Saturday, October 27, 2018

Lost 115lbs since April (this year) 475 to 360lbs, still going. Struggling to keep up this same weight loss rate.

Late March this year my boss pulled me in the back of our store and said he was fed up with me. I came into work, did nothing and expected a check for it. He sent me home after telling me he'd let me go if things didn't change. I had constant back pain, was perpetually hungover from alcoholism, and generally had a very negative attitude. At the time I had just bought an expensive sportscar that I now realize I couldn't afford and was a very stupid decision overall.

That very night, while binge drinking (business as usual, 6 nights a week for about 2.5 years) I stood on a scale for whatever reason, ashamed to find out I was nearly five hundred pounds. 4000~5000 calories a day between fast food, alcohol and melting cheese onto whatever gelatinous pile of edible mush that I could. Fast forward to this day and I'm doing 1000 to 1800 calories per day (<- *mostly, keep reading). I also started walking and doing laps in my pool on my days off. Dieting is particularly difficult for me because I am allergic to most fruits, all nuts and most sea food, so the vast majority of the Keto diet was and still is out of the question. Surprisingly, the very basis of this diet I've developed for myself has been generally pastas, beef, chicken and potatoes. I've got more energy than I have since my childhood and my back now can sustain ten hours of moderate work effort with minimal pains. I'm still struggling with alcoholism to this day. At least once a week (usually twice) I binge drink until I pass out, and i almost always guilt myself into tears the following day whilst miserably hungover. The withdrawals are difficult sometimes. Obviously those days exceed 3000 calories, as your standard ounce of flavorless vodka is around 70 calories, plus whatever mixer (often mixing vodka with wine coolers), and at my heaviest I would drink a liter in 5 or 6 hours. To this day I have no other vent..

Regardless, I've made it this far and it's already been life changing. At 475lbs, I couldn't fit in my friend's cars. I had to exclusively buy clothes at Casual Male XL. I was a 6LT-X and now I fit in a 3XL-T, 62~64 inch waist and now i'm a 46~48. I can almost buy clothes anywhere now, and I can nearly fit into the clothes I wore in highschool. My boss is thrilled overall and I have become all-around one of the best employees. It goes without saying I've been horribly overweight my entire life. I just want to look in the mirror and not be disgusted for once in my life.

TLDR; lost lot of weight, still very fat, need diet advice but allergic to fish/nuts/fruit, struggling with booze addiction, willing to try pretty much anything.

Progress pictures so far:

submitted by /u/j4ckn1fe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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