Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Cheat days do not work for me. Should they?

Hi everyone! First time poster, long time lurker. 29/m and 52 lbs (24kg) lost.

So I know Cheat days are pretty common thing in weight loss and I've tried to do them, however, they just arent working for me. When I started my journey back in July, I didn't drink for 4 weeks. Then I had a beer and said "Well, it is Friday, maybe I'll just drink on Fridays". Well. That turned into drinking just on weekends and now it's started to bleed into weekdays.

I guess I know it's becoming an issue because I'm stopping again, but food is also a problem where I would allow myself one "fat day" of all the good(bad) stuff, but that's started bleeding over too.

I don't know how to stop this from happening, like, I can only be good for so long it seems. Does anyone have any kind of advice on how to do Cheat Days correctly?


submitted by /u/Wizard_of_Ozzy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hello Onederland!

I am a long time lurker and first time poster. I've never commented on anyone else's weight loss stories but I have up voted many. Anyway, in January I realized I am starting to get close to 40 years old. I have been overweight my entire life. I know my parents (who are also overweight) have had all sorts of problems. Knee replacements, diabetes, heart issues, etc. I also know that I want to avoid as much of that as I can. I have a wife and a daughter who need me to be around and healthy as long as possible. I decided it was time to get in shape and loose weight while I am still in my 30's.

I really don't know what my ultimate end weight goal is. I do have a lot of muscle mass and don't think I will ever hit ideal BMI. I set what I felt was a very obtainable goal to hit 199 by Christmas of this year.

I started doing CICO and intermittent fasting in January. I really just started skipping breakfast because I realized I was almost never hungry in the morning and was just eating out of habit. I have an elliptical and started doing that for 35 minutes 5 days a week at a moderate jog. I have now lost ~76 pounds and when I weighed myself this morning the scale said 199!! A full 2 months before my goal date! I haven't been this light since middle school. I still have a ways to go still for sure. I think I am setting 180 as my new target.

I don't think I am alone in this but when I look in the mirror I don't see a ton of differences in my appearence. I think my biggest issue is that I never saw myself as big as I got. My self image was always smaller. So it's been frustrating at times that I don't think there's much of a change. Then I go and look at pictures (like the progress pic I posted below) and the difference absolutely blows my mind.

Here are some changes I've noticed:

  • Down from almost 3x to a large (probably getting close to medium) shirt size
  • Down 2 pants sizes
  • almost on a second new belt
  • starting to get cold a lot easier
  • starting to notice sagging skin (I was hoping it wouldn't be too bad but I think it will)
  • my resting heart rate is usually around 60 BPM (I think this is mostly due to the jogging)
  • my wife says I don't snore anymore
  • I can't sit on hard surfaces anymore because my butt hurts!
  • I can see the outline of the bottom of my rib cage

Anyway enough rambling. Thank you to all of you out there who posted your inspirational stories that helped me see what is possible!

Progress pics for those who are interested

submitted by /u/FunkMstr74
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A question about loose skin

This subreddit was a huge help in my weight loss journey. Thankfully, I didn't have enough weight to lose to cause loose skin, but I often read about it here. My wife had some loose skin after quickly losing weight after having our first child, and will probably definitely have more since she recently had our second child. She's ready to start losing weight slowly and responsibly while still breastfeeding instead of rushing through it this time without being able to produce as much milk.

My wife is 32, 5'1" and was 175 pounds as of a few days ago. She was 120 when she got pregnant with our first child, 160 when she gave birth, and dropped down to 110 in less than a year, which definitely contributed to her loose skin before. We waited 10 years to have our second child, and she started this pregnancy at 160 after having slowly gained weight in the last 5 years, and was 200 right before our second child was born. She left the hospital at 182, 5 weeks ago.

Has anyone in this subreddit intentionally lost a large amount of weight slowly or broken it up into sections where you intentionally lose weight for a period, then maintained weight for 6 months or more to minimize loose skin? Most people want to lose weight quickly and/or steadily, so I don't expect a lot of answers. She's prepared to go slowly or take a break if that might help reduce the loose skin. She knows to drink lots of water and count her calories, and skin elasticity is largely genetic. Losing the weight isn't the problem, just trying to reduce the loose skin is her main concern. Thanks!

submitted by /u/PFthroaway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

An honest TDEE and activity question - maintaining and under-eating?

Hi everyone. I’m so sorry to ask a TDEE question. I tried reading other answers but they don’t fit my scenario, and I need an outside opinion.

The actual question: I am 31, 5’ 9 and roughly 157 pounds. I am looking to maintain a massive weight loss (160+ pounds) and my current body fat is between 10-12%, though it’s hard to tell with loose skin.

I have a sedentary job that I do for 4 hours 2-3 times a week. The rest is generally on my feet, mostly opera performance - similar I’d say to serving exertion. I walk 10k at least a day, lift 3 times a week, and row or run 4-5 (45 minutes or more) days a week.

I currently have my setting at lightly active and giving myself 2200 calories, but was experiencing a lot of under-eating symptoms. I’m afraid to eat more if it’s just me being emotional, I have a fear of gaining weight back...

Is lightly active an accurate setting?

My history: I lost 160 pounds with food basically alone, though I started running this summer which helped. I’ve never been at this weight in my life, so I actually don’t really know how to take care of myself now...

I’m afraid of gaining weight back, so the idea of eating more scares me, especially because I’m eating far more than when I was losing already (mostly 1600 cals per day), yet having horrible symptoms...

Thank you all in advance for your advice!

submitted by /u/will2btenor
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

3 Ingredient Black Bean Soup with Cotija Cheese

I have a super easy and healthy recipe for Black Bean Soup with Real California Cotija Cheese to share today! It’s only 3 ingredients and really good! And to celebrate Hispanic Heritage month I’m sharing some information on my favorite Mexican cheese – Cotija.

3 ingredient black bean soup recipe and cotija cheese (534x800)

Cotija cheese is my favorite because it is salty and has a strong flavor without being pungent or overwhelming the other flavors of a dish. I love to eat it rolled up in a warm corn tortilla. So simple and delicious!

easy black bean soup with California cotija cheese recipe 1

I’m Mexican-American so I’m super familiar with this crumbly cheese used as a topping for tacos or soup. And it’s very common in Mexican restaurants. But in case you haven’t used it at home… here’s some information on the taste, where it’s from and how to use it:

Cotija Cheese 101 how to cook with it and (534x800) (2)

It is usually sold in small rounds in the cheese section of your local grocery store. Make sure to look for the Real California Milk seal when you buy it!

For more information check out the Real California Milk – Cheese Types chart and click on Hispanic Cheese at the top. It has a description of several different types of cheese and how they’re best used.

Real California Milk logo new Oct 18


Okay – now let’s make some black bean soup!

easy black bean soup with California cotija cheese 2 recipe


This recipe is so simple it almost seems too easy, too good to be true… but it’s delicious!

The secret is to use a really good salsa. I love a medium salsa with roasted peppers or something with a lot of garlic. And after combining all the ingredients, taste and add more salsa or season with salt & pepper as needed.

3 ingredient black bean soup recipe with cotija cheese (1) (534x800)

Black Bean Soup Recipe with Cotija Cheese


2 cans black beans (not drained)

2 cups salsa (roasted garlic works great)

1/2 cup Real California cotija cheese

optional: cilantro, avocado, tortilla chips

Directions: Combine beans and salsa in a sauce pot and heat thoroughly. Stir.

Serve topped with crumbled cotija cheese.

Optional – add avocado, cilantro and tortilla chips (or your favorite toppings).



easy black bean soup with California cotija cheese 7


Look for the Real California Milk seal when you’re shopping for your favorite cheese. The seal means it’s made with Real California Milk – 99% of the dairy farms here are family owned.

Question: Have you used Cotija Cheese at home?

It’s one of my favorites – so yeah!


This post is in partnership with Real California Milk. All opinions are my own.

The post 3 Ingredient Black Bean Soup with Cotija Cheese appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

NSV: I just ran my first marathon!

I started running regularly in March 2017, about 10 months into my weight loss journey. Up to that point, I had already lost about 75 pounds, mostly through changing my diet and partly by going to the gym regularly (stationary bikes ftw). But I was always afraid of running, in part because it puts a lot of stress on your joints (especially if you're carrying excess weight), but mostly because I was afraid of being judged or sneered at while running around the streets of my city.

I did my first 5K that March after using the Couch to 5K app (cannot recommend highly enough for first-time runners!) That first spring/summer, I did maybe 5 or 6 more 5K/10K races, and began training for my first half marathon, which I ran in October 2017. Since then, I've done two more half marathons (March and September of 2018) and last week I ran my first-ever full marathon!

I'm not here to dispute the science, which clearly shows that dieting is far more important for statistical weight loss than exercise. But I will say, finding a regular exercise routine that challenges you and allows you to measure your progress is just as important to the psychology behind weight loss as what you eat. During weeks when the scale wasn't moving at all, I could still see my mile times slowly tick down as I ran more and more. That little added metric helped keep me motivated. Plus, yes, as exercise goes, running is one of the best ways to burn calories! Nothing like being able to honestly justify an extra slice of pizza or a few scoops of ice cream after a 10-mile training run.

tl;dr: I started running about 18 months ago to compliment my weight loss journey, and last weekend I ran my first full marathon!

submitted by /u/adamallabout
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Running Challenge–Run Bet and Pile on the Miles Announcement Podcast


Pile on the Miles Challenge 2018[3]

Today I’m sharing the BIG NEW challenge we’re doing for Pile on the Miles this year here (click link on your smart phone – not computer)

Plus I have updates on running, eating and life! This might be a quick one…!

Running Challenge November Pile on the Miles

Pile on the Miles starts Nov 5th!!
NEW – This year we’re using the Run Bet app to track all the miles!!

Join here (click link on your smart phone – not computer)

– Stay accountable.
– Get motivated!
– Make friends.
– Pile on the miles – not pounds in November!!

Pile on the Miles 2018 Run Bet Challenge (800x800)

We’ll have a private FB group too! I’ll be available to answer your running & eating questions.
I’m here to coach, support and help keep you going!

How to Join the Pile on the Miles Challenge:
1. Download the Run Bet App.
2. Sign up for the Pile on the Miles Challenge.
Challenge yourself to run at least 4x a week / 30 minutes.
Nov 5 – Dec 2.
3. Run!
4. WIN and get your money back.
Stick with it and get your money back plus split any extra in the pot!!
(So it’s free because you’re going to stick with it – right!)
AND – the app tracks everyone’s mileage so if you want a lil friendly competition you can try to go for the most miles!!
* BONUS: I’ll be giving out prizes for the most miles!! *

Sign up here: (link only works on your phone)



Pile on the Miles Run Bet page

Run Bet Questions and Answers:

1. Can I use my Garmin Connect info on the treadmill? The treadmill I have is a little off with distance and pace.

RunBet:  For any treadmill photos, we do require the treadmill readout and the sweaty selfie.  They can try to use Garmin Connect on the treadmill, but we don’t recommend it as the GPS doesn’t always work indoors. And I’d hate to see someone try to use GarminConnect only to find out it didn’t track properly.

2. Can I walk on the treadmill for 30 min or has to be on the run?? 

RunBet: The player must meet the 18:00/mile pace requirement for this game.  The intention is to get people running and not point out that they can walk and still make the pace requirement.

3. Can I do the run in 2 parts to total 30 minutes for the day? Example – I run a 5K that day but finish in less than 30 minutes… Can I do a separate run to total 30 minutes for the day? 

RunBet: As per the Rules, “All runs must be tracked in one continuous session from start to finish.” So we do require the run to be done and completed in one session.

4. Can I do more than 1 run in a day? If I won’t have time to run 4 days… could I do 2 runs on 1 day? [Monica added – I’m assuming they’d chop it to start separate runs and NOT do 1 –  run for 60 minutes… but run 30 and start a new workout on their app?? ]

RunBet: Unfortunately, only one run a day can count towards the four runs/week requirement.

5. Can I do it from Canada? 

RunBet:  Anyone, anywhere can join and play.

6. Does Run Keeper count to track runs?

RunBet: Yes, RunKeeper and Strava will both work. 

7. I tried logging in using Facebook and got an error message… help?

RunBet: Please refer any person having problems with logging in to  Our staff will be able to assist them, reset passwords, or do anything else they need to get logged in.

Link to join:


Hyland’s Boston Marathon Team Applications Open Now

And another Big Announcement…

I’m going to be the host of a video series by Hyland’s following the journey of their runners to the Boston Marathon finish line!!

They’re recruiting right now for Healers… doctors, nurses, therapists, physical therapists, etc.

bts Boston Marathon video series

Hylands Boston Marathon team recruiting next race

Watch the first video announcing the team here – Hyland’s Powered Boston Marathon FB

Apply at >>>


I ran the Lexus Lace Up Ventura Half Marathon last weekend! I woke up at 3:30am to drag myself from south Orange County to Ventura. But it was a fun, fast course! And there were waffles.

Race Recap coming soon.


Lexus Lace Up Palos Verdes is next!

Use discount code RER10 to save!

Lexus Lace Up Half Marathon irvine results discount (800x800)

Check the Race Discounts Page for more.



I’m finally going to move. That’s all I know.

But I’ve been getting a lot of questions about it on Instagram.

Follow @RunEatRepeat as I figure it out…

we get to run fitness podcast

Got a question for me?

Email – or leave it in the question box on instagram!

podcast question info (800x800)


Make sure you’re subscribed to the show so you don’t miss an episode! And tell someone about it!

Tag @RunEatRepeat on instagram and let me know what you’re doing while you listen!

Have a great run!



The post Running Challenge–Run Bet and Pile on the Miles Announcement Podcast appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat