Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Hello Onederland!

I am a long time lurker and first time poster. I've never commented on anyone else's weight loss stories but I have up voted many. Anyway, in January I realized I am starting to get close to 40 years old. I have been overweight my entire life. I know my parents (who are also overweight) have had all sorts of problems. Knee replacements, diabetes, heart issues, etc. I also know that I want to avoid as much of that as I can. I have a wife and a daughter who need me to be around and healthy as long as possible. I decided it was time to get in shape and loose weight while I am still in my 30's.

I really don't know what my ultimate end weight goal is. I do have a lot of muscle mass and don't think I will ever hit ideal BMI. I set what I felt was a very obtainable goal to hit 199 by Christmas of this year.

I started doing CICO and intermittent fasting in January. I really just started skipping breakfast because I realized I was almost never hungry in the morning and was just eating out of habit. I have an elliptical and started doing that for 35 minutes 5 days a week at a moderate jog. I have now lost ~76 pounds and when I weighed myself this morning the scale said 199!! A full 2 months before my goal date! I haven't been this light since middle school. I still have a ways to go still for sure. I think I am setting 180 as my new target.

I don't think I am alone in this but when I look in the mirror I don't see a ton of differences in my appearence. I think my biggest issue is that I never saw myself as big as I got. My self image was always smaller. So it's been frustrating at times that I don't think there's much of a change. Then I go and look at pictures (like the progress pic I posted below) and the difference absolutely blows my mind.

Here are some changes I've noticed:

  • Down from almost 3x to a large (probably getting close to medium) shirt size
  • Down 2 pants sizes
  • almost on a second new belt
  • starting to get cold a lot easier
  • starting to notice sagging skin (I was hoping it wouldn't be too bad but I think it will)
  • my resting heart rate is usually around 60 BPM (I think this is mostly due to the jogging)
  • my wife says I don't snore anymore
  • I can't sit on hard surfaces anymore because my butt hurts!
  • I can see the outline of the bottom of my rib cage

Anyway enough rambling. Thank you to all of you out there who posted your inspirational stories that helped me see what is possible!

Progress pics for those who are interested

submitted by /u/FunkMstr74
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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