nothing.

my height is 150cm (4'11) and i weigh 56kg (123.5lbs) bmi is 24.9

submitted by /u/slvrfngr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Can someone tell me stories of knee pain improving with weight loss or exercise?

My knees have been terrible for a long time. Walking up stairs, walking in general, squatting down, all hurt. Got an x-ray done a while back and showed signs of osteoarthritis, told to lose weight basically. I'm in the process of losing and hope that will help. For various reasons (time, money), physical therapy isn't an option but I'm looking at youtube videos to strengthen calves, hamstrings, quads, glutes etc to try to take some pressure off my knees, but from what I am reading I don't know if that can FIX the knee pain or just sort of not make it worse. Has anyone had success with losing weight and strengthening/toning/etc so that they don't have knee pain anymore, and can do whatever like even running, squatting, etc without pain? I know we're all told that losing weight will fix all our problems, but is that actually true?

submitted by /u/dreamgal042
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Upped my calorie deficit to 1800

I am around 5 foot 6 and a half inches woman and was around 195 pounds last winter (considered obese on the bmi scale). I think a large part of this was due to being on lexapro (antidepressant) which made me feel constantly hungry. Last summer, I stopped taking them and without even counting calories or changing much I dropped to 180 pounds in a few months. After this encouragement, I started counting calories and was on a deficit of 1650/2200 calories a day and am now done to 170. I think I have another 10-15 to go to feel really better and be considered healthy by bmi standards but I already feel a lot better about my body.

However, it’s been really hard for me the past months of winter to stick to my deficit of 1650, so the other day I changed it to 1800. I expect as it gets warmer as well I will be more active for sure and outside more. Is this a good idea to increase my deficit by a bit if it’s more sustainable on the long term?

I think i’m okay with losing weight more slowly, because i think losing the rest within a year of eating healthier, less, and being aware of what i’m putting into my body and when i’m full are all small things that make changes in the long run. But I kinda feel guilty it’s so hard for me to stick to the deficit of 1650. If anyone has any thoughts or feedback I appreciate it, because I don’t really talk about my diet/weight loss with anyone or my friends because they would just say I look “normal”.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/orphanofthevalley
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

20 lbs weight loss- loose skin??

Hiii! I’m a 35 y/o woman and I recently lost about 20 lbs in 2 months. I had gained a bunch of weight rapidly during the holidays and then lost it and more since new years.

I’m really happy with my progress, I think I’m at my final maintenance weight now. It crazy, I can see my abs (!!!!), but the skin on top of them is not tight. If I twist my torso, the skin kinda folds funny. I’m not sure if this is the last little layer of squishy fat, or is it possible that this is loose skin? I don’t have stretch marks or anything. If it is loose skin, does anyone have experience with it shrinking again eventually??

submitted by /u/sledcat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 13.3lbs this month

I began my lifestyle change on the 2nd of February (quite like this now actually because I began the day after the first of the month and the day before Monday- so no ‘fresh start’ effect came into play).

I’ve been continually eating nutritionally and tracking my calories, but the biggest change is my journaling. At the end of each day I will recount the day and my eating habits and go over anything that could push me to binge eat. I have had a few moments where I’ve wanted to and I’ve been able to recognise why and then tell myself maybe tomorrow. Then I feel better the next day and I carry on. The only day you have to focus on is today. It’s only ever today, so if you can manage that, then things can improve.

I’m just typing this because I feel pretty good about it. Although, I am basing my weight loss from what I thought I was (not my recorded weight as I had no scales at the time). So while I know I was around that (possibly heavier as my eating was particularly bad before I began), it is not exact. However, knowing I lost around that much is great. It’s a little over 3lbs a week which is okay at my size and since it’s the first month too.

This is just the first month though, and I look forward to moving forward with everything else. There is no endpoint for me in this. I’m happy eating the way I am, and surely will more when I reap the benefits of significant weight loss, as currently I don’t see any real change (maybe my 2XL jacket feels a little easier to zip up but that’s it).

Anyway, onwards and downwards! Enjoy the pun!

submitted by /u/New_Championship1994
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from loseit - Lose the Fat