Saturday, October 27, 2018

30 Day Accountability Challenge - November Sign Ups

Welcome everyone to another edition of the 30 Day Accountability Challenge. I’m Joisan and I’ll be your host for the month. The wonderful MountainLioness is going to be focusing on NaNoWriMo so she asked for someone else to take over the duties of writing the nightly posts for the challenge. For those of you who might be new to the challenge, how it works is you set goals for yourself and do your best to meet them over the course of November. These can be goals for things you want to do every day, a certain number of times per week, or a goal you want to reach by the end of the month. You can set as many or as few goals as you’d like, and they don’t have to necessarily be fitness or weight loss focused either.

Every evening I’ll make a new post for everyone to check in on how their goals went that day and anything else about their day they feel like sharing. If you miss a day, or several, no pressure; just check in when you can. Remember that this challenge is supposed to be about accountability so I encourage everyone to check in regardless of how you’re doing with your goals. Everyone here is super kind and supportive and we want to hear it all… the good, the bad, and the ugly. Remember that this community is ultimately what you all make of it so talk to each other, cheer each other’s successes and support each other when people are struggling.

I’ll kick us off by introducing myself for those who don’t know me and my goals for the month. I’m Joisan, 29 years old, originally from California now living in Colorado with my husband and looking for a job after graduating with my Master’s last summer. My goals for the month are the following:

1, to weigh under 135 by the end of the month. I’m at 139 right now so I think that’s achievable as long as I’m consistent.

2, to meet my fitbit goal of 15,000 steps per day. I want to have a 30 day streak going by the end of the month! That’s probably going to be the hardest one for me, but also the most valuable I think encouraging me to get off my butt and out of my apartment.

And finally, because for those of us in the USA it’s the month of Thanksgiving I would like to name at least one thing in my life that I am grateful for each day.

Now let’s hear from all of you! What are your goals for November?

submitted by /u/Joisan08
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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