Sunday, October 28, 2018

If I can do it, So can YOU!!!

Let’s start by saying that my wife told me to share this to maybe help/encourage somebody else!

Basics: 27M SW: 279 CW: 199 GW: don’t know cause I never thought I’d make it this far!

Pics if you want them:

I’ve been overweight for most of my life. I was a fairly thin child, but somewhere around 8 or 9 I started porking out. By the time I turned 13 I was 5ft 10in and weight in at 245 when they convinced me to play high school football. That was the least I ever weighed, until this year.

In January I entered a resolutions weight loss contest on another subreddit. Things kind of got out of hand and I lost 50#in 3 months. Honestly thought it would stop there when I upped my calories. But, I kept working out and kept losing weight, until here I am in onederland!

I didn’t do anything special. CICO. Simple. In the beginning I still ate crap, just less of it. Now I eat a ton of veg and cleaner protein. I still like my candy and popcorn, I just eat smaller portions. Sometimes I don’t know how I got here where I’m still in the process of replacing clothes (working it as needed by season lol!)

If you’re just starting out, take it slow and don’t be too hard on yourself. Life is a marathon. It’s a bunch of small decisions that get us to who we want to be. Don’t give up because you slipped up once! Today’s mistake is tomorrow’s challenge! You got this!

Also thanks to this subreddit for being here for me to lurk and take encouragement from! Y’all are great!!!

submitted by /u/chefliven
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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