Sunday, October 28, 2018

On My Way (400lbs in August, Target weight 220)

I've always been a big guy. I was husky starting in 5th grade when a bit of depression hit me after we moved to a new town and school. I'm 6'3" and have been since High School, but Junior Year I was up to 260lbs and decided to join the Navy.

For the next year I dieted and exercised daily and got down to about 230 which was just enough to "tape" my BMI to get into bootcamp after graduation.

I graduated bootcamp in the best shape of my entire life, 6'3" and 218lbs... and the Navy still told me I was fat. I was a damned Beanpole!

For my entire 8 years in the Navy I was told I was fat, I had to "tape" every PRT test (twice a year) because I could never get down to the 215ish they wanted me to be, and even at 220 I got comments about my uniform fitting too tightly. It's no wonder I have a complex and never FELT as healthy as I was!

I broke my leg that last year in the Navy, and was in a cast for 6 months. I gained a lot of weight, and could no longer run after losing the cast. They ended up having to do a titanium rod from knee to ankle to fix me. I was medically separated because I could no longer meet physical fitness standards.

I knew I was unhealthy after I got out, but it wasn't until earlier this year that I stepped onto a scale randomly and it basically screamed at me.


As stated, I'm a big guy. at 6'3" and big boned, 400lbs looks more like 280 on a smaller guy. I'm super lucky in how good I look for how large I am. It was easy to miss how big I'd gotten until the scale screamed at me!

Now... between losing weight to join the Navy, and gaining/losing weight to make "tape" twice a year. I know a LOT about nutrition, calorie counting, exercise, etc. I have lost more weight than most people I know weight total, several times over.

I'm back on the wagon. I've been calorie counting since August and am down to 380 from 400lbs. My journey has begun, I just need to stick to it.

I'm trying to hit the gym to do weight training twice a week but I don't "belong" to a gym at the moment so its been super sporadic. The biggest thing for weight loss that 100% always works for me, is Calories In - Calories Out. As long as I take in less than I burn I lose weight. Sometimes I lose 2 lbs a week, and sometimes I lose .5 lbs a week, but I keep losing. I try not to step on the scale more than once a week to keep from being discouraged.

I looked up what my sedentary calorie count was for current and target weight to set up my goals.

400 lbs to start = 3300 calories to maintain (Sedentary) 220 lbs to finish = 2400 to maintain (Sedentary)

I have found it pretty easy to keep my calories to about 1500 most days so I will lose weight faster. I still cheat on weekends but it all balances out at the end of the week. Keeping track in an app helps IMMENSELY and I cannot recommend it enough. DO NOT trust yourself to remember everything you ate and keep a running total. LOG THAT SH*T!!! It will keep you honest AND let you decide its okay to have a brownie!

I'm "massively obese" according to medical science™ so I have no problem with losing a lot of weight really fast as long as I stay healthy. If I actually maintained 1500 calories a day I'd be looking at a goal date of about this time next year to be my new goal weight. I expect it more like New Years 2020.

Long Long road ahead of me, but I'm sticking to it. I have "before" pictures already, I just need to save them so I can look back and share my success story with you!

submitted by /u/JustRuss79
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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