Wednesday, October 31, 2018

30 Day Accountability Challenge - October wrap up!

Happy Halloween everyone! It is also the last day of this fabulous month. I hope you have conquered & taken joy in October! I'm taking a hostess break for November but I will be around & cheering y'all on! The lovely Joisan08 is hosting, here's the sign up post -

Goal wrap up -

Stupid extra toothpaste: I did mediocre here. I will keep this goal until it is the final step in my stupid oral hygiene routine.

Weight by end of the month < 300: Started the month at: 310.4, 311 trend weight. This morning: 294.4, 297.6 trend weight. Delta: 16 lbs, 13.4 trend weight.

I call this a mother fucking victory.

Stay within calorie goal of 1650: My net calories were in goal/lower than goal. I took an extra maintenance day. I tried to let myself have extra calories when it felt like my body not my brain wanted it. Brain versus body hungry is still sometimes tough to discern. But the rate of loss told me I was okay to have a little more when I felt my body needed it.

Exercise 5 days a week & really get a sweat on: 22/31 for the month. I pushed myself for more intensity when I work out & I think it really paid off as far as results. I still have a lot of fat but damn if I'm not feeling muscle tone under it. Plus my butt changed shape.

Improve my relationship with food & my body: It can be tough to roll with all the punches when you wake up in a different body damn near every day because of weight loss shenanigans. I think being mindful & appreciative of those changes is important. I was much more pleased with my body this month than last.

Journal once a week, uninterrupted 60 minutes about stuff that matters (in addition to other journaling I already do): 4/4 weeks down. Keeps me closer to sane.

Self-care treat once a week: 4/4 weeks down. I'm getting pretty okay at taking care of my self.

Let's hear about everyone's month long journey, shall we? And tell us if you're dressed up! :)

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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