Monday, October 29, 2018

Halfway to my goal weight!

As of this morning I've lost 37.5 lbs, which is half way to my goal weight of 160. Discovering this subreddit has truly changed my life, if it weren't for r/loseit I would still be yo yo dieting.

Here's some backstory:

When I was in first grade I started eating a lot of food, it started as just going back for seconds at breakfast, so my parents assumed I was in a growth spurt. Since then I was always a bit pudgy, not obese, but just overweight. I remember every year at my yearly physical the doctor would show me a bmi chart showing my weight as above average. I tried losing weight as young as 12, but always failed.

I really put on the weight when I was 16 and got my summer job. I would eat breakfast, have some sort of sugary drink, go to work, drink at least 2 large sized cups of free soda from the soda fountain, and eat at work, not to mention snacks. I put on roughly 20lbs that summer. About a year later I stepped on the scale and saw that my weight was 235, so I tried the keto diet and lots 15 lbs. I got tired of keto and went back to my old eating habits, gaining all of the weight back.

Last January I discovered r/loseit and decided to give CICO a try. The first month I had trouble sticking to my daily calorie goals and only lost a few pounds, but it was better than what I had been doing so I stayed with it. It wasn't until I started intermittent fasting that I really started losing weight, it just made it so much easier to be satisfied on such low calories. Now, after fighting for every pound, I'm halfway to my goal! I'm more motivated than ever and am going to start working out, as well as not having so many cheat days. Weight loss isn't hard, you just have to stick with it and you'll see results.

Recommendations for a beginner:

  • MyFitnessPal
  • r/loseit
  • Obese to beast on YouTube
  • Listen to your body, if you feel you aren't eating enough it's ok to raise your calories as long as you remain in a deficit.
  • Never give up, even though I've lost 37 lbs I still don't see that much of a difference in my appearance, it takes a while but it will be well worth it.
submitted by /u/Squaggles_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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